Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 670 The beast that possesses the power of immortality

The monster disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. According to survivors, the monster continued to destroy and kill for less than half an hour before it went back into the ground and disappeared.

After the Dao Tianmeng arrived, there was only a mess all around.

As the leader of the Daotian Alliance, Hu Heng naturally rushed to the scene with his people to investigate as soon as possible, and Wang Linchi also followed him.

"The breath of immortal power."

"This giant beast has something to do with immortals." Hu Heng's face became more serious.

It was just speculation before, but now that there is evidence, it will be difficult to deal with this time.

The gap between the immortals and them is really too big. Even all the virtue cultivators in Qianchuan Realm combined are no match for the immortals.

"Fortunately, this giant beast is probably not an immortal. This is good news."

If the giant beast was an immortal, then Wang Linchi and his son Huda would not be able to come back and would have died in the hands of the giant beast.

"This is not good news. Even if this giant beast is not an immortal, its physical strength is at least at the semi-immortal level. We cannot break it at all." Wang Linchi said calmly.

Hu Heng also agreed with Wang Linchi's words, but he couldn't speak out. He was the leader of the Daotian Alliance. How could he increase the prestige of others and destroy his own ambition, so he could only pretend not to hear.

"We have to find out where this giant beast went as soon as possible and why it suddenly appeared." Hu Heng naturally had his own ideas.

If you can successfully deal with this giant beast, you will not only be able to further improve your prestige, but you may also be able to get a glimpse of the immortal realm from this giant beast.

More importantly, he suspected that there might be immortal relics left in Qianchuan Realm. Otherwise, where would such a giant beast that looked like an immortal come from?

"There are no traces in the soil under the ground. This giant beast was not dug up. Instead, it used some kind of magic power. It came and went without leaving any trace. It's just that the magic power is related to the soil." On the other side, there is a cultivator in the tribulation period. He also spoke.

This incident had a great impact, so not only Wang Linchi and Hu Da, but basically 70% of the people who came to the tribulation period came, and the remaining 30% did not come, but are still there. On the way here.

This involves immortality, which is a fatal temptation for those cultivating virtues who were originally cultivators of immortality. What's more, although they turn to cultivating merit, they reach the same goal through different paths, and the ultimate goal is to become immortals.

"This is troublesome. The giant beast has reached its peak in controlling its aura." Another person in the Tribulation Stage also said.

"We have to figure out why this giant beast came here. There must be something attracting it in this area, otherwise it wouldn't be able to appear here for no reason."

"Or maybe someone here has awakened it?" Wang Linchi also put forward his own suggestion.

This is not the first time he has done this kind of thing, calling a thief to catch a thief. Whether it is true or false is not important. What is important is to give a wrong option to confuse their minds.

Wang Linchi's words naturally won the approval of many people who cultivated virtue during the tribulation period.

Naturally, Hu Heng had no objection, and soon arranged for the Tribulation Stagers present to begin exploring and screening the surrounding area, focusing on areas with serious damage.

But there are ruins everywhere, and it’s hard to tell what’s wrong.

After some troubles, in addition to no clues, a lot of strange things were discovered, which made the faces of the cultivators in the tribulation period not very good.

Therefore, we can only get together to continue discussions in order to get enough information.

"Sorry, seniors, news came from the alliance that the giant beast has appeared again." An urgent voice came over.

This made all the cultivators in the Tribulation Stage present feel refreshed. They were not afraid that the giant beast would appear, but they were afraid that it would not appear. Even if they wanted to catch it, they would not be able to catch it.

"Where!" Hu Heng asked urgently for the first time.

"Yuan Xicheng, in Yuan Xicheng." This man was also startled by Hu Heng's attitude, and then quickly added: "It has been here for half a quarter of an hour."

"Everyone, come with me to Yuanxi City to eliminate the beasts!" After Hu Heng said that, he flew away and turned into a stream of light in an instant.

Naturally, many cultivators in the tribulation period followed closely behind.

They arrived at Yuanxi City in just a few minutes, everyone was desperate.

