Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 663 Good things should be shared

After the battle of the Yanhua Sect, the reputation of the Gongde Sect quickly swept through many surrounding sects. Then the Yanhua Sect announced that it would be merged into the Gongde Sect and become a part of it. People from the outside looked at this situation as a bit strange. This was definitely the Gongde Sect. Annexing the Yanhua Sect instead of occupying the magpie's nest?

In the entire Gongde Sect, only the leader is not from the Yanhua Sect, and the rest are all original Yanhua Sect disciples, quite a bit like occupying a magpie's nest.

After successfully merging into the Gongde Sect, the Gongde Sect directly denied all the previous promises made by the Yanhua Sect, withheld all the benefits that were supposed to be ceded, and stated that it was the Yanhua Sect who promised you, they are the Gongde Sect, and the Yanhua Sect Huazong has no relationship.

If you dare to touch the things belonging to Gongde Sect, don’t blame Gongde Sect for turning against others.

Because of this incident, the Gongde Sect fought several times with many sects. Among them, some immortal cultivators in the cultivation stage even came in person. However, they were repelled by Deng Chong and Xia Houqing.

In the end, the Gongde Sect was too weird, so I gave up.

It is simply unbelievable that two immortal cultivators in two Qi training periods can actually exert such a powerful force by virtue of their merits.

Therefore, many sects no longer covet the interests of the original Yanhua Sect at this time, but instead focus on the inheritance of the Gongde Sect. They are bound to get such a magical inheritance, even by any means.

Then... Wang Linchi came back.

He has been farming monsters in the zombie world for more than a year, and now he is at the peak of the foundation building stage.

There is only one step left to successfully form the golden elixir. His foundation building is not a normal foundation building, but a foundation building based on the authority of heaven and earth.

Quickly build a thinking model through the mana state, implant a thinking chip, which is a foundation-building pill, expand the thinking module, and provide computing power for calling spiritual energy.

Having reached this point, it is equivalent to the immortal cultivators developing in the direction of humanoid high-power computers, especially the use of spiritual energy to provide computing power, which directly transfers the original cost outwards.

At this point, all kinds of spells are at your fingertips. You can remember them at a glance and master them as soon as you learn them. You don't have to worry about not being able to learn the spells or that your learning efficiency is slow, unless you are really absent-minded.

In addition, he killed all the zombies and completely condensed the golden wheel of merit, which meant that the value of the zombie world was completely squeezed out. If he goes back in two days, Wang Linchi plans to devour the zombie world.

As a result, when Wang Linchi came back, he found that his Gongde Sect had become the Yanhua Sect. Although on the surface it was his Gongde Sect that swallowed up the Yanhua Sect, in fact his power remained unchanged.

However, Deng Chong and Xia Houqing still had integrity. They did not teach the "Evil and Good" to the disciples of the Yanhua Sect. Instead, they allowed the disciples of the Yanhua Sect to still practice the original method. After all, they did not get Wang Linchi's advice. He agreed, but it was passed to Jia You, the former head of Yanhua Sect.

"In other words, the Gongde Sect has now been paid attention to by both the good and the evil, and a large number of spies and traitors have been mixed in, right?" Wang Linchi summarized the situation.

Xia Houqing looked a little embarrassed. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that something was wrong.

It is true that they occupy the magpie's nest.

"Yes, and..." Xia Houqing wanted to say something else.

But Wang Linchi interrupted immediately when he opened his mouth: "Also, how do you do things?"

"You've all joined our Merit Sect, why are you still practicing some messy stuff?"

These words made the three of them stunned. Is there something wrong somewhere?

After all, "The Perfection of Evil and the Perfection of Dharma" is the foundation of their merit sect. How can it be passed on just as it is said to be? If you co-authored it, you don't care about the secret work and the traitor at all, right?

As for Wang Linchi, he hopes that everyone will turn to practice meritorious deeds, and that every one of them will practice the "Dharma of Exhausting Evil and Fulfilling Goodness".

Every time one more person comes, Wang Linchi's "Chapter of Merit and Morality" will be able to gain an additional qualification. I really think he has good intentions.

"The Evil and the Good are Full of Dharma" is a descendant of the "Moral Chapter of Merit". Every cultivator will have to enter Wang Linchi's merit system settlement area due to pollution. How can he be manipulated by Wang Linchi then? It's not a matter of his words.

