Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 669: A loud noise, disaster appears

"Linyuan Sanren are still unwilling to join the Daotian Alliance?" Hu Heng asked with a gloomy look on his face.

He is the leader of the Daotian Alliance, and can be regarded as the strongest person in the Qianchuan Realm. He is already at the peak of the Great Perfection of the Half-Step Immortal. As long as he takes one step further, he will be able to transcend the tribulation and ascend. However, he suppressed him forcefully. Otherwise, he would have already left Qianchuan Realm and gone to Qingming Immortal Realm.

It was not only his own fault, but also because Qianchuan Realm was squeezed by the merit system and was unable to cope with it. Otherwise, Hu Heng's suppression of himself would have been useless, and he would have been forced to overcome the tribulation by Qianchuan Realm long ago.

"Not yet, the other party is still trying to shirk." The confidant on the side also replied with an ugly expression, and then gave a bad idea: "It is better to kill this person directly, so as not to leave future troubles for our Dao Tianmeng."

These words made Hu Heng shake his head: "No, killing him will cause disaster."

If this person hadn't been a close confidant of his, Hu Heng would have killed him on the spot just when the other person said these words.

What is the status of Linyuan Sanren? How can he kill at will? Now everyone is counting on the opponent's merit series to have more magic weapons and spells to make it easier for everyone to cultivate virtue. You say kill, then you go For the other party?

What's more, he is trying to win over the other party. There is no reason to kill him if he fails to win over him.

He really thought that he was truly invincible in the Daotian Alliance. Even he couldn't count how many pairs of eyes were staring at him. If he made a wrong step, he would probably be killed by the enemies in the Daotian Alliance. If the fight continues, the alliance leader will not be able to keep his position.

So not only can he not kill, he also has to protect the other person.

"This guy is so ungrateful. Alliance leader, you personally ordered the other party to join the alliance, but the other party dared to refuse. Since he can't be killed, he can be taught a lesson." A close confidant hurriedly came up with another idea.

This made Hu Heng confused, and then he asked: "Is it the traitor who wants to take the magic weapons and spells of Linyuan Sanren as his own?"

At the beginning, Hu Heng did not react, but the opponent wanted to kill and teach him a lesson, which was obviously not in line with common sense.

No one would target someone who can deliver benefits to everyone, only those who want to monopolize the benefits delivered by the other party.

Thinking about it again, only his incompetent son has reached the integration stage with the help of merit magic weapons and merit spells.

Hu Heng was not afraid of his son being arrogant and licentious, but he was afraid that this boy would interfere in the Daotian Alliance.

The close confidants also hurriedly explained: "Master Hu, this is also for you, the leader of the alliance. As long as you have the merit series of magic weapons and spells developed by Linyuan Sanren in your hands, no one in Qianchuan Realm can do without you."

Hearing this, Hu Heng sneered: "In my hands? I will die without my body intact the next day."

This behavior is tantamount to blocking people's path, and directly violates a taboo in the world.

He killed Linyuan Sanren, which was nothing more than a failure in the fight and a complete loss of power, and he became a rich man.

If he dares to touch the cakes of the moral cultivators in the world, no one will be able to tolerate him.

"No wonder Linyuan Sanren has been unwilling to join. I thought it was because he was arrogant and arrogant, but now it seems that it is this traitor who is causing trouble." Hu Heng finally understood and deceived him, so that he did not know the real situation.

If he were a Linyuan Sanren, he wouldn't be willing to join.

People from the Dao Tianmeng in the front are invited, and the son of the leader of the Dao Tianmeng in the back is going to plan his efforts. Anyone would think there is something wrong with you.

"What about the traitor?" Hu Heng asked.

He really didn't expect to be held back by his own son.

"I went to Linyuan Sanren's house, saying that this time I want to win over the other party for you, the leader of the alliance." The confidant hesitated for a while, and finally said.

"Damn it!" Hu Heng's expression suddenly changed. He suspected that his son might be planning to use force.

However, it was impossible to smooth out the gap between the two sides. Linyuan Sanren was at the peak of the Great Perfection in the Tribulation Period, so how could he be threatened.

If they really had to fight, the winning rate between him and his opponent would be about half and half. After all, although he was a half-step immortal and sounded very nice, he was actually still in the period of transcending the tribulation.

