Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 680 Let everyone become light?

"Yes, initial results have been achieved, but why did everyone go back?" Wang Linchi asked pretending not to know.

He has been keeping an eye on the situation of these five people. Besides, even if he is not monitoring them, the rebellion of these five people is almost visible to the naked eye.

And each one of them has his own agenda.

Lu Xing came back alone, but sent away the other four people. Naturally, he came here to please Wang Linchi, so as to gain favorability and give himself more opportunities.

"They had something important to do, so they left first." Lu Xing said in an awkward tone, as if he was covering up for the four of them.

Anyone with a bit of discernment can see the awkwardness in Lu Xing's attitude.

But Wang Linchi couldn't tell. Anyway, no matter how you act, Wang Linchi looked like a blind man and didn't ask further questions.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you have something important to do. It's not a big deal."

"It's up to you to handle it, I feel relieved." Wang Linchi said as if he values ​​you and not anyone else.

Lu Xing was secretly a little strange. He wanted to see some clues from Wang Linchi's face, but the fact was that there was no trace at all, so he had to give up in the end.

As for whether Wang Linchi's words were true or false, he directly regarded them as lies. He was a thousand-year-old fox, how could he reveal his feelings casually.

Just like Yang Song's previous instigation, it was based on everyone's own thoughts. Yang Song was not stupid, so how could he come to fight against the wind?

"I'm grateful for the alliance leader's appreciation!" Lu Xing said excitedly.

Wang Linchi shook his head: "Now that the golden body, Dharma, and magical powers have been confirmed to have the ability to defeat giant beasts, the next step should be..."

"Don't worry, Alliance Leader, the five of us will definitely eradicate the evildoers for the common people in the world." Lu Xing took the lead to express his loyalty before Wang Linchi finished his words.

However, Wang Linchi said unhurriedly: "You misunderstood me. There are many giant beasts, and they are born from time to time. It is too time-consuming and laborious to eradicate the giant beasts with just the five of you. "

"I plan to publish the magical power of the Golden Body Dharma and let people all over the world practice it together. By then, the beast problem can be eradicated."

Lu Xing was shocked by Wang Linchi's words. He never thought that Wang Linchi would actually plan to reveal the magical power of the Golden Body. How could this be possible?

"No, absolutely impossible. Even if the five of us and the five of us are in the period of transcending the tribulation period, the golden body, Dharma, and supernatural power can only be used once a day, which is not enough for a cup of tea. If it were replaced by other cultivators, how could they be able to control it?"

"It is a disaster rather than a blessing to entrust such great powers to them." How could Lu Xing tolerate his own privileges being obtained by others?

"Don't worry, this is easy. In the Mahayana stage, a hundred people can be combined into one. Although it is not as good as the five of you, it is enough to deal with a giant beast."

"Thousands of people can become one in the integration stage, and tens of thousands of people can become one in the virtual training stage, and they can become giants of merit."

Wang Linchi has no intention of coddling the other party at all. If you want to play monopoly, you don't have to look at what time it is.

The reason for the monopoly is simple. Naturally, it is because they have not given up their plan to escape from Qianchuan Realm. Otherwise, as soon as Yang Song opens his mouth, the other four people will acquiesce.

It's just because Wang Linchi is still valuable now.

Wang Linchi's explanation made Lu Xing's eyes appear gloomy, and he even had murderous intentions.

However, due to the incomplete replenishment of the golden body, Dharma, and magical powers, I could only endure it forcefully.

"I see, the alliance leader is really a great talent." Lu Xing knew that there was no way he could change Wang Linchi's mind, but it didn't matter, he had many ways to prevent Wang Linchi from successfully promoting the golden body method and magical power.

Nowadays, the top power in the entire Qianchuan Realm is in the hands of Wang Linchi and their five tribulation cultivators.

In the eyes of Lu Xing and the others, Wang Linchi was nothing more than a puppet. Without them, the other party would be nothing. Moreover, he was just a junior and a junior at the Tribulation Stage, and he was not worthy of competing against their five experienced Tribulation Stages.

When Wang Linchi talks about the city gate building, they can completely twist it into a hip axis through their own power and strength.