When the time comes, the entire world's extraordinary system will be linked to his merit system, and the huge erosion will make the entire world his meal.

It's just because the system formed by "The Law of Exhausting Evil and Fulfilling Goodness" is basically equivalent to knowing nothing about this group of immortal cultivators today.

However, immortal cultivators will not care about their own situation of knowing what is happening but not knowing why. As long as the technique is powerful, brings huge benefits and has no visible hidden dangers, it is completely possible to practice.

Otherwise, how many times could the technique have been iterated until now?

"But if you pass it on to everyone, wouldn't it mean that our sect's skills will be spread to others?" Deng Chong also said helplessly. You yourself said that there is a problem with the Gongde Sect. Why do you dare to spread it to others? This is because you are afraid that others will not be able to use it. To that or not.

The Qianchuan Realm naturally has a tradition of sweeping away and protecting its own people. The various techniques and spells of each family are very tightly hidden. They have all kinds of restrictions, oaths, etc., and through extraordinary means, they have effectively prevented their own families. The loss of inheritance.

Coupled with the strict exchange system, learning methods, etc., most sects will let their inheritance circulate within their own sect.

There is a very serious problem with this, that is, once it is lost or damaged, the inheritance is likely to be cut off.

"Yes, that's what I thought." Wang Linchi nodded, not caring at all.

"No, absolutely no, this is the way to establish the foundation of our sect." Xia Houqing objected immediately, and the remaining two people also agreed.

This incident really challenged their three views. How could anyone give away their inheritance, and it was such a powerful inheritance? How could they just give it away?

"Why not? The Dharma of "Exerting Evil and Filling Up Goodness" is about cultivating merit. You should know what this means, right?" Wang Linchi said with a smile.

The three of them failed to react.

"It means doing good deeds and accumulating virtue. If you want to practice this method of "Extending Evil and Filling Up the Good", you have to do good deeds and accumulate virtue." Wang Linchi continued.

At this time, the three people suddenly realized: "As expected of the leader, this is a conspiracy that no one can resist."

Wang Linchi wanted to say that this was either a conspiracy or a simple involution, which was the same principle as the sword manual to ward off evil.

He spread the "Dharma of "The Perfection of Evil" throughout the Qianchuan Realm. If you practice, you have to operate according to the merit settlement system honestly. But if you don't practice, once your enemy starts practicing, then when the other party has achieved great success, he will Will come and beat you to death.

Doing good and accumulating virtue does not mean that you cannot take revenge or target someone.

And if you want to take advantage of the opponent's dissipation of power, you're sorry. The other person's merit is protecting you, and it's you who will suffer the consequences.

As long as you finish the exercise, you can return to the level of Qi training to gain some merit, which can last up to twelve hours.

If it takes twelve days, we can indeed seize the opportunity. However, how can we not delay it for twelve hours?

"The Dharma of "Exhausting Evil and Filling Up the Good" is really too heaven-defying. During the Qi training period, you can use the power of heaven and earth to fight against each other, and the power can increase with the increase in the number of merits.

"Then do we need to conceal part of "The Law of Enemment of Evil and Goodness to Fulfill" to avoid..." Deng Chong asked again.

This can be regarded as a way to control disciples. Most of the exercises issued by sects to disciples are incomplete and need to be redeemed by themselves later. And redeeming the subsequent content requires not only sufficient contributions, but also corresponding Status, for example, requires the status of inner disciple, outer disciple, etc.

"No, just let them learn." Wang Linchi didn't care at all. No matter how fast this group of people practiced, they couldn't catch up with him. The golden wheel of merit behind him and the Taishan Seal filled with merit , Even if Qianchuan Realm is squeezed dry, it will not be able to squeeze out so much merit.

Once everyone has practiced "Evil and Good," it will become a pure numerical game, and unfortunately, Wang Linchi, who failed, has the highest numerical value.

What's more important is that this numerical game was developed by Wang Linchi. As a developer and operator, Wang Linchi is not afraid that others will surpass him at all, not to mention that the version they play is still an inferior version of Wang Linchi, which is incomplete. version of.

Every time you spend money, that is, when you gain merit, you are essentially handing a portion of the currency into Wang Linchi's hands. No matter how you calculate it, Wang Linchi will not lose money.

If he was really at a loss, why would he be spreading the Dharma "Eat Evil and Good"?

"This...is the leader." The three of them did not expect Wang Linchi to be so generous.

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