Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 658 Gong De Sect's

On a small hill, a small sect named Gongde Sect was opened.

It caused a sensation in the surrounding villages and towns. Many people went to take a look, but everyone came back disappointed.

In their eyes, this so-called Gongde Sect is most likely a liar. After all, this Immortal Sect is too downtrodden, and the leader of the Gongde Sect is very down-to-earth, completely different from the immortal masters they usually see.

So despite being disappointed, no one came.

Wang Linchi said that these are just a bunch of cheap guys, and they don’t know how to be good unless they are tortured.

However, this incident naturally alarmed the surrounding sects. The sect selected by Wang Linchi was located next to the orthodox sect called Yanhua Sect.

Therefore, the Yanhua Sect arranged for people to investigate the situation. After all, a small sect appeared out of thin air, and they must come and take a look.

If this were a demon sect, instead of arranging for people to investigate, they would come directly to destroy the sect.

"How dare you start a sect when you are only in the Qi training stage..." The great elder of the Yanhua Sect didn't know what to say for a moment. He was not the one who normally came to investigate. He was also an elder in the God Transformation stage after all. Only Wang Linchi was as good as Wang Linchi. A young immortal cultivator who is at the first level of Qi training will never get his turn.

It was indeed the second level of Qi training originally, but after Wang Linchi rebuilt it, he fell back to the first level. He didn't care, it was just a superficial level anyway.

However, the real reason why the great elder of Yanhua Sect came to visit in person was naturally because of Wang Linchi's merits. Although the golden wheel of success had not yet been condensed, the golden light of his merits was so bright that it almost blinded him. eyes.

With this merit in Wang Linchi's body, wherever he lives, there is a feng shui treasure land. It is too late to offer it, so naturally he cannot say that he wants to kill the other party.

Not to mention whether he can kill the opponent with his meritorious body protection, if he dares to take action, his head, Taishan Elder and others can kill him first.

"Are there any requirements for establishing a sect?" Wang Linchi also knew the other party's attitude, so it didn't matter.

"Then there must be no requirement." The Great Elder of Yanhua Sect thought about it, and it was indeed the case, but most of the immortal cultivators who established a sect must be at the Golden Core stage at least, otherwise you wouldn't even have inheritance.

Although the golden elixir stage is only the third realm of the immortal cultivation system, this realm has been stuck for countless immortal cultivators for a lifetime and finally died.

The Great Elder of the Yanhua Sect was actually quite curious as to what kind of inheritance Wang Linchi had, and how he dared to establish a sect during his Qi training period.

Of course, he was more curious about what Wang Linchi had done to enable him to have so many merits at this age and cultivation level.

You must know that it is extremely difficult to obtain merit. Even if you eliminate demons during the tribulation period, quell disasters, etc., the merit gained is only one or two, not even as good as one millionth of Wang Linchi's.

"If you don't give up, you can join our Yanhua Sect. Our Yanhua Sect will open a merit peak for you to preach to you." The great elder of the Yanhua Sect said.

His dignified elder came here in person, naturally to invite Wang Linchi to join the Yanhua Sect, otherwise what else could he do.

This kind of mascot, if brought back as an offering, can make the Yanhua Sect prosper in the future.

They don't expect Wang Linchi to fight in martial arts. They only expect Wang Linchi to be more diligent and have a higher cultivation level. The longer they live, the more they will earn.

"Too young." Wang Linchi shook his head, looked into the distance and said, "You simply don't understand the "Evil Uses Up the Good" established by my Gongde Sect. With this single book of exercises, no one in the world can compare to my merits. Zong."

When the Great Elder of Yanhua Sect heard this, he shook his head secretly. This man is a good person, but he likes to boast, but he also reminded: "You can just say this in private, don't go out to preach."

He didn't know what "the law of evil is complete and good is fulfilled", but he knew one thing, that is, the righteous sword sect and the three evil sects would not listen to this.

If word spreads, even if they are afraid of Wang Linchi's merit and protection, there are other ways to suppress him.

"Don't believe it?" Wang Linchi raised his eyebrows and said proudly.

"I know that your cultivation is extraordinary, but if you can take over my flame-burning technique, I will give you a chance to get started." Wang Linchi continued with a smile: "Originally, you need to have corresponding fate to enter my merit sect. Without this fate, no matter how talented you are, I won’t accept you.”

