Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 649 Winner, a new way to die

On the third day, a large number of zombie corpses piled up outside Meng Wuji's base.

Reality is not a game. There are so many corpses piled up, and the smell of decay is extremely strong.

God Meng Wuji didn't care too much at this time, and hurriedly swallowed the last level 3 mutant zombie crystal core, only feeling that the power in his body broke through his own limitations.

That was the level of a fourth-level evolver. All the cells in his body were cheering crazily, and the original fatigue was swept away by him at this moment.

The ability to be immune to the level 4 zombie virus burst out, and all the zombies were shocked at this moment. The zombies of levels 0, 1, and 2 scurried away, while the level 3 zombies were unable to resist this aura. After hesitating for a moment, , turned around and fled.

In this so-called game, he still underestimated the power of the zombie tide.

In the previous life, there was no such thing as a zombie tide. If the zombies that were already at an advantage really attacked like a tide, no one would be able to withstand it.

He was able to survive thanks to his ability to be immune to zombie viruses. With this intensity of fighting, the viruses in his body accumulated, and even viruses from low-level zombies could pose a corresponding threat to him.

"I have won, come out." Meng Wuji shouted towards the battlefield full of corpses.

Wang Linchi walked out slowly and looked Meng Wuji up and down. The man didn't realize what his problem was yet.

At this time, Meng Wuji's skin turned pale, and blood could no longer flow from various wounds on his body.

At first glance, it seems that it is blood coagulation, but in fact it is not the case, but a virus formed by a large amount of karma accumulated in the opponent's body, which is the so-called zombie virus.

Although the opponent is immune, there is an upper limit to this immunity ability. What's more, he was fighting level 3 mutated zombies of the same level before, so the opponent's ability has no time to clean up.

Meng Wuji is now half a zombie. If he hadn't broken through to level 4 evolution in time, otherwise, he would have turned into a complete zombie in ten minutes at most.

I can’t tell whether it’s luck or strength, but it has become a fact.

"Well, you win." Wang Linchi said slowly: "Next, do you want to know the truth about rebirth first, or do you want me to die first?"

"The truth about rebirth." Meng Wuji said without hesitation. If he dies first, this person is already dead. Can he be resurrected?

"The truth about rebirth is that you are not reborn at all, you just gain memories of the future. Don't ask me where the memories of the future come from. That's another question." Wang Linchi brought him a matryoshka doll.

But this is true, Meng Wuji is indeed not reborn.

This made Meng Wuji's expression very exciting, and he said nonsense to you.

The so-called truth Wang Linchi said had no effect. In essence, it did not involve anything fundamental at all. It just told him that there was no rebirth.

However, after hearing the news, Meng Wuji also breathed a sigh of relief, at least it did not have a great impact on him.

"Then it's time for you to fulfill your promise." Meng Wuji spoke again.

He actually didn't have much confidence in asking Wang Linchi to commit suicide. After all, how could he have confidence in letting such a mysterious being die on a promise that had no binding power?

"No problem, it's just death. I agreed." Wang Linchi's answer was still cheerful, but his voice changed: "But there are a lot of zombie viruses in my body. Once I die, a lot of zombie viruses will overflow. Do you think about it?" How to deal with it?"

As soon as these words came out, Meng Wuji instantly confirmed Wang Linchi's identity: "You are actually a zombie? This is impossible!"

"How is this impossible? Otherwise, where do you think the zombie virus comes from? There must be a source." Wang Linchi said jokingly.

Meng Wuji was not surprised that Wang Linchi once again revealed that he was the source of zombies. He guessed that the other party must know many secrets.

Even including himself, who could predict the future or be reborn, fortunately, he had never thought about digging into the secrets that the other party knew. The best way was to let the other party die and let him disappear with these secrets.

"I understand, so I ask you to fulfill your promise." Meng Wuji took a deep breath, ignoring the massive rancid smell on the battlefield that hit his forehead.

