Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 672: Forced, the disaster of giant beasts spreads

"What, two giant beasts!!!" Hu Heng's expression was filled with shock. One giant beast had already caused their Daotian Alliance to suffer a lot. Unexpectedly, another giant beast appeared on the third day.

That giant beast was relatively similar to the original giant beast. It was still bipedal and had short arms, but it didn't have the spiked poisonous needles or fish scales. Instead, its body was very blue-gray, and it had a big sickle-like horn.

And the way of fighting is also different. It is not like the first giant beast that spits out blue light and fireballs, but is good at using its tail, which is even more powerful than the first giant beast.

In addition, he has mastered the power of ice and fire, and can spit out lava and cold air. The difficulty is not inferior to that of the original behemoth.

Of course, what shocked Hu Heng was not that the giant beast still carried the power of immortals, but that there was a second giant beast. This meant that maybe there were more than just the two giant beasts he saw now, and there was probably a third one. The fourth one waits.

If there are too many, they can no longer allow the giant beasts to exist.

Destroying two cities and killing millions of people in one day is only a trivial matter for Dao Tianmeng, but if this number is more than zero, then within a few years, the entire Qianchuan Realm will be empty.

Then who will Dao Tianmeng exploit when the time comes?

Daotian Alliance can develop to such a large force, and it is definitely a lie to say that it is not exploited.

Needless to say, according to this rule, in ten days at most, it will affect the dominance of their Daotian Alliance.

Everyone accepts the rule of the Daotian Alliance, but when this happens, you actually remain indifferent and act invisible. People are dying, the city is destroyed, and once the news spreads, the Daotian Alliance will immediately become despised. object.

After learning the news, Hu Heng was helpless, and then naturally summoned the senior leaders of the Daotian Alliance to discuss the matter.

As soon as the news spread, many senior officials understood what Hu Heng meant.

"The two giant beasts have retreated. Now it seems that the giant beasts are not pursuing anything or seeking revenge, but simply want to kill people and destroy the city." A senior executive of the Daotian Alliance said.

These high-level officials are actually some of the people who participated in the deliberations yesterday.

Those who cultivate virtue in the Tribulation Stage may not necessarily be high-ranking members of the Daotian Alliance, but all senior members of the Daotian Union must be in the Tribulation Stage.

"So what do you think? Today we have lost one city, and tomorrow we have lost two cities. Soon, our Dao Tianmeng will become a joke." Hu Heng said.

He didn't care at all what this giant beast was going to do, he just wanted to solve this problem.

"Now that things have happened, we can only try the method of Linyuan Sanren. Otherwise, the third and fourth giant beasts will appear in the future. How will we deal with them?" Someone said bravely.

No one would agree with Wang Linchi's proposal in the first place, and they would risk their own lives anyway. But now, anyone with a discerning eye can see that there must be more than two of these giant beasts. If the number continues to increase, unless they cross over immediately Jie Feisheng left Qianchuan Realm, otherwise there would be no hope of retaking Qianchuan Realm from the giant beast.

As soon as this statement came out, it was naturally opposed by many people. However, this time, unlike yesterday when everyone was opposed, some people now expressed support.

"The method of Linyuan Sanren is really weird, but if it succeeds, it can be regarded as setting an example for the sentient beings in Qianchuan Realm."

"Therefore, several people need to volunteer to get rid of the beast." When Hu Heng said this, his attitude was already clear. He planned to use Wang Linchi's method to form a defense through the golden wheel of merit, so that the giant beast would attack and defend it and bite it back. die.

It does sound a bit awkward, but this is the last resort, otherwise there really won't be enough means.

Everyone present was silent. What you said was very simple, but no one was willing to take this risk at all, and it was voluntary.

Anyone willing to die voluntarily is simply a joke.

Hu Heng naturally understood that he had to do it now. In the end, he could only say it himself: "Since no one is willing, let the person who just proposed and agreed go. I will lead the team."

If Hu Heng hadn't said that he was leading the team, it would have definitely caused an uproar. However, since he himself went into battle, others would have nothing to say.

"If this is accomplished, each person will receive hundreds of great merits from the Dao Tian Alliance. Do you have any objections?" Hu Heng continued.