Hearing this, the great elder of Yanhua Sect also laughed. He had seen many people sitting in wells and looking at the sky, but this was the first time he saw someone like Wang Linchi.

"I'm already at the peak of the Divine Transformation stage. Why do you think I can't handle your flame-burning technique? Not to mention that my Yanhua Sect is not only good at swordsmanship, but also fire skills." The great elder of Yanhua Sect said.

"The stage of talent transformation? I thought it was the stage of transcending tribulation." Wang Linchi pretended to regret on his face, and then said: "Forget it, I'll just hold back to avoid hurting you."

"Huh?" The great elder of Yanhua Sect didn't expect that Wang Linchi would actually say that. This made him laugh angrily. It was the first time he saw such an arrogant person.

But it's okay, after giving Wang Linchi a lesson, he will know that the sky is high and the sky is high, and he will be able to join the Yanhua Sect more safely in the future.

As for the so-called burning flame technique, of course he knew that it was actually a small spell during the Qi training period. Even if it was practiced to Dzogchen, it would only be a fist-sized flame, which was essentially used to ignite fire.

"Okay, okay, then let's give it a try and see how powerful your flame-burning technique is and how it can hurt me." The great elder of Yanhua Sect said without hesitation.

"Then let's go out and do something, so as not to burn down my house." Wang Linchi said.

The great elder of the Yanhua Sect naturally followed Wang Linchi out, that is, because Wang Linchi had such strong merits, otherwise if it had been another cultivator in the Qi training period, he would have been killed long ago.

He was only in the Qi training stage, but he dared to be so disrespectful to an immortal cultivator like him who was in the stage of becoming a god.

Although the righteous path is much kinder than the demonic path, Qianchuan Realm is still essentially an ecological environment where the weak eat the strong and the strong are respected, so those who cultivate the righteous path are not a good thing.

The two left the house, and Wang Linchi kindly reminded him: "Don't you need some self-defense?"

"No, just come." The great elder of Yanhua Sect didn't care at all. He could stand and let the opponent attack for thousands of years without hurting himself with the small qi-training spells used by immortal cultivators in the qi-training stage.

On the contrary, you have to be more restrained, otherwise you can injure the other party if you are not careful.

"Okay, then I'll start." Wang Linchi reminded again.

The great elder of Yanhua Sect nodded to start your performance.

However, the next moment, his expression changed a little, because he noticed that something seemed to have changed in his aura.

"No, you are using the Flame Technique!!!"

Subsequently, countless raging flames emerged and turned into a terrifying sea of ​​fire. More importantly, the flames that formed the sea of ​​​​fire were not ordinary ordinary fires at all, but were made up of many mysterious fires. The flames he knew alone were There were tens of thousands of them, and there were many more that he had never seen or heard of.

The sea of ​​fire immediately enveloped him, making it impossible for him to break free from the prison.

"Yes, this is the Flame Burning Technique." Wang Linchi's voice came, but it was vague and uncertain.

The great elder of Yanhua Sect immediately used various magical powers to resist. However, in this sea of ​​​​fire, there was no resistance at all. It just collapsed as soon as it came into contact with the flames of the sea of ​​​​fire.

If he hadn't been in the God Transformation stage, he would have been burned to death by now.

At this time, the words Wang Linchi just said appeared in his mind. He was not arrogant, but really thinking about himself. If he had not stopped, he would have used the spell to deal with the tribulation period. Now there is no way There was no room left to speak.

"Wait, I give up, I give up!!!" The great elder of Yanhua Sect shouted quickly.

If it had been any later, he would have been seriously injured even if he hadn't died.

As soon as these words came out, the sea of ​​​​fire instantly turned into nothing. Seeing this scene, the great elder of Yanhua Sect was extremely horrified.

Where did this person come from? How could he master such a powerful ability in a period of Qi training? Could it be that the inheritance of Gongde Sect is really magical?

"I thought you were going to fight to the death for the sake of face." Wang Linchi joked.

However, the great elder of Yanhua Sect had a bitter look on his face: "Senior, don't pretend that you are in the tribulation period and pretend to be in the Qi training period, and you are deliberately teasing me."

"How is it possible? I am really in the Qi training period." After Wang Linchi finished speaking, he added: "I just practiced it again."

"How about it, do you want to practice meritorious deeds with me? This is much better than cultivating immortality."

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