Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 662: Give me face (merit and protection version)

"Damn it, this is just too much bullying. Our Yanhua Sect has already given in, so how dare they do this? Don't they even show any integrity?" Jia You coughed up a mouthful of blood. He had suffered a lot. hurt.

This time, there were more than a dozen sects, large and small, who came to besiege them, and their offensive was far beyond his imagination. He thought it was just a plundering battle, but he didn't expect it to be a sect-killing battle.

Moreover, in terms of public opinion, they also lost miserably, and were about to be labeled as a demonic sect.

The fight must not be a civil war between the righteous ones. It can only be that Yanhua Sect is a master of the devil. Otherwise, how can we maintain the face of the righteous path?

"Sorry, Master, the mountain gate formation has been broken, they have already entered!!!" A true disciple rushed in covered in blood.

Everyone else can surrender, but only the true disciples and his leader, even if they want to surrender, other sects will not accept it because the two sides are bound too deeply.

The inner and outer sects can still accept it, after all, it has not yet touched the core of the sect.

"Old Ghost Jia, long time no see."

Before the true disciple could enter the main hall, he was directly killed by a sword light.

"You..." Jia You looked at the visitor with hatred in his expression.

The next moment, several figures of immortal cultivators in the god-transformation stage appeared. These were the god-transformation cultivators from various sects who came to besiege Yanhua Sect.

In order to prevent their actions from being criticized, the first few large sects all had a cultivator of the Immortal Transformation Stage, but not the other small sects. These small sects were recruited by the large sects and were coerced.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Jia You looked at the immortal cultivators in the transformation stage. They were determined to destroy his Yanhua Sect, and he had no ability to resist.

The leading sects were the major sects who were in the training stage. They were on equal footing with them before, but now that the Yan Hua Sect has lost power, they are naturally overpowered.

"Except for the true disciples, we will also make arrangements for the remaining disciples. You can go with peace of mind." The leader, a cultivator in the transformation stage of the gods, said.

On the demonic side, disciples are resources, and on the righteous side, they are also resources, but in different ways.

Most of the disciples who can be selected into the sect have very good qualifications, which is equivalent to directly taking over high-quality resources.

They dare not ask for true disciples because most of them are high-level or high-level disciples.

The senior leaders of Yanhua Sect will definitely not be allowed to stay, unless there are special circumstances.

"Okay!" Jia You is at the end of his rope, and there is nothing he can do if he doesn't agree.

"Wait a minute, I didn't agree to this." Suddenly, a voice interrupted.

This made everyone frown, and everyone who looked at it smiled.

"It turns out to be Deng Chong, a disciple of the Gongde Sect. You don't stay in your Gongde Sect. You only have Qi training. Aren't you afraid of being affected by spells?" The leader of the Immortal Transformation Stage cultivator said in a strange tone.

"What are you doing here? You are not from my Yanhua Sect. Get out of here!" Jia You didn't expect that Deng Chong would come. He was here to die.

"The thing is like this. I am practicing in the Gongde Sect. Unfortunately, the disciples of the Guizong attacked our Gongde Sect out of nowhere, so I came to ask what happened." Deng Chong didn't care about Jia You's words at all. He naturally knew What Jia You meant was that he just wanted him to survive.

After all, how much ability can one have in one Qi training period?

But everyone ignored one thing. How could he pass through the frontal battlefield and reach the main hall of Yanhua Sect in just a period of Qi training?

It was easy for everyone to ignore this matter, after all, he was in the divine transformation stage before.

"You also want an explanation?" The other party couldn't help but smile jokingly.

"No?" Deng Chong asked with a smile.

"Yes, but you may not be able to bear this explanation." As he spoke, the leader of the Immortal Transformation Stage cultivators planned to give Deng Chong a blow and immediately release his own pressure.

"I can afford it, I have merit to protect myself." Deng Chong said, with little golden lights emitting from his body. These are all merits.

As soon as the golden light of merit appeared, the whole place fell silent, and everyone had different expressions.

Your Merit Sect is really meritorious.

"Yes, our Merit Sect really cultivates merit, not just for a nice name." Deng Chong said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, the individualized god-level immortal cultivators present could no longer speak.

