Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 647 I’m not good at interrupting people to show off.

"Level 3 evolver." Meng Wuji felt that his ability had changed from being immune to level 2 zombie viruses to being immune to level 3 zombie viruses.

The initial ability to resist the virus is indeed useless, but once it becomes immune, it becomes very useful.

When it comes to exploring abilities, you can’t just look at the surface.

This ability not only means that he can ignore all zombie infections at level 3, but also means that his blood and flesh have the ability to kill zombies.

As long as the current level 0 and level 1 zombies come into contact with his blood and other corresponding body tissues, all the viruses will be destroyed on the spot and transformed into a pool of foul-smelling thick water. He can even emit It emits an aura similar to that of a natural enemy, allowing these two levels of zombies to flee instinctively.

It's true that zombies have no sense, but they have instincts, otherwise how would they kill and eat, so this ability means that as long as he stands there, level 0 and level 1 zombies will avoid him.

Although level 2 zombies cannot achieve the high efficiency of level 0 and level 1, they will still be severely damaged due to contact with their body tissues, and their breath effects will also be reduced. They will not run away, but they will not dare to get close.

When facing level 3 zombies, the effect naturally drops again. After all, they are already at the same level. Your own blood and flesh can no longer injure the zombies. At most, it can only suppress and weaken the opponent's strength, and the aura deterrent ability becomes Fear means that if you don't mess with the other person, the other person won't come to mess with you.

As abilities improve, these two effects will become more powerful.

And he guessed that in the future, immunity to zombie viruses should be used as the basis to continuously derive various new powers.

I had never heard of the reason in his previous life, but Meng Wuji guessed that the reason for this change was related to the fact that he had been taking mutant zombie crystal cores.

That's right, he took a total of 111 mutated zombie crystal cores, and then gained such a powerful power. If it were replaced with ordinary crystal cores, it might not be possible to qualitatively transform it.

This is actually not a difficult task for him. The foresight and foresight in his previous life coupled with the advantage of being far ahead gave him enough power.

"I just didn't expect that it would take a thousand zombie crystal cores to break through to level 4 evolution."

After feeling the power in his body and the number of crystal nuclei required, Meng Wuji's face didn't look very good.

A thousand mutated zombie crystal cores are not difficult to find, but a thousand level 3 mutated zombie crystal cores are not a simple matter.

At this stage, it is not easy to find ten level 3 mutated zombies, let alone a thousand.

Even if we search over and over again in this city, whether we can find one is always a problem.

"I remember that the first level 3 mutated zombie in this city was probably born a month later."

Today is only the seventh day since the zombie crisis began, and he has already gained powerful power that he never had in his previous life.

Logically speaking, he should start cleaning up all kinds of zombies. After all, if he kills one, he will lose one, and he can also kill future horrors in advance.

But when he thought about it, he might also suffer losses if he did so.

You must know that what he needs is enough zombies of the same level.

As a level 3 evolver, he needs level 3 zombies and mutated zombies.

The zombies are indeed evolving very quickly, but no matter how fast they are, there is still a process, and they are not cheating like him.

He became a 3rd Evolver by using one level 0 mutated zombie, ten level 1 mutated zombies and one hundred level 2 mutated zombies. This was how he succeeded.

It's equivalent to him devouring so many zombies before he has such strength.

If he were a zombie, he could only make progress down-to-earth, which was far different from his predatory style.

It's not that there is no solution. If a zombie eats enough humans, it can also speed up its evolution.

But wanting to use this method to spawn a thousand level 3 zombies is simply fanciful.

The first is that it is impossible for him to do such a thing, and the second is that there are not so many humans to feed the zombies as nutrients.

"It seems that we can only take it slow for a while, just in time to return to the base and reorganize the base."

These days, Meng Wuji has been looking for mutant zombies all day long, killing them to obtain mutant zombie crystals, which he can use as materials for his own improvement.

"If it's not there in two days, we can only use low-level mutant zombie crystal nuclei. If possible, use more."

