Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 668: The Clan of Immortals with Problems in Evolution

"I thought Xian was so powerful, but this is what happened?" Wang Linchi sorted Hao Rui's parts into different categories with a displeased look on his face.

It can be said that this group of monks is indeed an evolved version of the immortal cultivators, but they have an extremely fatal flaw.

That is, energy does not depend on physique. This is because of the irreversible physical changes formed during the process of becoming immortals. Even if they are strong, they have evolved a shortcoming.

The first is that they can only survive in a strong spiritual energy environment, and they have great requirements for spiritual energy.

For example, the lower realm of Qianchuan Realm has a weak aura environment and insufficient purity. Therefore, if the upper realm immortals stay in the lower realm for too long, they will suffer physical damage.

It is probably equivalent to the fact that these immortals are like sea fish. They can enter the river for a short time without any problems, but if it takes a long time, problems will arise due to the difference in water.

What? Go ashore? Then don't think about it.

Immortal cultivators from the Qianchuan Realm can still adapt to the zombie world, but if they were replaced by immortals from the Qingming Immortal Realm and entered the zombie world, they would die on the spot due to environmental problems.

Wang Linchi finally understood why the Qingming Immortal Realm didn't arrange for one of its own people to get this resource. It was not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't.

In the end, the only option was to support agents, allowing Xu Ling to fall into the Qianchuan Realm first. After he ascended, he would naturally belong to the Qingming Immortal Realm.

It can only be done with one hand.

As for letting the quasi-immortals from the Qingming Immortal Realm do it? This doesn't work, because they also inherited the corresponding physique. Even if it is not complete, after entering the zombie world, they will be acclimatized and have mana disorder.

The human race in the Qingming Immortal World has been changing for countless generations. Basically, everyone has an immortal in their ancestors, and through marriage and reproduction, it can basically be said that everyone is a descendant of an immortal.

Otherwise, how would it be possible to become an immortal within a hundred years of age just by embarking on cultivation.

Among the immortal cultivators in the Qianchuan Realm, very few of them can survive the calamity and ascend in their lifetime, while those in the Qingming Immortal Realm will definitely become immortals as long as they practice. This would be impossible without the special physique formed by blood inheritance.

Generations of improvements have resulted in outstanding people, but their shortcomings are also obvious, and they may be confined to the Qingming Immortal World for the rest of their lives.

As for the lower realm, the types are also fixed. You can only choose the aura-type lower realm radiated from the Qingming Immortal Realm. If you change it to other types of worlds, the immortals of the Qingming Immortal Realm will not be able to interfere.

Because they have no way to enter, they will become very vulnerable if they do enter.

"It has developed into a special ability to fight in a nest. This is really..." Wang Linchi didn't know how to evaluate this group of immortals.

It would be wrong to say that they have no fighting power. Their fighting power is still very strong.

But they were all confined to the Qingming Immortal Realm.

"If you change your mind, that is, this group of immortals is not used to expand the territory, but simply to maintain the status quo, then you can understand."

Wang Linchi suddenly understood one thing, that is, this was probably the choice of Qingming Immortal Realm. After all, Qingming Immortal Realm needed a group of security guards who could guard their property, not a group of thugs.

So as long as you can fight within your own range, that's fine.

So it doesn't matter if the immortals have shortcomings. This shortcoming allows the immortals to exert 120% of their strength in the Qingming Immortal World. That is the advantage. They will not leave the Qingming Immortal World anyway.

For example, in the lower realm, in fact, immortals rarely come down. Basically, they continue to obtain benefits in a way similar to shedding wool.

The person who plucks wool is naturally from the Qingming Immortal Realm, maybe he can also be an immortal.

The sect guards and maintains the lower realm, so every year when the Qingming Immortal Realm harvests wool, it will give a certain amount of feedback, which is equivalent to a reward.

Hao Rui came to the lower realm to explore, naturally because it has been hundreds of years since Qianchuan Realm has produced no corresponding benefits.

The reason is naturally the merit system implemented by Wang Linchi in Qianchuan Realm, which caused large-scale overdraft in Qianchuan Realm.

Qingming Immortal Realm is gathering wool, not killing sheep for meat. Qianchuan Realm cannot produce it, so Qingming Immortal Realm will naturally not forcefully collect it.

However, as one of the shepherd dogs, the Huntian Sect discovered a problem, so they chose to arrange for someone to come down to investigate. This person was Hao Rui.

