Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 665: The era of merit industry helps you become an immortal without any worries

"Excuse me, Linyuan Sanren once again launches the automatic wooden fish merit machine. You can get 1 point of merit with every tap!"

"It is said that Linyuan Sanren has launched the second merit reform. The merits are boundless and are invested in increasing production. They can provide 1 point of merit to the entire clan at the fastest rate per second."

"The latest meta-era concept has been launched, and virtual merits such as electronic burning of incense and electronic worship of heaven will soon be invested."

This era is an era of merit, especially after someone gave a push, in just a few decades, it directly entered the era of national cultivation.

The cultivators who originally cultivated magic power became the waste of the old era, while the cultivators of virtue who cultivated merit in the new era stepped onto the stage.

The reason for being eliminated is also very simple. First of all, it’s because “The Law of Evil and Goodness” is so bad that anyone can practice it as long as they can read. Secondly, there is no threshold.

What's more important is that there are no longer qualification requirements, resource requirements, etc.

Thinking about the resources consumed by a cultivator in the Tribulation Stage every day, it was enough to cover the expenses of a small sect for hundreds of years. Without enough resources, the cultivation level cannot be improved.

And even if you have enough resources, if you don't have enough qualifications and want to rely on resources to make a breakthrough, you won't be able to break through.

Virtue practitioners are different. As long as you survive tribulations and have enough merit, you don't have to worry about not being able to improve your strength.

The calamity of overcoming the calamity is related to one's own merit and strength. The higher the merit, the simpler the calamity. Of course, the higher the strength, the stronger the calamity.

But for those who cultivate virtue, merit is equal to strength, which leads to disasters that are basically the simplest.

Therefore, as long as they do not commit suicide themselves, basically no moral cultivator will die.

As for the calamity of getting started, it is usually very simple work such as sweeping the street and chopping firewood. This has led to the fact that the entire Qianchuan Realm is now full of cultivators of virtue.

Moreover, because of the accumulation required by cultivators of virtue, coupled with their own far more powerful spell-casting abilities than cultivators of immortality, the productivity of Qianchuan Realm exploded directly.

Originally, everyone was fighting for skills, so all the spells were focused on the skill trees related to attack, defense, etc. Later, merit became the mainstream. Everyone discovered that maintaining the ecology, rescuing animals and plants, etc. could also obtain merit, and even serve as After the calamity, the abstract comes.

Things like animal protection and plant protection have popped up, and it’s quite easy to earn merit.

This has led to various spells to increase production being pointed out, such as sow nursing techniques, which can prevent sows from having dystocia.

As the saying goes, the world is not benevolent and treats all things as suckers, so in theory, delivering a sow and taking care of her piglets is equivalent to doing good deeds.

Merits can also be obtained by rescuing and releasing animals. Although if you catch and release animals, your karma will increase, they only calculate the merits and not the karma.

Therefore, Wang Linchi created a series of strange merit-earning machines. As long as you purchase a technology patent from him, which is a magic program, everyone can become a nine-digit merit boss.

Not to mention the golden light of merit, even the golden body of merit can be brushed out over time.

It is true that Qianchuanjie does not have so much liquidity, but Qianchuanjie is able to go into debt and overdraft. Anyway, if you put it all together, even a newborn will be a cultivator of the golden elixir period.

As for the cultivators of the Tribulation Period, hundreds of them have been born, and they are currently executing a huge plan, which is the plan of Qianchuan Realm to attack Qingming Immortal Realm.

Everyone knows one thing, that is, the Qingming Immortal World must be the world of immortal cultivators, so if these cultivators in the Tribulation Stage ascend, they will definitely become aliens.

Therefore, under the deliberate guidance of Wang Linchi, the Daotian Alliance came up with a clever plan, that is, when they ascend, they will bring the entire Qianchuan Realm there, and then they, the cultivators, will huddle together to keep warm.

As long as they delay for a period of time, they can quickly develop themselves and others through the method of earning merit.

The idea is great, but the problem is that sufficient funds are needed to start this big plan.

Funds can only be merit, otherwise what else would they be.

