Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 667 The immortal was knocked unconscious in the lower realm

Hao Rui only felt the world spin for a while. He was still in the immortal state and could not bear the fluctuations when going to the lower world, so it would cause a short period of physical discomfort.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw a young man looking at him with an expression of surprise.

"Mortal, tell me where this is." Hao Rui saw that this young man was just a quasi-immortal in the tribulation period, so he didn't pay much attention to it. However, when he looked again, he was suddenly surprised that the young man actually had merit. , although very restrained, but there are a lot of them.

Naturally, greed arose in his heart.

In the Qingming Immortal Realm, merit is naturally a rare good thing. Even in the most powerful Ancestral Immortal Realm, few people can obtain this merit.

And in the small world of Qianchuan, there are actually people with merit and virtue, which is simply incredible.

Although he has no way to separate the merits from the other party, as long as he is brought back to the Qingming Immortal Realm to serve the ancestors of the Huntian Sect, among other things, an outer disciple like him can be directly promoted to a true disciple, and even There is no problem in worshiping an elder from the sect as a master.

He also knows the characteristics of merit and cannot directly take action, especially when the other party still has so many merits.

The best way is to coax it back and directly skip the process of tribulation and ascension.

"This is Qianchuan Realm. You should be an immortal who came down from the upper realm." Wang Linchi asked excitedly. He didn't expect that he could come down from the upper realm. He thought it was a one-way passage.

Now, the samples and coordinates were all sent to Wang Linchi. This was a big surprise.

Then when I looked at it again, I found that the so-called Qingming Immortal Realm also lacked merit, which was even more coincidental. He was good at giving merit to others.

"Yes, I am the Immortal from the Upper Realm." Hao Rui was thinking crazily in his mind about how to deceive Wang Linchi away, but when his consciousness checked again, his expression changed.

How come everyone has merit in their bodies? It’s like they don’t need money.

Things like merit are scarce everywhere, but now they are so abundant, there must be monsters when things go wrong, and his pressure suddenly rises.

But fortunately, he also realized that Qianchuan Realm is the lower realm, and the strongest immortal cultivator is only in the tribulation stage in the quasi-immortal realm, and is not his opponent at all.

At this time, the greed in his heart began to evolve into ambition.

If there is only one person with merit, he will hand it over to the sect. However, everyone in the entire lower world has merit. Then maybe there is a legendary innate magic weapon related to merit in this lower world. , otherwise this situation would not be possible.

The magic weapons in Qingming Fairyland are divided into innate magic weapons and acquired magic weapons.

The innate magic weapon is a special magic weapon born from the innate earth. It possesses various incredible powers. However, the innate magic weapon cannot be refined. Only those who are recognized by the innate magic weapon can use it.

Every innate magic weapon has a powerful spiritual intelligence, which naturally matches it with great power.

As long as one is recognized by an innate magic weapon, it is basically equivalent to being admitted to the Immortal Realm.

There is no need to worry about being betrayed by the innate magic weapon. As long as I recognize you, I will never leave you unless you die.

As for the acquired magic weapon, it is naturally refined by man. Although the powerful acquired magic weapon will have power that is not inferior to the innate magic weapon, it must be possessed by those who have reached the ancestral immortal realm.

And if Hao Rui can obtain this innate magic weapon, what kind of thing is the Huntian Sect? The strongest one is only in the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

Therefore, the thought that came to his mind was that it might not be that easy for him to go back, and it would even be possible to betray the Huntian Sect for this reason.

In the presence of innate magic weapons related to merit and virtue, not to mention him, this kind of temptation was the same idea even when the head of the Huntian Sect came personally.

"Really, that's great. I have a little favor and need your help." Wang Linchi said quickly. He could see that the immortal from the lower world was in a very good mood because of the non-existent innate magic weapon. Wang Linchi also made his request in due course.

Hao Rui couldn't help but frown. How could this man have such a big face? He actually dared to say this to him. However, since he was going to find the innate magic weapon next and needed the help of the natives in the lower world, he could only restrain himself. dissatisfaction comes.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Hao Rui looked at Wang Linchi. He estimated that what the other party wanted was nothing more than the secret technique and method of overcoming tribulation and ascension.

