Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 681 How can you become a big deal if you are hesitant about doing things?

With the promotion of the magical power of the golden body, more and more cultivators have devoted themselves to the fight against the giant beasts, which has completely crushed the original overall advantages of the giant beasts.

The main reason is not how powerful Wang Linchi's golden body is, but because it has bottomed out and rebounded.

The reason why the five people in the Tribulation Stage have evil intentions is because they don't have to care about the ecology of Qianchuan Realm. After all, their idea has always been to go to Qingming Immortal Realm.

However, the virtue cultivators at the middle and lower levels are not good enough. Once the Qianchuan Realm is occupied by giant beasts, their fate can be imagined.

Therefore, in the conquest of the giant beasts, everyone tried their best. In addition to their own survival being affected, there was also a lot of hatred.

The destructive behavior of the giant beast is indiscriminate, and it will cause huge casualties whether it is people or objects.

Therefore, they are more united than the five people in the Tribulation Period, and there are rarely tacit understanding problems.

However, this incident has affected the status of the five people in the Tribulation Period.

"Everyone, we have been plotted by the Linyuan San people." Lu Xing had an ugly expression on his face. Although he did not believe Wang Linchi's words, he also discovered that the other party had bad intentions in spreading the magical power of the Golden Body Dharma.

It was originally said to be fine, let other people be the targets of his sword, but why did it get better and better? It made him feel like he and others were completely ignored.

As soon as the Golden Body Dharma Appeared, Wang Linchi's limelight immediately overwhelmed them.

Their original important status has all disappeared. The most intuitive thing is that they are no longer needed to fight the giant beasts.

The cultivators of other realms only need enough numbers to be able to exert the same power as them through the golden body method.

Normally this is simply impossible. Just like a thousand people in the Mahayana stage. For them in the Tribulation stage, they can be destroyed with just a wave of their hands. However, with the help of the golden body, Dharma and magical power, they can be on an equal footing with them. How about this? Let them be willing.

What's more important is that after ascending, he originally thought that the merit giants composed of other cultivation realms would be weaker than them, so that he could help them block the knife. Now that their strengths are equal, not only is there no way to help them block the knife, but he and others It may also become a knife blocker.

With this series of changes, the five people in the Tribulation Period will definitely be unhappy.

"What solution do you have?" Liang Shun's face didn't look very good.

It's not like they don't know the current situation, but they simply don't have enough means to solve the matter.

Being ignored, and their strength is not unique, they have completely become marginal figures.

If it weren't for the fact that the giant beast couldn't take refuge, they would all be thinking of taking refuge with the giant beast now.

Some people have tried to surrender. In the end, the giant beast didn't need it at all, and killed the surrenderer on the spot. After that, there were also people who did not believe in evil one after another. As a result, after they were all turned into mud, there was no more. People have thought about taking refuge in the giant beast.

"Kill!" Yang Song spit out one word.

Everyone present couldn't help but hesitate, and then Lu Xing took the lead in objecting: "No, we haven't obtained the golden body, Dharma, and magical power yet!"

They are not so tolerant just for the sake of their magical powers. If you want to kill them now, then their previous patience will be in vain.

"If you can't kill, does that mean you have to endure it?" Yang Song couldn't help but ask: "Then what's the point of coming to us to discuss it? You can't just sit around doing nothing."

"Although we can't kill Linyuan Sanren, we can dismember the Dao Tianmeng and teach him a lesson." Lu Xing smiled sinisterly.

"Dismember the Daotian Alliance? How can it be so easy? How can we do it now that you and I have no power?" Yang Song agreed with this method, but he did not have the means to implement it.

"Although Leader Hu has died, he left behind a son, Huda. Do you know this?" Lu Xing can speak, which means that he has a plan for a long time.

"I know a little bit that this person's heart is as high as the sky, but his life is as thin as paper. He actually dared to tease Linyuan Sanren with his cultivation in the integration stage. If Linyuan Sanren hadn't been magnanimous, he would have died countless times." Yang Song said disdainfully.

