Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 677 This is ascension...ah (screaming).JPG

The story of the collective ascension during the Tribulation Period has not spread, it is only spread among the group during the Tribulation Period.

The only person left behind was Wang Linchi, and the others planned to leave during the Tribulation Period.

However, after the battle with the Immortal version of the monster Burning Baimustrom, there were not many in the Tribulation Stage.

It's just that after that battle, the frequency of the Immortal version of the monster Burning Bermstrom dropped significantly. It originally destroyed a city in one day, but now it has become one every ten days.

This left many people confused as to why.

However, this incident did not affect the people in the Tribulation Period who wanted to leave. Instead, they felt that there must be a monster if something went wrong, so they had to leave as soon as possible.

Shi Nan couldn't help but sneered when he looked at the many pieces of information fed back by the Daotian Alliance.

"The original plan was to wait until tomorrow, but now it seems that we have to ascend and leave today."

The intelligence shows that there are some unusual movements in various parts of Qianchuan Realm, and it is suspected that a new giant beast is about to be born.

Everyone had originally speculated that there was not just one giant beast. This was not a big problem. After all, a single giant beast would be killed by the Golden Wall of Merit.

But it's different now. The two giant beasts can be fused, and after fusion, they have the power to break the golden wall of merit.

He still doesn't know whether the fused giant beast can undergo a second fusion. If it can, then the human race in Qianchuan Realm will be wiped out and there will be no resistance at all.

The behemoths that were fused once were so powerful, but what about those that were fused twice?

There may be three, four, and so on multiple fusions, and the consequences would be disastrous.

So Shi Nan understood that leaving could no longer be delayed. If he continued to delay, he might not be able to leave.

Fortunately, he was ready to ascend today.

In fact, for him, there is not much difference between today and tomorrow, except that he may let others penetrate first.

There are advantages and disadvantages to doing this. You don't have to worry about being blocked later and catching others off guard.

The disadvantages are also obvious. Who knows what the Qingming Immortal World is like.

But for the sake of your own life, no matter what his situation is.

After leaving the main hall of the Daotian Alliance, he activated his own magic power without hesitation and immediately began to ascend.

With the resonance of the mana, he saw countless thunderbolts guarding a heavenly gate in the sky. What he had to do was very simple, which was to survive the thunder tribulation caused by the large number of thunderbolts, push open the heavenly gate and enter it. Then he would succeed. Soared into the Qingming Immortal Realm.

In the process of surviving the thunder tribulation, he will gradually achieve some of the foundations of an immortal, allowing him to gain the foundation of becoming an immortal after entering the Qingming Immortal Realm.

This movement was naturally very loud and attracted the attention of many people.

"Damn it, why did Shi Nan ascend so early?" The cultivators of the Tribulation Stage immediately understood that Shi Nan actually dared to stab them in the back.

Unfortunately, there is only one Tianmen, and they dare not follow it.

It's not that we can't go together, but there will be problems. The biggest problem is that the ascending thunder tribulations will be superimposed. By then, the intensity of the tribulations will directly double, making it impossible to survive at all.

Therefore only one person can ascend at a time.

In the original plan, Shi Nan was not the first one to ascend, but it turned out that Shi Nan beat him to it.

This means that Shi Nan may have discovered that there may be some kind of huge crisis in Qianchuan Realm. Otherwise, it would be impossible to leave without following the plan.

After all, in the eyes of many cultivators in the Tribulation Stage, after ascension, it is just another starting point for them, and they will inevitably continue to have contact in the Qingming Immortal World in the future. If you are so unruly, you are not afraid that they will make it difficult for you in the future after ascension. ?

Therefore, everyone is still maintaining their human and sophistication, in order to pave the way for the group reunion after ascension.

Shi Nan naturally didn't care about these things. The golden wheel of merit in his body turned into substance, constantly absorbing the power of thunder and calamity for him, and then transformed into pure immortal power to constantly transform and nourish his body.

At the same time, he could also feel the expanding power in his body.

Before, he seemed like mud, but in the immortal power, he was keenly aware of his sublimation.

"Does it feel like an immortal body? No wonder a giant beast with immortal power can be so powerful. If it were me, no matter how many times I go through the tribulation, it would be just a matter of a small spell." Shi Nan was fascinated by his own In strength.

