Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 671 The threat of the Immortal version of the copycat monster Bermula

In the Daotian League headquarters, everyone was gloomy, and the leader, Hu Heng, could not say a word.

This time, a total of thirteen cultivators in the Tribulation Stage were lost, which was a very large number for the entire Qianchuan Realm.

As for the two ruined cities and the many dead people, this is insignificant. After all, there are many people in Qianchuan Realm, and it is not a problem for millions of people to die. However, there are only so many cultivators in the tribulation period. If one person dies, it will be a small number. one.

"Everyone, do you have any good ideas?" Hu Heng finally spoke after seeing this scene.

"That's not true." Wang Linchi then said.

This surprised Hu Heng. He didn't expect Wang Linchi to speak.

Wang Linchi was the first cultivator to face this giant beast. Although he was a little embarrassed, he not only escaped unscathed, but also took his son with him.

His son Huda was out of danger, but his recovery was not that fast and would take at least several years. After all, it was a giant beast with an immortal body. It was a blessing to not die.

"Please tell me, Linyuan Sanren." Hu Heng actually didn't think Wang Linchi had any solution. In his opinion, Wang Linchi had always specialized in spells and magic weapons that increased merit, so asking him to fight with spells was really embarrassing the opponent. .

However, because the other party is a special talent, there is no discrimination. On the contrary, he is taken seriously. After all, he can increase everyone's strength. This kind of person must be protected.

In addition, Wang Linchi saved his son regardless of previous suspicions, and Hu Heng still had a very high impression of Wang Linchi.

"This giant beast is extraordinary and has immortal power. Especially the immortal flames are simply not something that we mortals can resist."

"So if you want to deal with the giant beast, you must have the same strength." Wang Linchi said.

Hu Heng hesitated when he heard this. You don't need to say it, everyone understands this matter, and then he said tactfully: "Everyone knows this, but there is no way to find the power equivalent to that of an immortal. "

If they could find something to counteract the immortal power, would they still need to worry like this?

"Of course I have it, and you all have it." Wang Linchi knew that Hu Heng was trying to set himself up, after all, the two sentences he said before were really speechless.

When everyone heard this, they were also a little confused. Where do they have such power?

"Could it be merit?" Hu Heng was keenly aware of this matter.

"Exactly." Wang Linchi said confidently.

However, Hu Heng shook his head: "If the merit is useful, then the thirteen comrades will not die because of it."

How could this thing be useful? Their cultivation and magic power came from merit, but during the battle, the merit did not play any role.

"What the leader said is true, but the death was due to his body and not his merits. When you were fighting with this giant beast, did you ever mobilize your merits to defend or kill the enemy?" Wang Linchi asked again.

"Linyuan Sanren, please stop talking about it and tell me the reason." Someone told Wang Linchi to stop talking.

"Yes, don't let us guess the riddle. Since we obtained this merit, it has no ability to fight against enemies and kill them. It is just for cultivation."

"Is it possible that Linyuan Sanren has learned some secrets from it and asked Sanren to teach us?"

Since Wang Linchi has a solution, everyone will naturally listen. After all, this matter involves their immediate and practical interests.

If the giant beast is not eliminated, the Daotian Alliance will be destroyed in the hands of this giant beast sooner or later.

Although he only destroyed a city in one day, there is no guarantee that he will destroy his own jurisdiction one day.

Those who joined the Dao Tian Alliance during the Tribulation Period were divided into a territory. On this territory, they were the emperors, and they were responsible for amassing wealth, monopolizing, etc.

It is indeed ironic that those who practice virtue have no virtue, but their merits are all earned, so naturally it doesn't matter.

"There are three levels of merit, which are the golden light of merit, the golden wheel of merit and the final golden body of merit. I guess the lowest level among you is the golden wheel of merit." Wang Linchi said.

"This is natural. If there is no golden wheel of merit, how can we achieve the period of transcending tribulation." Hu Heng signaled everyone to be quiet. He still has the prestige of the leader of the alliance.

"If we use the method to use the Golden Wheel of Merit to form a shield and let the giant beast attack the golden wheel, thereby causing the giant beast to suffer backlash, how likely do you think it is that the giant beast will die from the backlash?" Wang Linchi asked.

