Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 673 Failure, just a glimmer of success

The next day, the Daotian Alliance's operations began covertly. From the time the information about the two giant beasts was transmitted to the alliance to the action, it only took a few breaths.

The one they wanted to deal with was naturally the first behemoth, which they called the spiked behemoth.

As for the unicorn behemoth that appeared later, that can only be said. If they couldn't even handle the spiked behemoth, then the unicorn behemoth and the others would naturally have no choice but to give up.

If this operation fails, then the top leaders of the Daotian Alliance will only have to ascend and leave alone. It is impossible to stay. They cannot live and die with the entire Qianchuan Realm. This is not in line with their thinking.

They practice not for the sake of all sentient beings in the world, but for their own immortality and power. Since Qianchuan Realm can no longer benefit them, they will naturally leave.

"Everyone, if we win this battle, our Dao Tianmeng's reputation in Qianchuan Realm will definitely be improved to a higher level. I hope you can all encourage us!" Before the war started, Hu Heng started to encourage people to draw cakes and fight chicken blood as usual, and his morale was high. It's better than a group of people fighting to die.

It's a pity that all these cultivators in the Tribulation Stage are all old foxes, they have long passed the age of enthusiasm. No matter what Hu Heng said, none of them were moved.

Seeing this, Hu Heng could only change the subject and asked: "Are you proficient in the "Golden Wheel Transformation Technique" given by Linyuan Sanren yesterday?"

This time I finally got a response, and everyone became proficient naturally.

Originally, this was just a simple spell, nothing more than roughly mobilizing the golden wheel of one's own merit. Essentially, it still required the cooperation of everyone.

There is no need to worry about cooperation. Although everyone fights together very rarely, and most of the time they may fight each other, the method of cooperation is simple. You only need to release the golden wheel of merit, and then fit together one by one to form a barrier. That’s it.

"Okay, in that case, I will attract the giant spiked beast, and you will build a golden wall of merit here." Hu Heng did not ask to display it immediately. If he still needs to test it, then this group of people who have overcome the tribulation will It will be rotten to the end.

Therefore, he had to do the most important thing, attracting the spiked beast.

This is the most dangerous thing. If you are not careful, you may die without a burial place.

As long as you are contaminated by the blue light and flames of the spiked beast, there is basically no possibility of escape, so there can be no mistakes.

Therefore, no one thought that Hu Heng was escaping. There was no reason for anyone to evade as a bait. Maybe the other party would turn into a puddle of ashes before they even attracted the giant spiked beast.

As for the fact that someone is jealous, it is even more impossible. Anyone who has nothing to do is seeking death on his own. If someone really wants to show off his yin and yang, Hu Heng will exchange it with him immediately.

Hu Heng took the lead to leave without waiting for anyone to respond, preparing to attract the spiked beast.

The people who stayed looked at me, and I looked at him, and finally someone spoke.

"Since the alliance leader has taken the first step, we cannot fall behind. It is better to build this golden wall of merit as soon as possible, lest the alliance leader attracts the giant spiked beast and we are caught off guard before we can finish it."

Someone took the lead and action began.

After leaving, Hu Heng glanced back. Golden light exploded behind him, and he felt more at ease. This group of people did not flee before the battle, which was actually what he was worried about.

Then it will be difficult for him to say.

He was the only one left after he escaped from the battlefield, which meant that his career as leader of the alliance was over.

After a few breaths, Hu Heng saw the giant spiked beast wreaking havoc in the city.

"Something's wrong. This figure seems to have grown by another foot?" Hu Heng suddenly discovered that the size of this spiked giant beast seemed to have grown larger.

"Could it be that the other party only needs to destroy the city to increase its strength?"

Such a conjecture emerged in his mind. Fortunately, he quickly suppressed this hazy thought. If he succeeded in killing him this time, he would not have to worry about it becoming stronger. If the killing failed, they would prepare to cross the border. Jie ascends, no matter how the giant beast grows.

After calming down for a while, he used his flying sword to shout at the giant beast: "You monster, you are so presumptuous!!!"

This roaring sound was accompanied by his sky-shielding spell, which rolled towards the spiked beast. However, the spiked beast spit out a blue light from its mouth, directly breaking his spell.

