Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 650 The living dead, the protagonist who is facing the world

It took Meng Wuji nearly a month to clean up all the zombie corpses around the base. Fortunately, as a level 4 evolver, he is already the most invincible existence...probably.

He suspected that Wang Linchi had created the level 3 mutated zombies that Wang Linchi had driven over before. After all, he was the source of the zombies, so it was not surprising that he had this ability.

But until now, he still hasn't figured out what Wang Linchi wants to do.

But as time went by, he didn't care about these things. It's just that after that battle, his own body also had many problems. For example, he seemed to be turning into a zombie?

The injury has recovered, but the skin color is still as pale as a zombie, and the two eyeballs are no longer black and white, as if they were soaked in blood, turning into blood red.

And there have been many changes in emotions, such as weak desire. Before, he had undesirable thoughts about his first love, Bai Yueguang, but since that battle, his undesirable thoughts have changed a bit.

In the past, I thought the fragrance was psychological, but now I think the fragrance was gustatory. Sometimes he even wanted to bite off the other person's neck and taste the other person's blood, but he restrained himself.

It was precisely because of these reasons that he realized that he was becoming a zombie.

But theoretically speaking, it is impossible for him to be in this situation. With his ability, he is enough to be immune to level 4 zombie viruses, and he can resist even level 5 zombie viruses.

However, there was no sign at all, he just changed.

Therefore, he suspected that the virus level of Wang Linchi, the source of zombies, was too high and his ability could not completely resist it.

But this involves another problem. If Wang Linchi's virus level was the highest, how could his ability have allowed him to sustain it for a month? The changes that have occurred are actually not very big, because as a human being Consciousness is still there.

Another month later, he began to go out hunting zombies to improve his abilities.

However, he discovered that when he swallowed the mutant zombie's crystal core, he could actually inherit part of the mutant zombie's abilities, causing changes in himself.

Now, he already possesses some of the characteristics of a mutated zombie.

The reason why mutant zombies can be easily distinguished from ordinary zombies is because ordinary zombies have always looked like humans, but mutant zombies are different and will mutate into various characteristics due to their own abilities.

For example, some mutated zombies with six arms may have abilities such as great strength and strength. If the head is large and the body is degraded, then it may have abilities such as mental shock and telekinesis.

It's not that these characteristics change only if you have these abilities, but if you want these abilities, you must have these characteristics, otherwise you can't carry them.

At the beginning, Meng Wuji actually didn't know that he had this ability, because when he first started taking it, the ability and mutant characteristics would not be produced immediately, but would only grow slowly. When he discovered it, , it was already too late, so the hunting could only be suspended.

However, this was not a good thing, because he found that he not only acquired mutant characteristics and abilities, but also made his zombie transformation more serious.

It wasn't until the third month that he discovered a shocking thing, that is, he had eaten his first love, Bai Yueguang, in his sleep. When he woke up in the morning, he only found out by looking at the surveillance camera.

He ate not with the mouth on his face, but with the mouth on his back that occupied most of his back.

In the surveillance, he only saw the big mouth behind him stretching out its long barbed tongue to sweep the person away, then closing the mouth, making the sound of chewing with sharp teeth, and finally it ended with just such a swallowing action. I don't know where it went.

Meng Wuji thought he would go crazy or feel fear, regret or other emotions, but he was very calm, as if he was watching himself eating a bun.

"I became a conscious zombie?" Meng Wuji said softly.

Now he seemed to understand Wang Linchi somewhat, why the other party was so strange. If it were him, perhaps in order to maintain his human self, he would be so crazy, and finally find the destination of death.

No, he may be a little worse than Wang Linchi. The other party is the source of zombies. He seems to be infected with the zombie virus from the other party, but he is not Wang Linchi after all, so the effect obtained is completely inconsistent with the other party's.

As a result, one's own problems are different from those of the other party.

While his self-awareness is still very clear and he can still control his emotions, he starts to think about the next steps.

There are only two roads before him now.

The first one is to stop hunting zombies, stop getting stronger, and then spend the rest of his life living in the base without seeing anyone, living day by day until he dies.

The end of this road can be seen, and life should be very peaceful, without anyone disturbing him.

At least in the short term, there will be no level 4 zombies or level 4 evolvers.

There are also risks, that is because my current appearance is more like a zombie, so I must not let anyone discover it, otherwise it will inevitably lead to disaster.

The other one is very simple. Hunt zombies, no matter what level they are, whether they are ordinary zombies or mutant zombies. As long as you dig out their crystal cores and devour them, they will continue to become stronger. Even if you become inhuman in the end, you can still survive. Survive and become the master of the entire world.

It's just that this process may be accompanied by unpredictable things such as loss of emotion and loss of self.

After being silent for a long time, the scarlet color in his eyes became more and more intense.

"Now that we have embarked on this road, let's go to the dark side." Meng Wuji knew that he had no way out.

Only then did he understand one thing, why Wang Linchi said that he could predict the future rather than be reborn.

Because this means that he is someone's chess piece, because this memory is false. It was implanted in his mind by the other party, making him think that he was reborn.

After reorganizing the memory, I also found that there were many problems in the memory, but it didn't matter. After Wang Linchi's death, he was freed from the control of the being behind the scenes.

"He should be the same, but he couldn't escape control, so he had to come to help me in the end."

At this time, Meng Wuji was completely sure that Wang Linchi was dead.

"In that case, as for the base..." Meng Wuji looked at his base, showing a touch of reluctance.

Compared to his first love Bai Yueguang, of course the base is more important to him.

When he takes this path, he must abandon the base. He can't take the entire base away...

"No, it seems that it can indeed be taken away?" Meng Wuji realized that he still has space capabilities. If everything goes well, it is not impossible to uproot the entire base.

For him, it was all worth it, even if he died, he had to take it away.

This is all his hard work.

As for my first love, Bai Yueguang, I also carry it with me. Although the way of carrying it is a bit strange, it is integrated into one.

"It's done." Wang Linchi watched Meng Wuji take away the entire survival base. He knew that Meng Wuji, who had chosen this path, was no longer the protagonist, but had become a zombie, that is, the karma side. people.

Naturally, there is his interference in this. Otherwise, under the watchful eyes of the world, why would a protagonist surrender to the enemy on his own?

If there is no strong enough external force to interfere with the destiny of the other party, then you have intercepted the other party's opportunity, and the other party will follow its original trajectory. Instead of changing due to your interference, it will be an intervenor with insufficient strength. For example, those who intercept opportunities will be ostracized, punished, etc. accordingly.

"Next, let's see how the world responds." Wang Linchi had already given the world despair and at the same time given the other party a hope.

Meng Wuji is not dead yet, but he is no different from being dead. He has become a zombie, which means he is a living dead.

According to Wang Linchi's judgment, it is very likely that the world will turn to other worlds for help, especially when Meng Wuji is gradually losing control and gradually heading towards confrontation, and there is no Wang Linchi as the mastermind behind the scenes.

He is 'dead', this is certified.

There is no need to worry that he will be found. When the world was at its peak, Wang Linchi could not be found, let alone now that the world is on the verge of death with only one breath left to hang on.

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