As his body got closer and closer to the Immortal Sect, the powerful force generated by the transformation made him feel more and more extraordinary.

"The difference between immortals and mortals is today, hahahaha~"

Shi Nan was already standing in front of the Tianmen, laughing heartily. When he was about to reach out and push open the Tianmen to enter the Qingming Immortal Realm, he suddenly saw a large number of cracks appearing in the Tianmen.

Shi Nan's eyes were splitting when he saw this scene. He didn't understand at all how the Tianmen used for ascension could be in such a situation.

Therefore, he hurriedly wanted to reach out and push open the Tianmen, so as to leave Qianchuan Realm as soon as possible before the Tianmen shattered. However, when his hand just touched the Tianmen, the Tianmen shattered.

However, behind the Tianmen, it was not the fairyland as rumored. Instead, he saw darkness. In the darkness, he saw silver-gray horns that resembled those of a bull.

A certain fear immediately occupied his heart.

"Big... giant beast!!!" Shi Nan's voice was sharp and frightening. He never thought that Tianmen would be destroyed by a brand new giant beast.

The next moment, Lei Jie was engulfed in terrifying flames.

At this time, Shi Nan also saw the complete appearance of this giant beast, with a black and white body, the head, abdomen and back were black, and the carapace on the back, which resembled a beetle, was dotted with white dots.

And it is not similar to the animal shape like the previous two giant beasts. This time it is like a humanoid, and the hands are no longer short, but like a person wearing a weird mask.

Then, the flames engulfed Shi Nan, and everything just disappeared.

Many people in Qianchuan Realm saw this scene, everything became silent, and they didn't even dare to open their mouths to breathe.

It wasn't until the weird giant beast disappeared that everyone recovered from the shock of fear.

"No...impossible. The aura of this giant beast is far greater than that of the secondary fusion giant beast. What is going on..." A cultivator in the tribulation stage murmured to himself in a low voice.

With the Tianmen shattered, this means that they cannot ascend and leave Qianchuan Realm at all, nor can they reach Qingming Immortal Realm.

Even if they can fly again, they don't dare to fly away. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this strange giant beast is guarding the ascension passage. If they dare to fly away, they will be directly killed by the beast that seems to be able to burn everything. engulfed in flames.

Compared with the flames released by the unicorn behemoth, the spiked behemoth, and even the now fused behemoth, compared with that weird behemoth, the difference is as vast as clouds and mud.

For a time, everyone felt the pressure.

If you can't run anymore, staying in Qianchuan Realm is just a slow death.

"Haha, not bad, the shock effect is achieved, let's see who dares to ascend." When Wang Linchi saw this scene, he felt that the effect was very good.

"As expected of the extremely popular space dinosaur Zeton, he solved many problems as soon as he appeared on the scene."

"It's a pity that boy Shi Nan doesn't follow the routine, otherwise it will definitely be more spectacular."

The shock effect was indeed achieved, but unfortunately the plan was deflected due to Shi Nan's jump-start.

You must know that the original plan was to catch all the cultivators in the Tribulation Stage in one fell swoop. Their plan was to ascend and leave together tomorrow, that is, in order.

At that time, Wang Linchi only needed to use some trivial means to force them to leave, and in the end they all died in the one-trillion-degree flame of the immortal version of the cosmic dinosaur Jayton.

As for whether this mega-degree flame really has such a high temperature, Wang Linchi can only say that this thing has only a name. It is impossible for Wang Linchi to really equip the opponent with such a high-intensity attack.

Anyway, it just sounds good. Besides, this is not the real cosmic dinosaur Jayton, it is just the fairy version. Apart from the same appearance, there is no similarity at all.

"It's just that the ascension plan will definitely not be implemented." Wang Linchi sighed.

He had already prepared for things like the plan not to keep up with changes, but it was a pity that it failed.

Because of the existence of the cosmic dinosaur Jayton, the cultivators of Qianchuan Realm are now allowed to ascend, but they are not willing to ascend. What is the difference between this and sending them to their own door to seek death.

Fortunately, Wang Linchi has other plans, so there is no need to worry that the next situation will go beyond his plan.

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