But he will definitely not give it. Things in Qianchuan Realm must be sealed to avoid being known by the Huntian Sect.

Therefore, if the other party made this request, Hao Rui would reject it immediately, and use the other party's identity to use the entire Qianchuan Realm's forces to find this innate magic weapon.

"Some of my experiments require the help of the Immortal from the Upper Realm. It just takes some time. Don't worry. When I complete the experiment, I promise to cooperate with your mission as soon as possible, Immortal." Wang Linchi said hurriedly.

Hao Rui heard nothing but mist, what kind of experiment?

"No, my time is limited. I came to the lower world for the sake of the people in the world. I don't have time to delay." Although he didn't understand Wang Linchi's words, Hao Rui refused immediately.

If it is to teach skills, he can still give some as appropriate. After all, any good techniques in the lower realm inheritance are all a pile of rubbish. Giving them something casually can make them grateful and sweep across the lower realm.

Upon hearing the rejection, Wang Linchi's face darkened immediately: "I gave you the steps, but in the end you had to toast me and you were fined, right?"

Immortal? In Wang Linchi's eyes, it was just like that.

If the immortal cultivators in Qianchuan Realm are single-celled organisms, then these immortals are considered multi-celled organisms at best. They just saw that the other party came all the way here, so they gave him some face.

If someone is kind and willing to give himself to Wang Linchi to study for a few days, then Wang Linchi can guarantee that he will be the same when he comes back.

Forget it now, do you still want to go back? Wang Linchi immediately demolished it for him.

"Oh, I'm just a quasi-immortal peak, not even a half-step immortal, and you're allotted to me...ah~" Hao Rui heard Wang Linchi's words and wanted to make a sarcastic comment and then take action.

But before he could finish his words, Wang Linchi threw out a square seal with his handle. The seal did hit his head straight at the beginning.

At that speed, even during the Qi training period, he could avoid it, let alone a monk in the Immortal Realm like him.

Just waiting for him to blink again, the seal disappeared. Before he could find where it was, he felt severe pain in the back of his head.

Moreover, the pain was spreading, and even my own immortal power could not suppress the pain.

"Damn it...it's you!" Hao Rui said while holding back the pain.

He is in the Immortal Realm. Even if he is only one of the lowest among the monks in the Qingming Immortal Realm, he cannot be hurt by a cultivator who is not even a quasi-immortal.

So he immediately understood one thing. The seal thrown by Wang Linchi was probably the innate magic weapon he was looking for.

"Ah? What is it about me?" Wang Linchi asked curiously, looking at Hao Rui who was still holding on.

The entire back of the opponent's head was smashed to pieces. If Wang Linchi hadn't been merciful, the opponent would have been dead by now.

However, it is true that Hao Rui underestimated Hao Rui's obsession with the innate magic weapon. He did not faint even though it happened. It was really a matter of strong willpower.

"Xiantian... um~" Before Hao Rui finished speaking, Wang Linchi took out the Taishan Seal and smashed it again. This time he finally fainted.

"This is my first time using it, so my technique is a bit unskilled, so I'm sorry." Wang Linchi said apologetically.

The opponent's head was hit with a big hole, but fortunately, the opponent was already an immortal, so his regeneration and self-healing abilities were very powerful. In the blink of an eye, most of the back of his head had been repaired.

Because it was the first time, Wang Linchi threw the Taishan Seal only with pure strength, and did not add other abilities to it, such as the Wise Horse, the Philosopher's Stone and so on.

And even if he used brute force, he didn't use his full strength. Otherwise, how could the opponent only hurt the back of his head and his whole body turned into powder.

"I have to retreat for a while recently. It's just a good idea to hide away from the Dao Tianmeng for a while." Wang Linchi took Hao Rui away and prepared to find a place to study the immortal.

For some time now, the Daotian Alliance has been going crazy for their ascension plan, and has been squeezing all the cultivators in the entire Qianchuan Realm to death, which is quite a bit crazy.

The main reason is that the internal conflicts cannot be alleviated, so they can only find ways to transfer the conflicts to the outside, and the Ascension Plan happens to be a way to deal with external conflicts.

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