Although they were unhappy with Wang Linchi, no matter how unhappy they were, he was still on the same level as themselves and others. They were disdainful of people like Hu Heng's son who had no vision. If it were them, let alone the son of the alliance leader, he would be the alliance leader. He himself, whose cultivation level was not as good as theirs and dared to jump in front of them, was crushed to death by him.

"The other party has been contacting the old team recently, thinking of regaining the position of alliance leader." Lu Xing also smiled, as if he was watching some joke.

"Huh? How could he have such an idea." Liang Shun also laughed when he heard this.

How come you have this ability in a mere integration stage? If it were in the tribulation stage, even in the early stage of tribulation, it would be possible to get it back.

During the integration stage, he was indeed an advanced cultivator of virtue in Qianchuan Realm, but in front of them, he was no better than a child.

"It's just that we don't know how high the sky is, but this is an opportunity for us." Lu Xing changed the subject.

Then everyone immediately understood what Lu Xing meant, which was simply to use Huda's identity to split the Daotian Alliance into two.

Then they can completely use this to fight against Wang Linchi's branch.

"The idea is good, but there is a problem." Yang Song asked with dead eyes: "We are so disgusting with Linyuan Sanren, do you think he will give us the complete golden body, Dharma, and magical power next?"

He asked a key question, that is, they were all against Wang Linchi. Why did Wang Linchi give them the golden body, Dharma, and magical power? It couldn't be because he wanted to be beaten.

The anger was indeed released in this way, but the result would be deflected. Their purpose was not to attack Wang Linchi at all, but to obtain the other party's magical power.

"I know your concerns, but we don't need direct support at all, but in an indirect way." Lu Xing made up his mind to regain his position.

"As long as we take care of the aftermath, the five of you and I are in the period of transcending the tribulation. Linyuan Sanren is one against five, how can we have an advantage?"

"If you want to hide it from him and disgust him, for you and me, it can only be solved with some small methods."

They had no evidence or traces of being caught, so Wang Linchi would not doubt them. After all, he and others were Wang Linchi's "confidants", even if it was only on the surface, but this could also be a convenience for them.

Lu Xing and Yang Song hit it off immediately, but the remaining three were hesitant.

First of all, the three of them have never experienced what happened to the two of them. They were neither at the bottom nor were they directly cheated by Wang Linchi. So just to vent your anger, you dragged the three of them to bad luck together. There are no advantages and a lot of disadvantages. You really think they are stupid. ah.

"I will not participate in this matter. I will remain neutral. I will not inform you or cooperate with you." Liang Shun said immediately.

These words made Lu Xing and Yang Song's expressions freeze. They did not expect such a change to occur.

The two of them quickly figured out that the interests of the three of them were not consistent with theirs, because they could endure it and did not receive corresponding suppression.

As for power, in fact, they have not changed much at all. It is only because the general environment has changed that they feel that their power has been reduced.

"Okay, if this matter is leaked..." Lu Xing didn't force it. Unless he could provide benefits that made these three people excited, don't even think about winning them over.

"Destroyed by heaven and earth." Liang Shun said like a curse.

But it has no effect unless it is sworn with merit.

However, Lu Xingye had no way to get them to this level. After all, he convened it himself. So you want to force him? That would be counterproductive.

It is already very good to be able to achieve this level.

"In this case, I won't be involved in the next thing. I still have important things at home, so I'll take a step ahead and say goodbye!" Liang Shun didn't plan to stay any longer and didn't want to listen to their plans.

There are some things that you shouldn't listen to randomly. After listening to them, you might get stuck in them.

After Liang Xing left, the remaining two people also handed over their hands, saying that they also had something to do at home and planned to go back to deal with it first.

In short, I just don’t want to get involved in their affairs.

"Short-sighted people, so stupid, I'm afraid they won't be able to escape the control of Linyuan Sanren." Lu Xing sneered. He felt that he was the truth. Fortunately, he didn't intend to convince the three of them, he just made some comments. .

"Don't worry about them. Do these three people really think that Linyuan Sanren can kindly give them magical powers? If we don't have enough methods to control Linyuan Sanren, he will continue to control you and me by deducing magical powers. This time it will be more gain than loss." Yang Song also said that Lu Xing was right.

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