Therefore, it is impossible to threaten Wang Linchi with his name.

Everyone is in the same realm, so naturally there is not much awe.


As soon as Hu Heng finished speaking, he heard a loud noise. The noise was not small at all. In addition to the loud noise, it was also accompanied by strong vibrations.

This shocked Hu Heng.

"Go and check what's going on. Also, ask the traitor to come back and prepare another generous gift for Linyuan Sanren. I will personally come to apologize in a few days." Hu Heng calmed down and immediately arranged for his close friends to take care of it.

"No need, I'm already here." Wang Linchi's voice came, and the other party's figure gradually walked in, holding a person in his hand, covered in blood.

Hu Heng's eyes were splitting when he saw this scene, because the man Wang Linchi was holding was his son Huda. Just when he was about to get angry, he saw Wang Linchi's appearance, and the other party was also quite embarrassed, which made him He forced himself to calm down.

He didn't think that his son could cross two realms and pose a threat to Wang Linchi. If he really had this ability, why would he do such stupid things.

"Coalition Leader Hu is quite calm. I thought he was going to fight me as soon as he came up." Wang Linchi said, throwing Huda back to the opponent.

"What happened?" Hu Heng naturally couldn't think that Wang Linchi had done it.

Even if it is, it has already given him a lot of face, just giving him a small lesson, and not really killing him.

"Master Ling came to threaten me as usual, and I planned to send him away as usual." When Wang Linchi said this, he also had a meaningful expression, which made Hu Heng a little uncomfortable. The other party was questioning whether he was being ignored. , but fortunately, Wang Linchi quickly skipped this matter and continued.

"In the end, before we even had a few words of conversation, I noticed that some kind of behemoth was emerging from the ground. Of course, it was not aimed at Mr. Ling and me."

"I went to deal with it immediately, but you also saw the outcome."

"Young Master Ling is unlucky. He was swept away by the tail of the giant beast. Fortunately, the protective object you gave me, leader, is really useful. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to save him now."

While Wang Linchi briefly summarized it, he also used magic power to recreate the original scene.

All he saw was that the mana was shaped into a strange giant beast standing on two legs, with dense teeth in the huge mouth like a crocodile's snout, and slightly protruding fangs on both sides of the mouth.

The whole body is blue-black, with sharp spikes growing on the back, and a skin like fish scales on the abdomen.

The spikes seemed to be some kind of poisonous thorns, and even Linyuan Sanren who were in the tribulation stage did not dare to touch them directly.

However, the forelimbs are weirdly short and look very strange, as if they are not good at close combat.

However, in Wang Linchi's interpretation, his conjecture was indeed verified. Wang Linchi did briefly suppress this weird giant beast through close combat. However, the next moment, the giant beast spit out a blue light from its mouth. , making Wang Linchi avoid it in a rather embarrassed manner.

"The defense of this giant beast is amazing. Even though its hands are short, its power is extremely terrifying. I took a hit from the front and my body was almost exploded." As soon as Wang Linchi finished speaking, the scene of mana interpretation arrived. Wang Linchi was hit by the giant beast's short hand and almost died.

It was precisely because of this that he took Huda away.

There will be no more after that. Wang Linchi has run away, so there is no follow-up.

"Where did this giant beast come from? Does Linyuan Sanren have any clues?" Hu Heng also had a solemn look on his face after reading it.

If Wang Linchi had not lied, then this giant beast was probably in the immortal realm above the Tribulation Stage, and even he was not sure of defeating it.

If it wasn't for his lack of intelligence, he really wouldn't have any weaknesses.

The body is powerful, the spells are good, and the soul is extremely tough. If you want to kill this giant beast, even if hundreds of people in the Tribulation Stage attack together, they will only be trapped without killing it.

It's not that they don't want to kill, it's that they can't kill.

"No, it only comes from the ground." Wang Linchi raised his hands. He couldn't say it was a monster created by him using the genes of Hao Rui's body. That would be embarrassing.

Moreover, his purpose in creating this monster was to force everyone in the Qianchuan Realm to unite and either complete the ascension plan or wait to die.

This monster is just the first, there will be more to come.

Without external pressure, after the conflict turned internal, the execution ability in all aspects dropped significantly. This was not a situation Wang Linchi wanted to see.

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