Since you are risking your life, you must give enough benefits, instead of giving nothing at all, then everyone will pretend to be sick.

"No objection." Everyone responded immediately.

"Wait a minute, Alliance Leader, I have an objection." The cultivator of the Tribulation Stage who just proposed to use Wang Linchi's method suddenly said.

This made Hu Heng frown. He thought that the other party disliked him for his lack of merit.

"Any objections?" He did not stop the other party from speaking. After all, the other party was also going to the battlefield.

"These hundred pieces of great merit can be passed on to parents, wives, children, and clan disciples!" The other party said directly.

What the other party means is that if he comes back alive, it can fall on him. If he dies, it will be given as a pension to his successor or his parents, wife and children.

"No, there has never been such a precedent. The key to merit in an alliance is that if one person dies, the merit will be eliminated, and the gentleman will kill the enemy!" Someone objected immediately.

"In this case, I will be sick tomorrow, so you can take my place." The other party looked at the opponent coldly. Since you are following the rules of the Daotian Alliance, then you will be responsible for gambling tomorrow. .

The person who objected couldn't help but smile angrily, and then remained silent. He also realized that he was too excited.

"If you fail to come back or are seriously injured, these hundred great merits can be passed on to your parents, wives, children, and clan disciples. For such a great cause, it doesn't hurt to set a precedent in the alliance." Hu Heng agreed without hesitation. Come down, he also has a share. If he fails to come back, it will naturally be a great thing for him to pass on his one hundred great powers to his son Huda.

"Since there are opponents, I will give you a compromise."

"Those who oppose this matter tomorrow will work with us to eliminate the beasts and give the opponents a hundred great merits. However, this great merit cannot be passed down to defend the rules of the alliance." Hu Heng immediately blocked the road. , since you object, then just follow us and lead by example.

This way you won't break the rules.

But you have to object but are unwilling to risk your life. If you dare to mention this matter again afterwards and want to use it to attack your political opponents, then don't blame him, the leader of the alliance, for being ruthless.

They worked hard on the front line, but not only did they not receive corresponding treatment but were also persecuted afterwards, then the hearts of this Tianmeng League would no longer be there.

"Don't dare, the alliance leader is fair in dealing with things." The opponents also relaxed at this time. It is true that he is a cultivator of virtue in the tribulation period, but there is no one present who is not a virtuous cultivator in the tribulation period.

"If you have anything else to say, please speak freely." Hu Heng's words mean that you group will go to the battlefield together tomorrow, so hurry up and drag down everyone who can be dragged into the water. By then, everyone's chance of survival will be higher tomorrow.

Naturally, all of them were old foxes, and they all understood the meaning of Hu Heng's words, so they spoke one by one.

The whole negotiation process lasted for an hour, and finally the list was finalized, which was one-third more than the original number.

In fact, if he continued, he could draw many more people into the trap, but Hu Heng stopped him.

He was thinking of pulling everyone over, so that the winning rate would be greater, but he understood that some people must be left behind to maintain the operation of the entire Daotian Alliance to avoid accidents in the Daotian Alliance after they left.

"Okay, tomorrow morning, everyone remembers to perform their duties. Once there is any trace of the giant beast, act immediately according to the plan and go back and prepare."

When the discussion was almost over, Hu Heng finally ended the internal meeting of the Daotian Alliance.

"Sure enough, if I didn't push you, I wouldn't have known you could unleash such great potential." Wang Linchi couldn't help but smile. Just now, people from the Daotian Alliance came to him to ask for the method of counterattack of merit.

Naturally, he handed it over readily without asking for a penny.

Those who can use this method can only use it during the Tribulation Period. The merits of other cultivators have not reached the level of the Golden Wheel of Merit, so they cannot use it at all.

"In the future, should we create a transformation version of Ultraman?" Wang Linchi thought about this.

He created not only two immortal monsters, but actually a lot of them, ensuring that everyone in the Qianchuan Realm would be united under this external pressure.

"Let's take a look first. If I'm still not satisfied this time, I will increase the intensity of the monsters and create a transformed version of Ultraman to turn the tide." Wang Linchi is not a bad person. If the handling method satisfies him , the strength of the monster will also decrease, only enough pressure will be ensured, and the pressure will not continue to increase.

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