Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 646 The protagonist as the antidote

"Is this your back-up plan?"

Wang Linchi looked at the zombie crystal core in his hand. It was a crystal of merit. Under the squeeze of karma, it was forced to become a solid crystal. If the surviving humans swallowed this crystal of merit, it would become the source of their own transcendence. , and use this to strengthen yourself.

The so-called mutated zombies are essentially humans with more merit, so the crystals formed are of good quality.

Subsequently, as the karma squeeze became more severe, the crystals became larger and larger, and the quality became better and better.

In essence, it is a whole process from intangible to tangible.

"This move really caught me off guard, but it was still a little bit worse."

In addition to the zombie crystal core and complete evolutionary system, Wang Linchi has also been paying attention to Meng Wuji, and he also learned about the opponent's abilities immediately.

At first glance it seems unremarkable.

But after he became a level 1 evolver, his ability changed from being resistant to zombie viruses to being immune to level 1 zombie viruses.

This means that as long as he can continue to stay ahead and evolve himself to the top, he can become the antidote. At that time, as long as the world is injected with the antidote, the karmic zombie disaster will be eliminated.

"It's a pity that you're still a little bit behind." Wang Linchi was also a little disappointed with this. It was true that he was caught off guard, but it didn't mean that he didn't have a solution.

"If zombies can't reproduce and their numbers are limited, you can actually succeed for up to ten years."

"But you just want to go to extra trouble."

In fact, karma zombies also have limits. They are not those perpetual motion zombies. If they do not continue to absorb karma, the zombies will begin to weaken due to insufficient karma in up to five years. After eight years, they will basically to perish.

It's just a puddle of stagnant water. Unless you have karma from the external circulation as living water, you basically won't survive for long.

As for Meng Wuji's antidote, it takes too long. The world itself only considers its own survival crisis and does not realize the time problem.

The main reason is also very simple. It is because this world has only developed merit in the merit system. Not only has there been no development of karma, but also in order to avoid affecting its own interests, it has made corresponding cuts, resulting in karma. There are not many corresponding studies on force systems.

Wang Linchi doesn't care about this. Anyway, he has obtained the entire merit system. Coupled with the karma system, he has now begun to build his own protagonist system.

Coupled with the history books of the years, coupled with their own Three Realms and civilizations, the protagonists soon began to become pillars and tried to use their karma.

It's still just a prototype.

In fact, he already had the thoughts of his last transcendence.

Since you have a history of years, why not make your achievements infinite through the special structure of merit and karma.

As for how to achieve it, it is very simple, it is substitution.

Wang Linchi doesn't care who the source is, if he finds out the source and beats it to death, and then lets his own merit and karma become the source, if his own merit and karma are not consistent with the original, that's another matter.

His behavior is equivalent to the Yellow Turban Army being the main force of rebellion in the world, the chain of the heavens at Yuelai Inn, etc.

And if he succeeded, he would be the source of merit and karma. He wanted to occupy the cause and effect, but found that someone seemed to be there, and in the end he couldn't settle for the next best thing.

Of course, becoming the source is just a stepping stone to transcendence and infinity. It does not mean that he will be limited to merit and karma. It’s just that these two are the top stepping stones. There are many stepping stones going down. Now he has become Become a member of the system.

In essence, the merit and karma he formed are completely different from the original merit and karma. At most, they just have the same name.

However, it is only a trial run at present, and it is still in the exploratory stage. He has only found the entire system from this world, and the system only has merit and no karma, and he needs to fill it in later.

For example, to find three other worlds?

However, this is still very difficult. When the world is cut, the effect is very clean, and Wang Linchi cannot find it even if he wants to look for it.

It's just that the other party has Zhang Liang's plan, and Wang Linchi has a wall and ladder, so he can just force the other party.

The method of coercion is not difficult, just kill the protagonist Meng Wuji.