He also used a series of fireballs. Hu Heng was dodging left and right, and he did not dare to face the spiked beast directly.

Fortunately, his purpose was to lure the spiked beast away instead of actually confronting him head-on, otherwise he would have escaped long ago.

After some teasing, Hu Heng also saw that the spiked giant beast was indeed getting more and more angry, which made his heart beat three points higher.

Especially the blue light and fireball during this attack are not only faster, but also more powerful.

Seeing that the fire was almost done, he immediately turned around and left, trying to lure the giant spiked beast away.

The spiked giant beast was also furious at this time. He raised his legs and chased after him. However, the giant beast had short legs and could not catch up. In the end, it could only let out a roar.

Hu Heng also breathed a sigh of relief. This giant spiked beast actually had a speed defect in its physical body. It had been attacked from a distance before. In addition, its physical body was invulnerable, so they were not aware of it. to this point.

Even if he realizes it, there is nothing he can do. The spiked beast only moves slowly, not its attack speed.

But for Hu Heng, this was a good thing. After all, his life was saved.

However, before he could be happy for long, when he turned around, he was almost frightened out of his soul.

He saw the spiked giant beast turn into a huge ball of blue light, soar into the sky, and then turn into a blue stream of light and hit him.

"Such a huge body can actually fly in the air. It is worthy of gaining immortal power." Hu Heng said this, but his speed was three points faster.

If you don't move quickly, you will be caught up by the other party.

But he saw that the blue light covering the spiked monster was actually the fairy flames spitting out of the opponent's mouth. If he was touched by this, he would definitely die.

After chasing and escaping, Hu Heng's original advantage was gradually leveled. Fortunately, the glory of the Golden Wall of Merit not far away came into view.

"You evil beast, today is the day you die!" Hu Heng once again challenged the spiked beast when he was about to pass through the golden wall of merit.

However, the spiked giant beast did not stop at all and rushed directly towards the Golden Wall of Merit.

Hu Heng was also prepared for this situation, and walked through the Golden Wall of Merit in a leisurely manner, and then retreated for several miles.

Otherwise, why are you standing behind stupidly, waiting to be hit?

The spiked giant beast directly hit the merit golden wall. The entire merit golden wall was directly deformed by the smash, but it did not crack.

Many cultivators in the Tribulation Stage who controlled the Golden Wheel of Merit nearly shed tears of distress when they saw this scene.

Fortunately, the giant spiked beast was successfully intercepted, and the opponent gradually returned from its spherical shape to its normal bipedal appearance.

Compared with before, the entire giant beast was in a miserable state, with a large number of pitted injuries appearing on its originally invulnerable body.

These injuries are the backlash suffered from attacking the Golden Wheel of Merit.

"Quick, you all surround this giant beast with a golden wall of merit to prevent it from escaping." Hu Heng shouted quickly. At this time, we have to strike while the iron is hot.

However, the faces of all the cultivators turned dark. They are not your golden wheel of merit, so they don’t feel bad at all, right?

After being hit like this just now, the Golden Wall of Merit has not recovered yet, how can it surround the opponent.

"Push over and hit this giant beast." Hu Heng also reacted, and then changed his approach.

This time, a group of cultivators did as they were told. The huge golden wall of merit pressed towards the spiked beast. Every time it came into contact, a large number of injuries appeared on the spiked beast.


The slight noise made all the cultivators' expressions change. The power was mutual. When they used the golden wall of merit to injure the giant spiked beast, the golden wheel of merit that formed the golden wall of merit was also hit by the giant spiked beast. The damage caused by the immortal power on the beast.

Just this sound indicates that there is a crack in a certain golden wheel of merit.

"No, the giant spiked beast is trying to escape, stop it quickly..." Before Hu Heng finished shouting, the giant spiked beast successfully escaped from the golden wall of merit, and finally disappeared into the earth.

The main reason was that there was something wrong with the Golden Wheel of Merit. All the cultivators who controlled the Golden Wall of Merit were mentally shaken at the same time. At that time, they had only one thought. Could the Golden Wheel of Merit that had the problem be theirs?

Just such a loss of concentration caused the spiked giant beast to escape, and the whole plan failed. Hu Heng's face turned pale when he saw that he could win in this way, but he would lose in this way.

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