"You're really stubborn, but that's your advantage. You're not greedy and cautious." Wang Linchi praised him. He was a different kind of protagonist. Now he might be planning to dig out the secrets from Wang Linchi for his own use.

Regardless of whether Meng Wuji's previous life was predicting the future or being reborn, it does not affect his experience and the reshaping of his personality and thinking logic.

"Thank you for the compliment, so are you going to fulfill your agreement?" Meng Wuji wished that Wang Linchi would die quickly. He didn't want to know the secrets, he just wanted to live quietly.

"I will die immediately."

"I'm about to die. Why don't you even tell me your last words? You're too small a person." Wang Linchi cursed.

Meng Wuji directly ignored Wang Linchi's words. As long as Wang Linchi died, the rest would be insignificant.

"Hey, tell me, ten minutes is enough?" Seeing that Wang Linchi still didn't take action, Meng Wuji could only retreat to the next best thing, mainly because he really couldn't beat the opponent.

Even though he is a level 4 evolver at this time, according to his judgment, this is indeed the case.

"That's enough, that's enough. Let me tell you, the cause of this incident must be the fight between our president and the prime minister. I was just a little Karami at that time. By the way, do you know about genetic enhancement fluid? Then This thing was developed by me.”


Wang Linchi changed a lot of things and perfectly packaged himself as the victim. All the blame was thrown on these two people, and he even took the blame for the Dragon City competition for luck.

Meng Wuji listened, but he didn't fully believe it. To him, Wang Linchi's thinking was very strange, giving him a feeling of madness.

"In that case, why did you come to target me?" Meng Wuji asked curiously. Although he didn't completely believe it, he was also speaking from Wang Linchi's perspective.

"Of course I'm looking for death. Oh, ten minutes are up."

"Then let's talk about it when we have time in the next life." Wang Linchi suddenly changed the subject, and before Meng Wuji could react, he wiped his neck directly.

Everyone in Meng Wuji was dumbfounded when they saw this scene. What was going on.

You really said you would die, I thought you would continue to delay.

Subsequently, a large number of black particles spread out from Wang Linchi's 'corpse'. These black particles quickly dissipated into nothingness when they came into contact with the air.

This made Meng Wuji quickly evacuate.

However, these black particles did not disappear after turning invisible, but slowly floated towards Meng Wuji.

Then it disappeared and merged into his body, and the other party didn't feel anything at all.

After the black particles completely dissipated, Meng Wuji went over to inspect Wang Linchi's 'body'.

"It seems that he is indeed dead. The other party's last feeling of madness should be that he went crazy." Meng Wuji looked at the corpse and turned into a skeleton without flesh and blood organs, and the skeleton was also pitch black. Under his The sight collapsed into a piece of powder.

These powders have also begun to become transparent. Look at this appearance. It will take at most three minutes before they are completely annihilated.

Therefore, Meng Wuji did not leave, but watched quietly. He was worried that Wang Linchi had tricked him, and what if he came back to life again?

The main reason is that the other party is too mysterious. He doesn't know anything about the other party. Even if he said something before, he has no impression at all.

After all, the things Wang Linchi said were all played by high-level officials in the Xing Kingdom. He was at the bottom and had no access to these things, so he couldn't effectively tell the truth from the false.

It was already dark, and although the entire skeleton was annihilated in three minutes, leaving nothing behind for Wang Linchi, due to his vigilance, he did not leave in the end.

When it got dark, he burned the position of Wang Linchi's body several times with firewood, buried it, and even sealed it with concrete to ensure that even if Wang Linchi wanted to defraud, After the extremely difficult way to end the corpse city, he returned to the base.

As for the many zombie corpses outside the base, there was no rush. He had to take a good rest. After fighting hard for three days, he couldn't bear it even if he was tough.

The physical fatigue has indeed disappeared, but the mental fatigue has always existed. He was so tense before that he didn't feel anything. Now that he is relaxed, the fatigue is a bit unbearable for Meng Wuji.

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