"Linyuan Sanren, what do you think about Daotian Alliance once again inviting you to join and saying that as long as you join, you can directly become an elder of Daotian Alliance?" a reporter from the Henan Newspaper asked.

"Well, I can only say that I deserve it. Although the things I invented have provided some insignificant help to the growth and development of the cultivators of Qianchuan Realm, it is the Daotian Alliance that really brings the way forward for the cultivators. , especially the Ascension Plan, gives all cultivators a higher ceiling." Wang Linchi said that he was a leader who took credit for his achievements, but he refused to join the Daotian Alliance.

The author also asked further: "So, what do you want to say about the ascension plan?"

"That was naturally a turning point for our Qianchuan Realm. Our current limit is only in the Tribulation Period, but we obviously have a higher limit. Why should we be limited here? So I fully support the Daotian Alliance's ascension plan." Wang Linchi said with a smile.

"It is precisely for this reason that I will list the manufactured merit machine magic weapons and spell series at the Daotian Alliance agent for sale at cost prices, so that everyone can have them."

This made the author nod his head, and then flipped through the word card before asking: "But some people commented that Linyuan Sanren is deliberately making money. If it is really to benefit many cultivators, the magic weapons and spells of the merit series should be It should be distributed for free.”

"I originally had this idea." Wang Linchi's face showed seriousness, and then he said: "But I found that this move will leave me without enough funds to continue to develop a new merit series."

"They are not buying, but donating. If those commenters are willing to take a moral oath and devote all their resources to providing the research and development funds I need, I will also be willing to distribute them for free if the funds are sufficient."

Wang Linchi was very good at dealing with moral kidnapping, and he just used morality to kidnap him in return.

"As for any other reasons they have, they are actually not sufficient. The benefits that my merit series has brought to those who practice virtue are obvious to all. If it breaks due to lack of funds, what do you think will happen? ?" Wang Linchi asked again.

"Judging from my situation, if Linyuan Sanren didn't have enough funds to research and develop your first merit machine magic weapon, I'm afraid I would lose 99% of the merits I get from automatically hanging up every day." The author said without hesitation.

"Yes, so I sell the magic weapons and spells of the merit series at low prices and obtain the corresponding research and development funds. Is there any problem?" Wang Linchi asked again.

"There is no problem." The author responded. He felt that what Wang Linchi said was correct. Then he looked at the word card in his hand and then said: "Today's interview is about to end here. I don't know if Linyuan Sanren, do you have anything else you want to say?"

"Hahaha, I just wish you all more and more merit, that Daotian Alliance's ascension plan goes smoothly, and that your reports get better and better." Wang Linchi said with a generous smile.

"Then thank you Linyuan Sanren for your blessing." After the author said that, he started to pack his things, and then said a few polite words before getting up and leaving.

"I'll see you off." Wang Linchi saw him off politely.

After finishing, he sat down and drank the tea he just had.

"Huh! There are so many people. Sure enough, there are all kinds of weird things." Wang Linchi actually knew that someone was targeting him, but he didn't care. After all, with the development of the merit system, there are naturally some people who are jealous and want to take away his merit series. , but he is now a cultivator in the tribulation period, and jealous people dare not take action directly.

Therefore, they will only use public opinion, power and other means to indirectly suppress Wang Linchi.

With the development, Qianchuan Realm is somewhat similar to a modern society, but it is similar, not really a modern society. After all, it still abides by the rule that the strong is respected.

"There are always some people in the Daotian Alliance who are ungrateful and just want to monopolize. If they hadn't been busy with the ascension plan during the tribulation period, they would have been killed long ago."

That's right, the people who are jealous of the creations of Wang Linchi's merit series are actually some second-generation figures in the Daotian League. They think that Wang Linchi is just a person who has no background to transcend the tribulation period, and they want to use the tiger skin of the Daotian League and their elders They would definitely not dare to take it by surprise, but if they were exposed, Wang Linchi would kill them, and the senior officials of the Daotian Alliance would not dare to speak.

They thought they were doing it very secretly and covered up, but in fact Wang Linchi could see everything at a glance, but Wang Linchi was still using the other party to form internal conflicts in Qianchuan Realm to alleviate the shortcomings of the merit system.

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