Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 675 The fusion of giant beasts and the defeated Daotian Alliance

"Hahaha, the unicorn monster has appeared, we should take action!" Hu Heng looked at the information in his hand. When they were going to deal with the monster yesterday, they all felt like they were mourning. After all, they couldn't defeat it.

But today is different, everyone is naturally overjoyed, after all, it is trivial to handle a mere giant beast.

If they successfully kill this giant beast this time, then for them, they will not only be able to take their reputation to a higher level, but also be able to obtain the corpse of this giant beast that possesses immortal power, whether it is used to refine elixirs or gain enlightenment. They are all excellent ways. By then, they may be able to master the power of immortals without ascending.

After all, these giant beasts have not ascended. They also have this kind of power in Qianchuan Realm. How could they not do it.

"Everyone, come with me to Beiyan City. The unicorn monster is raging now. We must eliminate all evil today!" Hu Heng was happy, but he also warned that there must be no accidents like yesterday. .

He also forgave him for his lack of experience yesterday. If this happens again today, Hu Heng will definitely not let go of the person holding him back.

You must know that he risked his life to attract this giant beast, and it was not something that was wasted casually.

"Don't worry, Alliance Leader, this evil beast will not be able to escape today." The person who had an accident yesterday was the first to speak up.

This time everyone is confident.

Then everyone naturally agreed, and Hu Heng was very satisfied with these answers.

"Set off!"

A group of Dao Tianmeng cultivators quickly left the headquarters and flew towards Beiyan City.

Beiyan City is far away, so they flew for nearly half an hour before arriving. The old rule was to set up an ambush at a specific place, and the leader of the alliance, Hu Heng, provoked the unicorn behemoth and led it to the place where the ambush was set.

There are no special skills, it all depends on Hu Heng flying fast and hiding well. If one person is missing, Hu Heng will be gone.

This time there was no pre-war encouragement and instructions. In today's state, there was no need for these at all. Everyone was holding back their energy.

When Hu Heng arrived at Beiyan City, he saw the unicorn beast from a distance. At this time, the unicorn beast was sweeping the entire city with its strong and powerful tail. Hu Heng's expression showed disdain.

"It's just mindless stuff."

He could tell from yesterday's situation that these behemoths were simply incompetent in terms of morality and strength. However, their intelligence was no better than that of ordinary cats and dogs.

Following yesterday's set of procedures, he quickly attracted the attention of the unicorn monster, and when he was about to lure him away, a sudden change occurred.

Not far away, a huge earth bag suddenly rose up from the ground.

Before Hu Heng could react, the spiked giant beast that was seriously injured yesterday broke out of the ground. There were still a lot of wounds on the opponent's body. It was obvious that the backlash of his merits was not so easy to recover from.

But this also scared Hu Heng. He was not sure whether this golden wall of merit could block the two giant beasts, even if one of the giant beasts had a lot of injuries.

However, now that things have come to this, he can only bite the bullet and lure them all away.

But just when he was about to take action, he was keenly aware of the problem, that is, the originally furious unicorn beast actually calmed down and moved towards the spiked beast.

"Could it be that two beasts are going to fight?" Hu Heng couldn't help but look happy. As the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain, and this giant beast may have the same nature.

If that's the case, that's indeed a good thing.

In the future, it can even cause two giant beasts to fight, and they will reap the benefits.

However, the development did not go as Hu Heng imagined. After the two giant beasts came into contact with each other, they did not take action immediately. Instead, they approached each other. This situation aroused Hu Heng's vigilance.

"If it's not a fight, then it means they are right?" Hu Heng was also a little confused.

At this time, he did not dare to act without authorization, mainly because he was worried that he would be chased and intercepted by two giant beasts. If there was only one giant beast, he was really sure that he could successfully escape. If there were two giant beasts attacking at the same time, he would definitely not be able to escape. .

The spiked behemoth was indeed injured, but the injury was not caused by him, but by the Golden Wall of Merit. Even if it were to attack now, the behemoth's invulnerable body would not be able to cause any injuries at all.

