Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 678 After Ascension Cut Off

The passage to ascension was cut off, causing the escape plan of the cultivators in the Tribulation Period to fail, and they could only come back to Wang Linchi in despair.

The main reason is that Wang Linchi can currently provide a solution.

"I currently have no solution for the giant beast that broke the Tianmen. Its power must be above that of an immortal." Wang Linchi said solemnly.

This is true, because the immortal version of the cosmic dinosaur Jayton is in the realm of the immortal king, so he is not lying.

No one was surprised. Their request here was not to ask Wang Linchi to solve the problem of the ascension passage. In the eyes of everyone, this was not something that Wang Linchi could solve at all.

At this time, Wang Linchi had become the new leader of the Daotian Alliance. The main reason was that the other Tribulation Stages did not want to take responsibility, so it was most appropriate for Wang Linchi to come.

Even though Wang Linchi was not a member of the Daotian Alliance before, with the support of other cultivators in the Tribulation Stage, no one dared to object, so Wang Linchi took the position.

Wang Linchi also knew that this group of people just wanted to survive on their own, so he pushed him out to block the knife. After all, the position of the leader of the Tianmeng Alliance was different from the past. Became a hot potato.

"Leader, the top priority is not to solve the problem of Tianmen, but the problem of many giant beasts in our Qianchuan Realm. Since Tianmen was broken, giant beasts have appeared everywhere, in large numbers and different varieties. Some can even merge with each other to become more powerful. Behemoth.”

"If this matter is not resolved as soon as possible, the Daotian Alliance will be destroyed."

A senior executive said that the current problem has little to do with Tianmen, but a problem of their survival.

After the Tianmen Incident, Wang Linchi quickly brought the entire Qianchuan Realm into the next stage, which was the era of giant beasts. Therefore, he invested nearly a thousand immortal monsters at once, causing misery to all places.

However, because the number of people in the Tribulation Stage is too small, even if they want to use the "Golden Wheel Transformation Wall Technique" to build a golden wall of merit, there is no way, making the cultivators unable to resist the giant beast at all.

"There is already a solution to this matter. I have initially created a magical golden body and a corresponding solution."

"It's just that you may need to be a little busier later."

While speaking, Wang Linchi took out the magical power called Golden Body Dharma and handed it to everyone.

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly took it and circulated it, and then their expressions changed slightly.

"This method is indeed magical, but the danger is too great." Some people looked a little unhappy after reading it.

The specific principle is very simple, that is, since everyone can't practice magical powers in a short period of time and can't find anyone with the merits and golden body, it's easy to do it. Everyone can practice a part of it, and then several people can be combined into a golden body. To fight against the beast.

This is indeed a good idea, but because it is a combined golden body, most of the original magical abilities have disappeared, leaving only a strong body and some small abilities.

Therefore, they need to fight hand-to-hand with the giant beast.

If it was just a simple hand-to-hand fight, there would actually be no big problem. It’s not like they had never experienced hand-to-hand fights during the fight, but the problem was that their golden bodies were not one person, but made up of many people, so each one All actions require the mobilization of the people who make up the golden body to operate together.

As long as one person is holding back, the movement of the golden body will be deformed, which is likely to affect the situation during the battle.

So it’s a question that tests everyone’s tacit understanding.

"Dangerous? What's not dangerous?" Wang Linchi asked back.

The person who said this couldn't help but fell silent. It was true. There was danger everywhere now. Instead, everyone cultivated separately to become this golden body. There was still a glimmer of hope.

"It is indeed a good idea to practice magical powers separately, but after forming one body, how should we act? Is it easy for everyone to work together?" Someone else questioned.

Wang Linchi said calmly: "In the face of your life and mine, this is nothing."

"If you can't overcome even the simplest of things, then you might as well take the gamble of ascending. Maybe you'll all have a better chance of surviving than questioning how we can all work together."

Now Wang Linchi naturally has no intention of spoiling them. He really thinks that this is the past.

Either listen to him and still have a chance of survival, or you can find a place to hang out and wait to die.

