Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 664: One Hundred Years, the Rule of Daotian Alliance

Wang Linchi left the follow-up matters to these three people, and he returned to the zombie world again and began to devour the world.

Because the zombie world was tortured to the last breath by him, he had no ability to resist when he devoured the opponent.

Just let Wang Linchi chew it stupidly, and the whole process went very smoothly. However, no matter how smooth it was, it took Wang Linchi a hundred years of time.

After all, it is a huge world.

After devouring the world, Wang Linchi's own size also grew rapidly.

In his previous world, even though he was an adult, he was still malnourished and thin. After all, he had to feed too many things, so his own nutrition could not keep up.

As for not raising money, that's not okay. He can increase revenue, but he will never cut back on expenditure, because every expenditure is a way for him to become stronger.

It's true that he is a skinny type in this world, but that doesn't mean he is a thin dog. On the contrary, he is very good at fighting.

After devouring the zombie world, he obtained enough food to allow Wang Linchi, who was severely lacking in nutrition, to recover in an instant.

The whole person has finally entered the normal world body shape level.

The shortcomings are also obvious. His human skin, that is, the game character cannot store his large body, and the original effects of various indescribable pollution are getting stronger and stronger. If the skin of the game character is not strengthened, the pollution will leak out. more serious.

Of course, in the judgment of other life forms and worlds, this is pollution, but here in Wang Linchi, it is normal breathing. Anyone who is fine will feel that there is something wrong with his breathing.

It was impossible to restrain his breathing. He would definitely not die if he didn't breathe, but why did he have the right to breathe?

Anyway, it’s not you who is causing trouble.

"I don't know what the situation is like in Qianchuan Realm after a hundred years." Wang Linchi feels that not much has changed in a hundred years.

For the vast majority of immortal cultivators, a hundred years is actually not that long, and some of the lower-level ones are even still spinning around in the foundation-building period.

Wang Linchi went back soon. As soon as he came back, he found that the Gongde Sect had changed drastically again.

"Looking at this scale, it won't annex other sects again, right?" Wang Linchi was not surprised at all, but thought this was normal.

Just go back and see what's going on.

"Bold! Who dares to break into the main hall of the Daotian Alliance!"

Wang Linchi was stopped as soon as he arrived, with seriousness and pride in his voice.

After taking a closer look, he saw that he was a merit cultivator at the third level of Qi training. From this look, he was indeed on the right track.

If you go to the wrong place, you will meet an immortal cultivator.

"Isn't this the Gongde Sect? Why did it become the Daotian Alliance?" Wang Linchi asked curiously.

This person should be a disciple, and he is also a new disciple, so he doesn't recognize Wang Linchi.

In fact, he has also sensed it. The changes have been so great that even Deng Chong and the other three have no idea where they have gone. They seem to be dead?

Only when he got here did he realize something was wrong. Could it be that his Gongde Sect had been occupied by others again?

It shouldn't be, he remembered how he could lose with the methods of these three people, but when he looked again, he saw that the original disciples of Yanhua Sect were still there.

It’s just that all three tool man disciples died.

"The Gongde Sect? It was dismantled eighty years ago. Now there is only the Daotian Alliance. Who are you?" The disciple's expression softened slightly.

The main reason is that Wang Linchi doesn't look like he's looking for trouble, but more like he's looking for someone from the Gongde Sect.

"Ah? What's going on?" Wang Linchi was also confused, how could this be dismantled? After all, the Gongde Sect also has merit and protection... Oh, after he spread the "Evil and Good Dharma", everyone has merit and protection. If you lose your body, it means that everyone is gone.

"Go, go, if you want to know, go find out for yourself and don't bother me." The disciple said impatiently.

He was on duty, what if he was delayed?

Wang Linchi casually searched the soul and soon learned the cause and effect.

Probably because the power of the Gongde Sect began to expand after the spread of "The Dharma of Exhausting Evil and Fulling the Good", especially the Gongde Sect said that anyone who practices "The Dharma of Exhausting Evil and Fulling the Good" is a disciple of the Gongde Sect.

Even because "The Dharma of Complete Evil and Goodness" was leaked, the Gongde Sect immediately began to publish the contents, which naturally caused an uproar throughout the world.

After all, your proactive announcement and passive leakage are two completely different situations. The former is a challenge to everyone's bottom line, so naturally you start to suppress it.