It’s not that zombie crystal cores that are lower than his own level cannot be used, but the effect after use is not ideal. If he takes level 2 mutated zombie crystal cores now, the effect will increase his progress by up to one ten thousandth, compared with level 1 and level 0. It's even lower.

It is equivalent to him needing 10,000 level 2 mutant zombie crystal cores. There are indeed 10,000 level 2 zombies in the entire city. After all, the city has a population of nearly one million.

However, ten thousand level 2 mutated zombies are simply impossible. After all, the evolution of zombies is essentially similar to the pyramid level. The further down, the greater the number.

As for why there is a difference in evolutionary speed between zombies, Meng Wuji is not very clear about this.

In his previous life, he was just a physical evolver who couldn't even reach level 1. In this life, he relied on foresight to achieve his current strength.

It does not mean that in the previous life, there was only foresight and foresight, as well as corresponding survival levels and sufficient combat capabilities. Otherwise, there was only foresight and foresight, but the brain was good but the hands were not.

He chose the low-level mutant zombie crystal core, not intending to really rely on the low-level crystal core to break through, but to accumulate and use it first.

It's not that you can evolve instantly after taking the number of crystal cores, but that you can enhance your own strength after taking it, and accumulate it bit by bit until you achieve a breakthrough.

Similar to quantitative changes causing qualitative changes.

For him to remain stagnant is not what he wants at all.

Therefore, the recent goal has changed to farming and killing zombies at the same time.

Gradually change from the original fighting rhythm to a farming battle mode.

There was no need to dodge on the way back. The zombies at levels 0, 1, and 2 instinctively sensed Meng Wuji's aura and fled, avoided, and remained indifferent.

So the road is naturally smooth.

"Please... please help me!" A slightly weak voice came from afar.

If Meng Wuji hadn't been a level 3 evolver, he might not have been able to hear the other party's cry for help.

I looked back and saw a woman asking for help in a community not far away.

He didn't want to save her at first, after all, the cause of death in his previous life was still vivid in his mind, but he found that the woman looked a bit familiar.

Memories rolled through his mind, and he quickly recognized who this person was.

This woman was his first love on campus. Later, due to force majeure, he eventually drifted away. He hid his feelings in his heart, but he did not expect that now, he would recall her again.

The other party's plea for help made him feel distressed and made his originally cold heart become hot again.

What? Were you killed in a previous life? It doesn't matter, it's not his first love Bai Yueguang who did it. He also found a reason for himself.

That means you need to be alone to relieve fatigue. After all, if you stay alone for a long time, you will have mental problems.

‘But you can’t give the other party a good look! ’ Although he was happy in his heart, Meng Wuji still showed a cold face.

Just lick, but don't lick hard, you have to lick coldly.

He turned around and walked toward the other party, acting like a king along the way. All the zombies around him fled or made a way out.

In this scene, in Meng Wuji's eyes, he looked extremely cool.

But in the eyes of Wang Linchi, who was far away, he always felt that there was something wrong with his brain again.

The other party suddenly changed from a cold doomsday rebirth to this look. Wang Linchi did not intervene, but if he thought about it more carefully, it was reasonable and reasonable. Not to mention the characteristics of the protagonist who will inevitably meet beautiful women after rebirth. The population problem alone requires The reborn protagonist goes to solve it.

Otherwise, if there is no population, then all the zombies will be wiped out, and there will be no one to carry out the protagonist trade.

Therefore, it is not only necessary to solve the future problems, but also to deal with the population problem.

There was no need to worry about close relatives. Wang Linchi saw that after Meng Wuji became an evolver, his own genes had been optimized.

Thinking about it makes me a little bit stupid and crazy.

But the protagonist is also very normal. He opens a harem in the apocalypse and the survivors he meets are all clean, tidy, beautiful and generous. It is a routine operation, and Wang Linchi will not feel any surprise.

As for the logical problems inside, they will be ignored directly.

The main focus is to follow the five senses.

"We have to delay again. I thought we could talk directly." Wang Linchi is not the kind of person who likes to interrupt the other party's pretense. If there is anything, he can wait until the other party has finished his pretense before proceeding.

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