"So give me some face. Since you won, go back. Take what you should take and put down what you shouldn't take."

"It won't break our hearts."

Seeing that the purpose of intimidation has been achieved, I opened my mouth and it would be better for everyone to retreat now.

"If you were still a cultivator of the Immortal Transformation Stage, I could give you face. However, you are only in the Qi Training Stage. I gave you face. I can't explain it to my ancestor when I go back." The leader of the Immortal Transformation Stage cultivator said calmly.

If he is the strongest person in his sect, he can indeed withdraw his troops at the cost of gold. Unfortunately, there is a sect supreme elder in the training stage above him. If he fails to complete this mission, he will be punished.

"And you are no longer the head of the Yanhua Sect, but a disciple of the Gongde Sect. Even if you protect yourself with merit, you will not be able to benefit the Yanhua Sect, but only the Gongde Sect."

"We have many ways to destroy the Yanhua Sect without hurting you." The other party meant to persuade Deng Chong to leave.

It's just that since Deng Chong came, he never thought about leaving like this. He had to solve the problem before leaving.

"Since we can't talk about it, let's see the real deal in hand." Deng Chong did not continue, but changed the topic: "You also know that Yanhua Sect also practices fire law in addition to swordsmanship."

"I'm also very good at fire spells, especially flame spells."

When Deng Chong said this, Jia You couldn't help but think of one thing, that is, when Deng Chong left, he said that he was almost sent away by Xia Houqing's flame-burning technique.

A group of immortal cultivators in the Transformation Stage have also noticed something is wrong. Can you still solve them with a small Qi Training Technique in the Qi Training Stage?

"If this method doesn't work, will you leave on your own?" someone asked.

"I only use one move. If you don't retreat, I will retreat." It is impossible for Deng Chong to follow the other party's words. He is here today just to protect the Yanhua Sect, the ancestor of their sect in the training stage. You have to go through two tricks every time you come.

"Please!" the leader of the Immortal Transformation Stage cultivators said immediately.

Although everyone felt something was wrong, they didn't think too much about it. It was just a Qi training period. Furthermore, they thought that this was Deng Chong using his own merits to repay the Yanhua Sect's kindness in upbringing and knowledge. It was quite It's enough for everyone to give each other a step down.

But when Deng Chong used the Burning Flame Technique, everyone understood one thing. The other party was not here to pass the steps at all, but really wanted to beat them to death.

The flames that filled the sky turned into a giant beast, and the high temperature that they could not resist continued to burn their bodies and mana.

"Damn it! What the hell is this!!!"

"Back off, get out of the flames quickly!"

"It can't be put out, this is not an ordinary fire."


The screams of the immortal cultivators in the transformation stage kept coming and going, and the spells and magic weapons on their bodies were completely vulnerable to the flame beast released by the Burning Flame Technique.

Jia You stared at this scene dumbly. He didn't expect that things would take a turn.

After a few breaths, a group of immortal cultivators in the transformation stage broke away from the range of the Burning Flame Technique. They were all in a mess and suffered a lot of injuries.

This is also the result of Deng Chong's mercy. Otherwise, if he had used his strongest power, they would have been reduced to ashes by now.

"Everyone, are you willing to retreat?"

"If you don't retreat, my junior brother Xia Houqing's flame-burning technique will be better than mine." Deng Chong said after he collected the spell.

"Your flame-burning technique is really extraordinary." The leader of the Immortal Transformation Stage cultivator said with a complex expression and fear: "Forget it, since you showed mercy, we will admit defeat."

The other party can destroy a group of them by themselves. Unless they can invite an elder from their own practice stage, they have no chance of winning.

Now that we have actually grabbed everything we should grab, it is not a loss to evacuate.

Everyone came and left quickly. The battle in Yanhua Sect also calmed down, but the battle was extremely fierce.

"Why, you can't recognize me now?" Deng Chong looked at Jia You, who was really at a loss. After all, the development of this matter was beyond everyone's expectation. He thought that the Yanhua Sect was destroyed. It’s settled, I never thought there would be such a turn of events.

"No, I just didn't expect that we would meet under such circumstances." Jia You responded.

"I told you that there is no future in cultivating immortals. Do you want to practice meritorious deeds with me?" Deng Chong invited again.

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