"But there is still a problem. The energy level of Qingming Immortal Realm seems not quite right." Wang Linchi estimated that the so-called Ancestral Immortal Realm seems to be only about one-tenth of the energy level of the previous zombie world.

Although the extraordinary combat power is far superior to that of the zombie world, Wang Linchi looks at the world energy level, not the extraordinary level.

"Is it possible that the level is deliberately lowered like in the zombie world?"

"That doesn't make sense. Why suppress the strength of the security guards guarding the treasure house..."

He could understand suppressing the leeks, after all, it was for harvesting, but suppressing the security guards was a bit of a problem.

He couldn't figure it out for a while.

"Forget it, we'll find out when we head to Qingming Immortal Realm later."

Wang Linchi has indeed obtained the corresponding world coordinates of Qingming Immortal Realm, but he has no plans to go there now.

The value of Qianchuanjie has not been squeezed out yet, so how can you just leave like this?

Especially the trial operation of the merit system, although it has achieved unprecedented success, he feels that Qianchuanjie still has value.

For example, make the civilization of virtue cultivators a little brighter?

Even just a little bit can give Wang Linchi more taste when he devours this civilization.

"But having said that, I always feel that Qianchuan Realm and Qingming Immortal Realm have a lot of similarities?"

After comparing Hao Rui's memories, he found that the two worlds seemed to be the same. Except for the different world energy levels, extraordinary levels, sects, and characters, everything else was exactly the same, almost like a matryoshka doll.

Qianchuan Realm is completely a smaller Qingming Immortal Realm.

Even the extraordinary level gave Wang Linchi the same sense of déjà vu.

For example, the status of the Immortal Realm and part of the information are the enlarged foundation building period.

"Magnify a pistol bullet ten thousand times and then name it a missile???" Wang Linchi thought of this metaphor inexplicably.

Although they are both disposable ammunition and are used to kill people, their structures and developments are basically different and cannot be confused at all.

"If this is the case, does this mean there is deliberate guidance behind the scenes?"

"Or is it because Qianchuan Realm finally led to convergent changes due to the influence of Qingming Immortal Realm?"

Wang Linchi was also a little unsure of the reason. If it was the former, it would be troublesome. Wang Linchi might have to kill the mastermind behind the scenes. As for the latter, it would be fine. This was because he had been assimilated into the Qingming Immortal World. Because it fell.

"Look at the structure and system of this sect. The cruelty of the Huntian Sect reminds me of the Huangquan Sect, which means it does not use its disciples as qualifications. In other aspects, it is simply worse." Wang Linchi couldn't help but marveled.

"However, the status of the Huntian Sect is not comparable to that of the Huangquan Sect. Back then, the Huangquan Sect was the leader of the demonic sect in Qianchuan Realm."

"Huntian Sect is a righteous sect in Qingming Immortal Realm, but it can only be regarded as the middle and lower reaches."

The reason why such oppression can still exist is naturally because the immortals are not at the bottom of the squeeze, because there are also a large number of quasi-immortals who have ascended from the lower realm through tribulation. They will be enslaved as soon as they ascend. There were only a few ascended immortals who left the door alive, and most of them died in slavery.

Just like the Huntian Sect, it is said that one can leave in ten thousand years or with enough immortal spirit stones. However, no matter which condition it is, it is simply not something that an ascended person can achieve.

In addition, when sects guard the lower realm for the Qingming Immortal Realm, they will also receive rewards from the Qingming Immortal Realm. These rewards are just crumbs to the Qingming Immortal Realm, but for the major sects, it is different. It is the bulk of their resource supply.

Being called an offering by the sect, they think it was offered to their sect by the lower world.

After all, the sect didn’t know the real situation, because they appeared out of thin air at the place of ascension in the lower realm, so naturally they thought it was the lower realm honoring their offerings.

Therefore, the more powerful the sect, the more lower realms it occupies, and therefore can obtain more worship resources.

Dong dong dong~

A knock on the door interrupted Wang Linchi's interpretation of Hao Rui's memory. At first glance, the person who came was someone from the Daotian Alliance.

"It's you again, you have nothing to do every day, right?" Wang Linchi muttered in a low voice. He felt that he could not let the people of the Daotian League continue like this, and he had to give them a sense of crisis.

Then, his eyes fell on the immortal being dismantled into various parts, which seemed to be able to make the best use of them.

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