"No, what is going on!!!"

The development was completely beyond Hu Heng's expectation. He saw that after the two giant beasts came into contact, they began to merge like water.

"Fusion, they are merging!"

At this moment, Hu Heng finally saw the reason clearly, so he didn't care too much and attacked with magic without hesitation.

He wanted to interrupt the fusion of the two giant beasts. Hu Heng didn't know what would happen after the two giant beasts merged, but he knew that this was definitely not a good thing.

The magic power fell on the two giant beasts that had merged into a giant cocoon, without causing any ripples.

"No, I have to do it as soon as possible..." Hu Heng planned to shake people, because this time he really had no way to solve it. However, before he had finished thinking about it, he saw a large number of cracks appearing on the giant cocoon. .

"How could it be so fast, damn it."

As soon as Hu Heng finished speaking, the giant cocoon burst, and a brand-new giant beast that merged the characteristics of the two giant beasts was born. It actually possessed a power that did not exist in the original two giant beasts.

Especially the fiery red lines on the chest seemed to contain extremely powerful fire power, and even the original horn turned fiery red.

In the first moment after hatching, fire appeared in the fiery red lines on the opponent's chest.

The next moment, scorching rays burst out from it and swept across the entire city.

This caused Beiyan City, which was still relatively complete, to disappear in an instant. If Hu Heng hadn't been prepared, he might have disappeared with Beiyan City at this time.

The two giant beasts launched an attack from the time they came into contact to the time the fusion was completed, and the time before and after was only a blink of an eye. Especially the fusion and hatching were incredibly fast, giving Hu Heng no chance to intervene.

After destroying Beiyan City, this new fused behemoth looked at Hu Heng.

Hu Heng strangely saw a playful expression in the eyes of this giant beast, which made Hu Heng couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart. This giant beast actually had intelligence.


A sky-shaking roar erupted from the giant beast's mouth, and then lava and ice spewed out from its mouth. The two terrifying forces covered Hu Heng.

Hu Heng naturally fled immediately. He could see that the other party was not something he could fight against.

If the immortal power of two giant beasts is one, then the immortal power of this giant beast is at least ten thousand. The two are completely different.

When he fled, the giant beast stepped forward and followed Hu Heng. The speed was not slow at all, but followed closely, and from time to time it burst out with scorching fire rays.

It felt to Hu Heng as if this giant beast was playing with a cat and a mouse.

Hu Heng's escape direction was naturally towards the Golden Wall of Merit. For him, this was the only chance of survival, otherwise there would be no chance of escape.

"Everyone, I have attracted the giant beast!" Hu Heng did not say anything about the fusion of the two giant beasts. He was afraid of another accident.

When a group of cultivators saw the behemoth, they also had different expressions. It was not like they had never seen a behemoth with one horn, but this behemoth was obviously not a behemoth with two horns. There were two conspicuous behemoths on its body. Characteristics, they could see them at a glance.

But they didn't ask too many questions at this time, after all, they had confidence in themselves.

When the giant beast saw the Golden Wall of Merit, it couldn't help but shudder. Apparently, after the fusion of the two giant beasts, the memories of both parties were integrated at the same time. Therefore, through the spiked giant beast, the power of the Golden Wall of Merit could be seen.

But the stop was short-lived, and then the scorching rays from the chest spurted out, but they were not launched out, but surrounded the body, forming a high-speed scorching vortex. At first glance, the entire giant beast turned into a red and blue A huge moving vortex of mixed colors.

The vortex suddenly hit the golden wall of merit, shattering it on the spot. Naturally, the self-confidence of all the cultivators of the Daotian League was also shattered.


The scorching vortex exploded, and countless high-temperature rays flew out like arrows.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!" Hu Heng looked at this scene with splitting eyes, then turned around and fled. Naturally, many cultivators from the Daotian Alliance were scattered with him.

However, this time, it is not so easy to escape. After all, the current giant beast is far more powerful than the previous two giant beasts.

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