Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 657: Using authority to practice during the Qi training period

In Qianchuan Realm, Wang Linchi came back soon. He just went to get the initial equipment.

"Go back to Huangquan Sect?" Wang Linchi was thinking about this question now.

One advantage of going back is that you can directly occupy the magpie's nest. After occupying the Huangquan Sect, you don't have to start from the most basic forces to spread your own system.

But there are also many disadvantages to going back, that is, he will easily get angry and upset, and then he will directly use force to plot against everyone.

The main reason is that the atmosphere of Huangquan Sect is there, everyone from top to bottom is driven by greed.

"If you don't go back, why would you usurp the throne and choose a rubbish sect? Wouldn't it be better for me to switch to a righteous sect. Whether it is the employment environment or the atmosphere of the disciples, it is a hundred times better than this Huangquan sect." When Wang Linchi thought of this, he cursed.

But thinking about it again, the Zhengdao Sect is also a big pit, especially for a real villain like him, there are constraints everywhere.

The righteousness and rules of the Righteous Sect are indeed very powerful. Otherwise, how can we ensure the morality of our disciples?

There is a connection between a disciple's morality and his inner demons.

There is no such thing as inner demons in the demonic path. However, once they become obsessed, they are likely to die suddenly. If the righteous path is full of inner demons, at best, their strength will regress or stop moving forward. Once the inner demons are eliminated, they can even reach the sky in one step. possible.

"It's better to create one yourself."

Wang Linchi felt that it would be better to use the kindness of others, but he always felt that his heart was not here.

It is impossible to teach disciples. Wang Linchi's main specialty is deception. His method has been successfully produced and divided into two volumes.

One volume is called "The Chapter of Merit and Morality", a side-door technique that is independent of the good and evil. It is for his own game character to practice.

The other volume is also a side sect of exercises, called "The Way of Exhausting Evil and Filling Up the Good". This is a set of exercises that I will give to my future slaves to practice.

The effect is a combination of the classics of good and evil, and mixed with merit and karma. However, only merit is shown in the method, and karma does not appear.

He is a person who likes to report good news rather than bad news.

"The Qi training period in this world is still a little behind."

The normal Qi refining period is to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, enter the body and turn it into magic power. The lifespan can reach a hundred years, the Dantian is in the form of Qi, and the application of spiritual energy techniques has been initially mastered.

But in Wang Linchi's eyes, this group of immortal cultivators did not explore in depth.

It seems that due to various monopolies, squeezes, etc. in the world of immortality, as well as inheritance from the upper realm, etc., many immortality cultivators have many problems with their innovative abilities.

For example, spells, magic weapons, elixirs, and talismans can be introduced into new ones. However, when it comes to exercises, most of them use old methods or inheritance from the upper world. It is rare to hear of someone going their own way, and even if they do. , in fact the upper limit is not very good either.

Wang Linchi also discovered the reason after in-depth research, that is, they have insufficient knowledge of the entire world and themselves.

It stands to reason that one already possesses spiritual consciousness during the foundation building period, and already has the preliminary conditions for exploration of one's own body structure and understanding of the world.

However, their main use for spiritual consciousness is fighting skills.

But Wang Linchi can also understand, after all, the atmosphere in the entire Qianchuan world is that the strong are respected.

But Wang Linchi was different. Through many classics, he formed a new understanding of the world and the system of cultivating immortals.

So he formed a new system of cultivating immortals as a starting point.

"Preliminarily open the permissions and use intelligent controllable particles, that is, spiritual energy, to transform the body and environment to a certain extent."

Wang Linchi modularized it and carried out in-depth transformation.

The Qi training period directly opens the authority of heaven and earth. In theory, it can also be done in other Qi training periods, as long as you have enough understanding of yourself and the world, and master the magic power to mobilize intelligent controllable particles, that is, spiritual energy particles.

The manifestation of spiritual energy is particles, and they have corresponding intelligence. For example, some cultivators will generate spiritual energy whirlpools after their enlightenment, allowing a large amount of spiritual energy to flow in.

This in itself is the intelligent logical operation of the aura particles, which detects the resonance of heaven and earth, and then provides subsidies to the enlightened ones to prevent them from malnutrition.

As for the spiritual energy vortex generated by the cultivator himself, this is impossible.