When a group of cultivators in the Tribulation Period heard this, they couldn't help but ponder.

Wang Linchi's plan is indeed feasible. After all, even an immortal may not be able to withstand the backlash of his merits. What's more, this giant beast only possesses part of the abilities of an immortal, and can only be regarded as a half-immortal. It is bound to be unable to resist the combined power of many golden wheels of merit. Backlash.

But there is a problem here, that is, will doing so affect their merits?

For them, merit is their foundation. If they use their foundation to gamble, they can get a glimpse of the realm of immortals. But if they lose, it will not only be the end of the path, but also the possibility of losing their lives. The path of death disappears.

So for them, this is simply a gamble, and naturally they cannot agree to it right away.

"This method of Linyuan Sanren is indeed 90% likely to kill this giant beast. However, we are all people with lofty ideals, and the world cannot be separated from our protection. If something goes wrong because of this and the lives of people are ruined, it will be a loss that outweighs the gain. ." Hu Heng declined politely, and he did so with great righteousness.

The cultivators in the Tribulation Period were naturally unwilling to let them take a gamble that had a chance of causing their own death. Therefore, after Hu Heng's words, there were naturally many people who responded.

"It is true that I did not consider this matter carefully." Wang Linchi also directly admitted his mistake and then stopped talking.

He had already expected this outcome, and the reason why he said this was just to pave the way.

I really thought that he just copied the ferocious monster Bermuda, but he only used part of Hao Rui's body gene fragments. The new monsters are already being prepared, and they are guaranteed to be able to defeat this group of ungrateful cultivators. Understand what is the malice of social people.

After Wang Linchi's suggestion was skipped, the discussion continued, but except for Wang Linchi's suggestion, everything else was basically empty talk.

None of your attacks can cause any damage to the enemy, nor can you resist any attacks the enemy makes on you, so how can you cause any damage to the enemy.

Therefore, most of the results discussed by everyone present are from two aspects. One is sealing. Since you can't defeat the opponent, just seal the opponent, and then reinforce it every once in a while.

The other is to find the origin of the giant beast. As long as they also master the power of immortals, the plan to use immortals to control immortals can be put on the agenda.

However, no matter which aspect it is, it is not that easy to implement.

The seal requires enough manpower to carry out the seal. Although it is not as dangerous as Wang Linchi's use of his own merit as a defense to backfire on the enemy, it can kill him if he is not careful.

And searching for the origin of the giant beast is even more nonsense. They can't catch the trace of the giant beast at all.

The giant beast came and went without a trace, and it was so powerful that many magic powers became ineffective.

In the end, the discussion lasted for three hours but no solution was found. In the end, we could only disperse temporarily and wait for the next time the giant beast appeared again to find a solution.

"These people really are more afraid of death as they get older." Wang Linchi didn't ridicule his attitude toward this group of people. It was just human nature and he could understand it. Unfortunately, Wang Linchi stood on the opposite side of them. He understood but would not stop. , I plan to give them a big shot next.

Since they were unwilling, Wang Linchi let them know what destiny was and could not be violated.

‘The Immortal version of the copycat monster Bermura already exists, so the Immortal version of the copycat Asteron must also keep up. ’

These two monsters can be synthesized into Burning Baimustrom, which can directly reach the middle stage of Immortal Realm from the early stage of Immortal Realm. In fact, Wang Linchi can also directly synthesize them into the Immortal Lord Realm. But if they really want to be synthesized, it would be like Dao Tianmeng. There is no way to resist such a bunch of stuff, so we can only settle for the next best thing and add a small realm.

But even if it is just such a small realm, it cannot be solved by Daotian Alliance. Well, there is no way to solve it in Qianchuan Realm.

Unless Wang Linchi's plan is followed, and then under his guidance, internal conflicts will be turned into external conflicts and development will be accelerated due to the crisis.

It is this kind of coercion that requires caution, otherwise the civilization of Qianchuan Realm will explode directly if you are not careful.

If the spring is stretched too long, it will sometimes break.

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