It is guaranteed that when he implements the magical power of the Golden Body, it will go smoothly on the surface, but in fact he will not be able to leave the Daotian Alliance headquarters at all.

‘Five against one, the advantage is mine! ’ Lu Xing also sneered in his heart, just deduce magical powers honestly, why do you do these things?

"What a great talent, it's not for ourselves." Wang Linchi said with a smile.

What he said was true. He did all this for himself. It looked like fun, but in fact, he was trying to squeeze out the entire Qianchuan Realm.

As for the future, he will let the five Lu Xings ascend to the Qingming Immortal Realm.

This is not because he is kind-hearted, but because he needs these five people as viruses to invade Qingming Immortal World in advance.

By the way, let these five people live like slaves for a while. After all, they have always wanted to ascend, so Wang Linchi can satisfy them.

I really thought that the golden body, Dharma, and magical power given by Wang Linchi would be something good.

If it can be delivered outside, there must be a big problem.

This magical power can greatly stimulate the pollution contained in the merits in the body of the cultivator. If you practice this incomplete version, you will be separated from the merit giant skin as soon as three minutes are up.

But if you succeed in practicing the full version, then this skin will change from temporary to permanent.

At that time, even the species can be replaced for you.

The polluted version of Ultraman is no lie.

When Lu Xing heard Wang Linchi say that it was for himself, he was also thinking in his mind whether there might be some other plan.

Gritting his teeth, he asked shamelessly: "Please make it clear, leader."

"You, you, you are usually smart, why don't you understand now." Wang Linchi looked like he hated iron.

This makes Lu Xing a little confused. You use this as a riddle for him and let him understand what he can understand.

"If we have enough merit giants to ascend with everyone in this cup of tea..." Wang Linchi stopped talking at this point.

But Lu Xing understood in an instant that it was so.

Wang Linchi continued Hu Heng's ascension plan, but made improvements.

The real role is to pave a way for yourself.

If they want to ascend and leave, they can't avoid the sky-eating beast. If they are the only ones, their target will be very big.

If they bring other merit giants with them, there will be a lot of shields. As long as there are enough merit giants to block their swords, they can take advantage of the opportunity to rush into the ascension channel and reach Qingming Fairyland.

"Thank you, leader, for the tip. I was indeed wrong." Lu Xing also said quickly.

He had always thought that this Linyuan San was serving the country and the people, but today he saw that he was not worthy of his name and actually had such a big plan.

But this has nothing to do with him. What he values ​​​​is that he can successfully ascend and escape from the mess of Qianchuan Realm.

"It doesn't matter if you mention it, you can figure it out by yourself." Wang Linchi finished speaking slowly, and then said: "Then I will leave it to you to promote the golden body, Dharma, and magical power."

"We must let everyone successfully acquire this magical power."

With the benefits in hand, Lu Xing took it without hesitation: "Don't worry, Alliance Leader, this method will definitely spread throughout the world!"

After a lot of trouble, Wang Linchi finally deceived the other party, but it couldn't be regarded as deception. If Wang Linchi had this idea, he could indeed do it.

The main thing is whether Wang Linchi wants to do it or not.

After sending Lu Xing away, he also complained: "Everyone of them is obviously very smart, but why don't they put their intelligence where they should be used? Their minds are full of conspiracy and plotting, right?"

"No wonder they are like this, living in such a culture where the strong are respected."

"Fortunately, it has been modified by me, otherwise I would have to add a predator to the jungle."

In the era of immortality before the era of merit, there were countless things like killing people, stealing goods, and destroying people. The reason was probably just because the other party had the resources they needed.

Even because of the law of the jungle, commercial activities such as auction houses and trade fairs, the surrounding area will become a peak area for fighting in the two or three days after the transaction.

It's a little better now, because cultivators don't need a lot of resources for cultivation like cultivators of immortality, and their merits are earned, so the law of the jungle has gradually declined, and public security has also improved a lot. Except for encountering giant beasts, everything is quite good. OK

"Unfortunately, all this is just an illusory calm on the surface." Wang Linchi was breaking this illusory order little by little to make profits for himself.

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