After everyone arrived, they saw a giant beast that was a hundred feet high. Although everyone had guessed it before, it was incredible to see such a magical beast.

They have never seen such a big beast. If they were in the sect era, they would definitely choose to subdue it and use it as a guard to guard the mountain gate. Not only is it strong enough, but it is also majestic enough.

And this giant beast is destroying Yuanxi City at this time.

"Get started, be sure to capture this giant beast alive, so as to get the secret of why this giant beast has immortal breath." After Hu Heng finished speaking, he immediately took action.

The remaining people followed closely behind, and a large number of spells were thrown out.

Each one relies on the power of merit, so the spells formed naturally carry the power of heaven and earth, and the movement caused is naturally great.

However, many spells fell on the giant beast, but they did not cause any damage.

"What a powerful physical body, could it be an immortal body?" Wang Linchi said.

"The possibility is extremely high. He is truly invulnerable to water, fire, and weapons." Hu Heng's eyes showed ambition. Although he claimed to be a half-step immortal at the peak of Dzogchen, when compared now, he was far behind.

In this regard, he also understood one thing, that is, if he really ascended to the Qingming Immortal Realm by himself, any immortal who came out might be able to easily catch him, which made him more and more sure that his ascension plan was correct. sex.

If you can't do it alone, then get together with a group of people to keep warm.

After the giant beast was attacked, it naturally became stressed, and once again spit out blue light from its mouth.

"No, it's the Immortal Flame!" Someone exclaimed, and then all the cultivators in the Tribulation Stage immediately dispersed to avoid the attack.

Although the color was blue and it still looked radiant, everyone still felt its burning heat.

This thing should be called a scorching ray. Since everyone has never seen it, they naturally think it is an immortal flame.

When some of the cultivators in the Tribulation Stage who didn't have time to dodge were exposed to the blue light, corresponding fireworks naturally rose from their bodies.

"Ah... this flame doesn't burn the physical body, it only burns the soul's magic power, damn it!!!" A cultivator in the Tribulation Stage wailed miserably.

It's not like he didn't struggle, such as cutting off the burning part directly, but the flame did not go out, but continued to burn along the wound.

As long as the soul and mana are not burned out, the flame will never go out.

And look at this, it can also cause severe pain.

"Cut the soul and lose the magic power!" Hu Heng quickly reminded him when he saw this scene.

However, this is not the case for cultivators in the Tribulation Stage who have not been contaminated by the blue flame. It is just that even if all the souls and mana of the contaminated parts are cut off, they find that the flame will float over again and fall on it. On the body.

The speed was indeed very slow, but it was extremely strange, as if it had locked onto them.

Hu Heng wanted to say something more, but found that the giant beast stopped its scorching light. Before they could breathe a sigh of relief, the giant beast actually spit out a blue fireball from its mouth.

The clicking didn't stop for a moment, it was very fast, and it was densely packed. Compared with the previous brilliance, this fireball was more threatening.

When he saw this scene, Hu Heng also felt a little numb.

You know, most of the targets of these blue fireballs are him. It seems that because he just reminded him, he attracted the attention of the giant beast, so he will attack him first.

Of course he ran away without hesitation, or else would he have been stupid enough to carry the fireball?

The range of fireballs is not as good as that of brilliance, but in terms of quantity and speed, as long as he takes one hit, he may not be able to dodge it even if he wants to.

Of course, it is simply unreasonable to want to hide for a second time after someone is expected to die in one fell swoop.

"Everyone, retreat first, this beast is invincible!"

When escaping, Hu Heng naturally had to say hello. He couldn't just leave by himself. That would cost him too much status.

Fortunately, there was no need for Hu Heng to remind him. Everyone ran away immediately. How could they stay here and wait to die.

When the giant beast saw the little bug leaving, it naturally increased the speed of spitting fireballs, but it did not pursue them. After all the cultivators in the tribulation period disappeared, it continued to destroy Yuanxi City until Yuanxi City became ruins. Burrowed into the soil and disappeared again.

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