Because of his actions, the entire world fell into an extremely weak state. Although Meng Wuji had the potential to save the world, this was only potential and had not yet been realized.

As the saying goes, a dead genius is not a genius. Although Wang Linchi sneered at this, he did not deny that this sentence was indeed useful. If such a genius died young, the world would be bleeding.

It even wiped out the opponent's last glimmer of hope.

Then, the opponent has only two choices, either to fight with Wang Linchi, or to let foreign aid fight with Wang Linchi.

If you don't resist, you will die.

With Wang Linchi's understanding of the world, he would definitely not swallow his anger and wait for death. Even if he was killed by disaster, Wang Linchi would not have an easy life.

Of course, the premise is that there is absolutely no hope, otherwise, it will definitely not be forgotten.

"But how to kill him well." Wang Linchi touched his chin. His idea was actually relatively simple. How to kill him so that the world could find foreign aid to fight with him instead of fighting with him himself.

The presence of foreign aid means the intervention of other worlds, so Wang Linchi can directly change worlds without having to use the world coordinates of reincarnation in the history books.

The world in this area is not very likely to be an apocalyptic world.

With the caution of this world, if it were to be a doomsday type of world, they would definitely not let the other party get close...right?

Wang Linchi suddenly thought of something. The behavioral logic of this world is more like that of a businessman. Maybe he prefers a doomsday type of world. He can sell the protagonist to save the world. After all, this will make more money.

Thinking of this, Wang Linchi felt a little numb. He should not be so unlucky.

But thinking about it again, it didn't matter. The main reason was that Wang Linchi wanted to bring more people into the game.

"You can only use the protagonist to kill, and then leave a ray of life in the world, making him feel that he can still be saved, rather than not."

"It's best to understand with the other party what it means to live better than to die." A lot of thoughts came to Wang Linchi's mind.

It's easy to say, but the hard part is how to do it.

"Let me think about it, who should I let do this?"

When I was thinking about how to execute it, I also started to choose to execute it.

It's okay for him to go, it doesn't matter now, there is no need to be secretive, after all, the world has become so weak.

"Then I'll go by myself. Anyway, I have nothing to do. I just want to communicate with Meng Wuji. After all, I am the last protagonist."

"It's a pity that the opponent missed the Great Luck Competition. Otherwise, if he had started saving the world as the winner of the Great Luck Competition, the success rate would have been higher."

But he doesn't care about the other party's success rate. When he meets Wang Linchi, it will be 100% zero. If everyone is dead, how can the other party beat him?

"As for how to force the world, then both sides will lose?"

This is all Wang Linchi can think of.

Otherwise, how can the world see the chance of winning?

Only when the opponent can see the chance of winning and has a probability of being able to protect themselves after luring the wolf into the house will they choose foreign aid.

Of course, this is not very safe. The safest way is to die together. When Meng Wuji dies, the world must also know that Wang Linchi, the culprit, has also died.

In this way, the world is saved, but there is no spare power to deal with such a mess.

In order to prevent oneself from getting sick and dying, the world will provide foreign aid instead of waiting to die.

Don’t worry about what you can’t imagine in this world. This world itself is a special world with very strong action capabilities. Otherwise, how could there be so many protagonists here?

"Then let's die again. It's not the first time anyway." Wang Linchi was relatively indifferent. To him, death was as close as a glance. He even knew what the whole process after death was like.

"It's just that this is a good way to die."

"My impression of this world should be that of an invader, not a world."

"So the best way is to jump out and die with the other party."

"Still use the identity of Wang Linchi. There is no need to change it. It just so happened that the data was there when he was trying to trick Zaifu, which can be used as evidence."

As for how to attract Meng Wuji's hatred, it is also very simple, that is to reveal that the other party is a reborn person.

It was true that Meng Wuji was a fake reborn, but he didn't know it himself. He only thought that he was truly reborn. As long as the big secret of rebirth was exposed, the other party would definitely fight Wang Linchi until death.

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