Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 674 The losing team’s MVP settlement screen

The news of the Daotian Alliance's failure soon spread throughout the country, causing a violent shock.

However, this incident is not a negative impact, but a positive comment.

Everyone knows that these two giant beasts have the power of immortals, and how big the difference is between immortals and mortals. Even many extraordinary people have no idea, but when they saw the hundreds of tribulation cultivators during the first siege, The disastrous defeat of the virtuous man shows how powerful he is.

But now, the Daotian Alliance only experienced one failure and was able to severely damage the spiked giant beast. Then the next time they take action, they may be able to kill this spiked giant beast.

"Everyone, what does this mean in the end?" Hu Heng's face looked ugly. He was obviously about to succeed, but this was the result.

"Leader, this is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding..." a senior executive said with a bitter look on his face.

The damaged Golden Wheel of Merit belonged to him, and the reason for the damage was very simple, that is, the quality of his Golden Wheel of Merit was insufficient, so the first one could not bear it.

It stands to reason that he should have been mad, but it turned out that after getting it back, he only needed to inject merit to repair it. The amount of merit required for repair was only 1 point, which was not much at all.

Even if the entire golden wheel of merit is broken, it can only be restored with 100 points of merit.

For them, the price couldn't be smaller. It is precisely because of this that their failure this time is very dazzling.

But failure is acceptable. After all, no one knew that after the golden wheel of merit is damaged, it can be repaired through the "Dharma of Exhausting Evil and Filling Goodness".

So naturally everyone had reservations.

"There is no misunderstanding, this matter..." Hu Heng lost his temper directly.

No one dared to say anything. After all, during the whole process, Hu Heng risked his life to lure the giant spiked beast to let him lose his temper and vent his anger, so no one could say much.

Hu Heng is naturally not just venting, he is using this method to further consolidate his authority.

Because they almost succeeded this time, they only need to repeat it again. Therefore, they do not need to ascend and leave Qianchuan Realm. A good aftermath is necessary.

After scolding for nearly a quarter of an hour, Hu Heng finally stopped and said, "Although you are wrong, you are not without merit."

"This time we have seriously injured the giant spiked beast. Judging from its injuries, it will not appear again for at least a few years. I will get rid of the unicorn monster tomorrow and slowly build this giant spiked beast in the future. .”

"Therefore, the one hundred great merits here can only be reduced to ninety great merits, but they cannot be passed down to the family. Do you have any opinions?"

Hu Heng has a big stick in one hand and sweet dates in the other. After scolding him, he will definitely offer benefits.

Everyone must have no objections. They were indeed frightened when they went there this time, but they really didn't expect that there was no danger this time. If they hadn't been careless, this spiked giant beast would have been dead. .

It can only be said that he is worthy of being a Sanren of Linyuan, and the "Golden Wheel Wall Transformation Technique" he has learned from the giant beast is indeed extraordinary.

The credit definitely does not belong to the other party. After all, this is an action within the Daotian Alliance. If Linyuan Sanren has joined the Daotian Alliance, the other party is really indispensable for this credit.

It's a pity that he didn't, he was just a loose person outside the Dao Tian Alliance.

"Since there is no objection, let's disperse. Let's have a good rest. We will have to deal with the unicorn monster tomorrow. Then we must not be distracted like today." Hu Heng said that everyone dispersed.

The training is over and the rewards are divided. The next step is to go back to each house to find each mother.

As for the one-horned monster still wreaking havoc today?

Then forget it, they lost today anyway, they are not bullshit, they really want to die.

Without a city and millions of people dead, it is not important for them to rest.

Hu Heng did not go back to rest, but instead went to visit Wang Linchi.

"How come the leader of the alliance has no time to come to my place without preparing to kill the unicorn monster tomorrow?" Wang Linchi asked with a smile.

He not only heard about what happened today, but even saw it with his own eyes. It can only be said that it is very regrettable. They were indeed almost able to send away the fairy monster Bermuda. Unfortunately, the difference is the difference, one point and half. , for Wang Linchi, they all failed to meet the standards.