"Leader, this is too absurd. Please forgive me for withdrawing. Since it cannot be accomplished, I will retire." Someone chose to withdraw.

The other party knows very well the virtues and mentality of his group in the Tribulation Stage, so it is simply impossible for them to unite as one and cooperate tacitly.

"Yes, but you can't do anything to hinder the Daotian Alliance, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless." Wang Linchi warned.

A trace of disdain flashed in the eyes of the person who was about to quit. Are you worthy of it?

Fortunately, this disdain was quickly hidden by him, and there was no need for him to confront Wang Linchi head-on.

Wang Linchi's idea was very simple. He secretly did not intend to let this person go. He really thought that the Daotian Alliance would come in and leave whenever they wanted.

At most tomorrow, he will die without a complete body.

On the surface, he is a righteous knight, but secretly, he is the mastermind behind the giant beasts.

"Don't worry, Alliance Leader, I will definitely not leave the house."

"Farewell!" After the other party said this, he turned around and left.

After someone set an example, several people one after another said that they did not intend to participate in Wang Linchi's plan.

Naturally, Wang Linchi let them go on the surface, but secretly he had already found the monsters, and sent these people away halfway, making sure not to leave any of them behind.

If only one of them left, Wang Linchi could keep them until tomorrow, but with so many people leaving, it wouldn't work. He couldn't bear to kill these traitors overnight.

There were only five people left in the Tribulation Period, and they had escaped.

"What about you?" Wang Linchi asked.

"They are just a group of short-sighted people." Someone commented, and then said: "If you, the leader, perfect the Golden Body Dharma, how sure are you of killing the giant beast that shattered the Tianmen?"

"Not even 10%, but if it is a complete golden body, there is a 70% chance that it will be possible to resist with this merit and soar to the Qingming Immortal Realm." Wang Linchi did not give them hope. He first drew the cakes for them and then talked about it. , whether it is new or not is another matter.

The remaining five people couldn't help but their eyes lit up, and the person who spoke just now hurriedly asked: "Does the alliance leader really mean what he said?"

"Why are you lying to me? You don't think you are the only one who wants to leave."

"After I deal with the giant beasts that can be dealt with in the Qianchuan Realm, I naturally want to ascend to the Qingming Immortal Realm."

"I would like to ask the world's tribulation masters, how many of them don't want to ascend." Wang Linchi had the same expression as everyone else.

"It's ridiculous that these people didn't know the alliance leader's true intentions, so they missed a chance of survival." Someone also laughed, he just said, how could Wang Linchi have no backup plan.

It was right not to leave. Now that I leave, I will not be able to obtain the complete golden body.

Although Wang Linchi has not yet completed it and is just a rough creation, the four words "Linyuan Sanren" are the golden signboard.

"There is no chance of survival, it can only be said to be a way out for us." Wang Linchi also finished speaking modestly, and then said: "This first draft of the Golden Body Dharma is the foundation for you to go back and practice hard. If you practice complete magical powers every day, you will be able to go more smoothly."

"Yes, Alliance Leader, I will live up to the Alliance Leader's expectations." The five people also excitedly accepted the magical secret book of the golden body.

"One more thing, please don't make this matter public. If it leaks out and attracts those people with different ideas to come back, disrupts the tacit understanding of your Dharma and phase, and hinders your progress, it will not be good." Wang Linchi gave instructions.

The five people naturally agreed without hesitation.

Naturally, they stayed not for the common people in the world, but for themselves.

After that, Wang Linchi sent these five people away and asked them to go back to practice and kill the giant beast.

"Ultraman didn't even have time to come on stage, but these Super Sentai warriors took advantage of him first."

"This bunch of losers have all given you plug-ins to increase your merits, but as a result, not one of them has a golden body with merits and virtues yet."

Wang Linchi was cursing a little, this was really out of necessity, otherwise he would have had nothing to do by splitting up the transformation of this meritorious golden version of Ultraman, and it would have been one Ultraman per person, instead of several combined into a combined robot.

"Forget it, this is a weird situation to begin with, just bear with it and wait until there is a chance in the Qingming Immortal World to create an Ultraman combination."

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