The first is the limitation of one's own qualifications. Everyone's qualifications are different, and the speed at which the spiritual energy particles are used to transform oneself is also different. This also affects the intake efficiency. Originally, the efficiency is only 1. Even if one has an epiphany and his body cooperates, it will not Conditions for large-scale spiritual energy extraction may be formed.

Only the cooperation of spiritual energy particles can form a spiritual energy vortex, thereby achieving a leaping improvement after enlightenment.

"There are only two basic abilities in the Qi training period, calling and transforming. The transformation of the environment is spells, and the transformation of oneself is the cultivation strength."

Wang Linchi completed the module transformation during the Qi training period in the first moment.

"Everything is based on the mobilization rate taken by the authority of heaven and earth, and this mobilization rate, after successful activation, the initial rate is only 100%."

"But if you have merit..."

As Wang Linchi spoke, he used his magic to call upon the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. In just a moment, the huge spiritual energy began to riot and turned into a terrifying hurricane. Then with another movement, flames burned out of thin air in the hurricane and turned into a whirlwind of flames. You can see Extremely terrifying.

"Then the mobilization rate will increase exponentially, and only a little bit of insignificant mana will be needed to arouse a power that far exceeds one's own realm level."

His ability to create a hurricane of flames that swept hundreds of miles essentially only used the magic power of the second level of Qi training. It was equivalent to using the power of his current identity instead of his own power. The power caused by it was probably Only the peak of foundation building can be released.

However, the mana he used was only the amount of mana required by a Blood Soul Technique.

"The plasticity of spiritual energy particles is very high, and the conversion rate is almost lossless."

Spells are a very magical program that can reshape and transform aura particles. Generally speaking, normal cultivators first transform the aura particles into a mana state, and finally inherit the plasticity and high conversion rate of the aura particles. The corresponding program to form the mana state is released.

As a result, there will inevitably be corresponding losses in the process, resulting in a decrease in the power of the spell.

This does not mean that the power of law is useless. This requires the assistance of the program of exercises.

Spells are about transforming the environment, while Kung Fu is about transforming and enhancing the self. However, using wild aura particles will inevitably carry corresponding bacteria and viruses, so they need to be transformed and disinfected through Kung Fu, and then transformed into ones more suitable for the human body. Only after reaching the mana state can you strengthen yourself.

It is precisely because of the inertia of thinking in the technique, and the fact that mana is easier to control, that leads to the fact that mana is used to release spells, instead of mobilizing spiritual energy particles through mana like Wang Linchi.

Only during the tribulation period when one has initially mastered the laws of heaven and earth can one be able to use magic power to mobilize spiritual energy particles, which is the so-called use of the power of heaven and earth to initially possess the prototype of immortal magic.

It is said that immortal magic is a magic that contains rules and the power of heaven and earth. If there are more, Wang Linchi will not be clear about it. After all, the highest person in Qianchuan Realm has only passed through the tribulation period, and there is no concept of immortality.

"In my two volumes of exercises, the level of cultivation is not important. What is important is merit."

"As long as you have enough merit, even a trivial spell can be turned into a great magical power comparable to the Golden Elixir Nascent Soul through the use of spiritual energy particles."

Jindan Yuanying is indeed nothing here to Wang Linchi, but compared to the small spells during the Qi training period, it can still be released during the Qi training period. This price-performance ratio is very easy to use.

"It's just that merit... is a bit difficult to cultivate." Wang Linchi thought of this, so he couldn't become the mainstream.

In the zombie world, merit is so easy to earn, that’s because it’s the end of the world. Before it was changed, no merit would flow out at all.

Qianchuan Realm is a little better, at least occasionally sporadic merits will flow out as rewards, and corresponding cognition has been formed. In this regard, it is indeed much more generous than before the zombie apocalypse, and it has some channels. exist.

"So we need artificial merit to offset it."

If it is man-made, Wang Linchi is actually sure that it is karma. Through the alienation of karma, it is transformed into the corresponding calamity. As long as the calamity is successfully overcome, it is equivalent to resolving the karma, and merit will naturally be born.

It is just a man-made merit, although it is also a legitimate merit, but because of Wang Linchi's intervention, it contains the distortion of the indescribable evil god.

Yes, it is the pollution of Wang Linchi.

If there are too many, it will be equivalent to a group of monsters blending into the crowd, which will cause irreparable erosion to the entire Qianchuan Realm.

This is naturally Wang Linchi's purpose.

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