"With the "Golden Wheel Wall Transformation Technique" given by you, Linyuan Sanren, the unicorn monster is not a problem. Today, I can only severely damage the spike monster. This is actually because I was not familiar with the technique when I first fought. There were some flaws in the cooperation of all comrades, which led to the escape of this spiked beast." Hu Heng pushed the pot. It can be anyone's problem, but it must not be their senior management's problem.

Wang Linchi did not reveal that the reason for the failure was that everyone had their own thoughts, but looked like he believed it: "Whether it is because of me gifting the method, or because of the profound merits of all of you colleagues, if there is no merit, this magic is useless. thing."

"I wonder if you came here specifically to find me, but do you have anything to explain?" Wang Linchi asked after inviting people into the house and making tea to receive them.

"Oh, it's not because of my rebellious son." Hu Heng also sighed. He came here naturally to win over Wang Linchi.

In particular, the "Golden Wheel Transformation Technique" handed over by Wang Linchi directly solved their urgent need. More importantly, it made him understand that merit can also be used in fighting.

If this "Golden Wheel Transformation Wall Technique" is simplified, it does not require that it be transformed into a meritorious golden wall. It is simply that the meritorious golden wheel is transformed into a meritorious golden shield or a meritorious golden sword and other spells, and then the merit can backfire and kill the enemy.

This is what I came here for.

But you definitely can’t tell it directly, you have to lay the groundwork first.

"It's just a fight among the juniors. Why should you take it to heart? But after today, if there is another fight, then I will have to teach the leader a lesson." How could Wang Linchi care that the other party was beaten by Immortal Bermuda? Now that he is still paralyzed and paralyzed on the bed, he will definitely not continue to worry about it.

"That's natural. If this traitor still dares to be so disrespectful, Linyuan Sanren, you just need to save your breath and fight the rest to death. You are his savior after all. If you dare to be so disrespectful, you simply don't know how to live or die." Hu Heng also straightened his face, saying this to get closer to each other.

Another polite exchange followed, and finally he revealed his purpose.

Wang Linchi was speechless after hearing this. Why are you thinking about dealing with your own compatriots?

However, he pondered for a long time and said: "The leader's method is also feasible, but there is one problem. This method can only be used against enemies who have no merit. If the leader uses this method to deal with fellow cultivators, it will not be effective at all. .”

These words made Hu Heng look disappointed. He thought that Wang Linchi would refuse, but he never thought that Wang Linchi would give such an answer.

"If the ascension is successful, this method can be used to deal with immortals and give us and other sentient beings in the Qianchuan Realm a chance of survival." Wang Linchi's sudden change of words gave Hu Heng a surprise.

But Hu Heng asked suspiciously: "Can an immortal have no merit?"

"I have never ascended to immortality. How do I know? It's just a guess." Wang Linchi smiled. He did know that Qingming Immortal World was the same as Qianchuan World before. Things like merit were extremely rare. Not many people have merit, and even if they do, it is only one or two points, not more than five points.

Therefore, this "Golden Wheel Transformation Technique" is not only used to deal with monsters, but also can be used to deal with immortals. After all, the foundation of monsters is actually immortals.

Hearing this, Hu Heng became a little less interested. Since it was a guess, it might be true or it might be false.

"That's right, we know nothing about the Qingming Immortal Realm, and there is no news from the seniors who ascended in the past. So far, we only have a few words." Hu Heng said regretfully.

"This is indeed a pity. Maybe this is the difference between immortals and mortals." Wang Linchi said with a smile. The actual situation is that all the immortal cultivators who ascended were captured by the Huntian Sect and worked as slaves to do hard labor. The seniors who ascended from Qianchuan Realm There are probably not many left alive.

Even if he is still alive, his original foundation will be damaged due to hard labor, and he will not be able to go any further in his life.

All I can say is that this situation is extremely unlucky.

After Hu Heng chatted with Wang Linchi for a while, he stood up and said goodbye. He came here for two purposes: to win over and to get a simplified version of "Golden Wheel Wall Transformation Technique". The former was effective, but the latter did not achieve his goal. , so there is no need to stay.

"He is worthy of being the leader of the alliance. He has the strength to work hard, speaks nicely and is willing to give benefits." Wang Linchi praised him. As for whether he is serving the country and the people, it doesn't matter.

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