However, the suppression had little effect at all, and in the end, it was almost destroyed by the Gongde Sect.

The main reason is naturally that the actions of the Gongde Sect attracted a large number of casual cultivators, and some people in the demonic path also abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side, which eventually turned the Gongde Sect into a behemoth.

But when there are more people, it becomes a mixed bag.

The merits produced by the merit system formed by Wang Linchi are not regular merits, but problematic merits. Even if you are a bad person, as long as you survive the disaster and start doing some good deeds, you will be able to obtain the corresponding merits without accounting. What do you really think?

This leads to a very serious problem, that is, they only settle merits and not karma.

When you do good things, it does not prevent you from continuing to do bad things. Therefore, after the expansion of Gongde Sect, a lot of internal problems appeared, such as intrigues, fights for power, etc. In the end, Deng Chong and the others were naturally killed, and Gongde Sect has been in the past hundred years. In several battles, a large number of sects were merged, and no matter they were from the righteous path or the demonic path, they all refused to come.

The final result turned into a deformed power monster. Now, everyone is thinking about how to exploit the loopholes in the merit system created by Wang Linchi.

Not to mention, many people have found loopholes in the past hundred years.

So when Wang Linchi came back from his business trip, not to mention his merit dropped from the first to the second list, he was directly pushed out of the ranking from the first. This is vicious competition, but he still has the most merit, but it is not counted.

"This is really weird..." Wang Linchi cursed and left. Regarding the fact that someone took advantage of his loophole, he did not block his account, but silently gave a thumbs up. This group of people is indeed a talent.

When it comes to exploiting loopholes to make a profit, you must clearly identify who pays the cost.

No matter how many loopholes this group of people exploit, all costs will be paid by Qianchuanjie itself, and all costs have nothing to do with Wang Linchi.

As a developer and operator, Wang Linchi's behavior is equivalent to dismantling the world and using it for krypton gold, so Wang Linchi will definitely not lose money. Anyway, the final direction of the capital flow is Wang Linchi, and he just stands there. Able to make money.

The first person on the list doesn't care. Anyway, he is the one who is on the list. Now it's running normally and each one is crazier than the other. Wang Linchi doesn't need to fight against the other party.

Anyway, they have to bear the price themselves, what does it have to do with Wang Linchi.

Compared with the original system of cultivating immortals, the merit system he created is simply an extraordinary system that makes every effort to make a profit.

According to Wang Linchi's observation, in just a hundred years, the entire world has been overdrawn. If it continues, it will inevitably lead to huge problems in the entire world.

Therefore, before Qianchuanjie's illness occurs, he must bring down Qingming Immortal Realm in advance, so that he can continue to harm Qingming Immortal Realm.

However, the problem now is that there are no immortal cultivators in the Tribulation Stage, and the cultivation strength of meritorious deeds. Even the person who got himself to the top of the list by exploiting loopholes and bugs is currently only in the integration stage, and is still one Mahayana away. Only in this period can one reach the stage of transcending tribulation.

As for the original cultivators in the tribulation period, they have all gone to practice meritorious deeds. The group of merit cultivators currently on the ranking list are actually the original cultivators in the tribulation period. Only the cultivators who were local bosses can Able to find loopholes and bugs in Wang Linchi's merit system and engage in cheating.

Otherwise, if you change to a low-level immortal cultivator, you don't have enough experience and experience, and you don't even have much ability. How can you succeed?

The cultivators who can become immortals in the Tribulation Stage are all talented people, and none of them are stupid at all. The premise is that they have not met the destiny protagonist and been reduced to intelligence, otherwise no matter how powerful they are, it will be useless.

"Next, we can't let the Daotian Alliance continue to be at war with each other. They have to make a concerted effort to develop a strategy against the Qingming Immortal Realm as soon as possible." Naturally, Wang Linchi didn't plan to do it himself, and let the Daotian Alliance and the Qingming Immortal Realm face off. That's the best way.

In recent years, due to many major repairs and re-cultivations of San Gong, the matter of transcending tribulations and ascending has gradually declined. Therefore, even the Qingming Immortal Realm has begun to gradually become uninterested. After all, it is something that no one can do. Who would have nothing to talk about this topic? It is better to think more about how to gain merit.

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