Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 682 Complete Dharma, Golden Body and Divine Powers

"I didn't expect these two people to be so vicious and want to frame my nephew." Wang Linchi looked helpless.

Hu Da also had lingering fears. He never thought that Lu Xing and Yang Song would dare to use him to deal with Wang Linchi.

He is still very grateful to Wang Linchi. Not only did he save himself from the giant beast regardless of previous suspicions, but he also rescued himself when his father died and was about to leave. More importantly, he was not harsh on himself at all. On the contrary, he was Very caring.

As for contacting the old department, this is true. The main reason is to help Wang Linchi complete the goal of killing all the giant beasts as soon as possible.

So he never thought about replacing him at all. After experiencing ups and downs, he also understood many things.

Now even if he is asked to usurp the throne, he will not go and will not see what his situation is.

Become the leader of the Dao Tian Alliance during the integration period? Not to mention the tribulation period, there are still a lot of Mahayana periods on his head alone. If he rises to the top, he will either become a puppet or fall into the water one day.

I really thought that this position was a good one. If I wanted to secure my position as the leader of the Dao Tian Alliance, I would have to at least be in the tribulation period.

"Uncle Wang, these two people have bad intentions, it's better to get rid of them as soon as possible." Huda also reminded quickly.

He understands his situation very well. He relied on his father Hu Heng before, but now he relies on this Linyuan Sanren, that is, the other person is broad-minded and does not care about past grudges. Otherwise, if it were another person, based on what he had done before, the grass on his grave would now be three meters long. .

"I thought so too, but...sigh." Wang Linchi sighed, and then said, "Please take a look at the information."

While talking, Wang Linchi handed Huda a piece of information.

After Huda read it, he also looked horrified: "This...how is this possible? Uncle Wang, you and those five people are the only ones left in the world during the tribulation period."

"No wonder there was such a big movement and those retired seniors didn't come out. It turned out that they all died at the hands of the giant beast."

Daotian League claimed to the outside world that these people had retreated into the mountains and forests, but in fact they had been secretly killed by Wang Linchi's control of the giant beast, but the news did not spread.

Even Lu Xing and others did not actually know about this matter. After all, everyone was in the same realm. If they wanted to hide, it would not be easy for Lu Xing and others to find them.

"I also know some of their little moves."

"It's just that due to the current situation, I can only pretend not to see it." Wang Linchi said that he was also thinking about the overall situation.

When Huda heard this, he was silent. He had no idea that the situation of the entire Daotian Alliance would be like this. Not only were there foreign behemoths, but they also had to deal with internal worries.

"Damn it, why can't they think about the overall situation? They are in vain as seniors." Huda finally opened his mouth to condemn.

But he could only condemn, after all, Wang Linchi had no way to solve it, let alone him.

"It doesn't matter, they can't affect the overall situation. How is your practice of the golden body, Dharma, and supernatural power?" Wang Linchi quickly changed the topic.

"I have already started, but there is still a long way to go before I can achieve success."

"Although the Pearl of Divine Light presented to me by Uncle Wang has allowed me to advance rapidly and lower the threshold of cultivation, this is still a magical power that requires merit and a golden body, so the difficulty of cultivation is still huge." Huda was a little nervous.

Just like a child being called on by the teacher.

The golden body magic power given to him by Wang Linchi is a complete version. As long as he masters it, he will be able to gain powerful power, even comparable to the tribulation period.

However, the difficulty can be imagined.

Even if Wang Linchi gave him something to reduce the difficulty of cultivation, the progress was still not good.

"Well, study hard. You will be needed to support the overall situation in the future."

"I am already in the stage of transcending the tribulation. It is impossible to stay in Qianchuan Realm all my life. Sooner or later, I will ascend to Qingming Immortal Realm."

"But you are different. You are still young. After I leave, Dao Tianmeng will still give it to you. This is called returning things to their original owners." Wang Linchi comforted the other party to ease the other party's nervousness.

"Na Lu Xing's side..." Hu Da also believed Wang Linchi's words, mainly because of Wang Linchi's behavior. It didn't look like he was greedy for power, but more like he was forced to take the position.

Therefore, he asked Wang Linchi for answers.

According to Wang Linchi, the Daotian Alliance will belong to him sooner or later, so there is no need for him to bother with it, but the fact that the people secretly manipulating it are two people in the Tribulation Stage is enough for him to be cautious.

Wang Linchi could not care, but he couldn't.

"These two are indeed a trouble, but..." Wang Linchi rubbed his chin and thought for a moment, then said, "You can take all the benefits, but just delay the matter."

"Anyway, it's all our Daotian Alliance's stuff. If you don't want it, it's for nothing."

Huda also recognized Wang Linchi's delaying method.

As long as Wang Linchi was around, Lu and Xing would not dare to attack him openly.

"Then I'll listen to you, Uncle Wang!" Huda said, mainly to gain Wang Linchi's support, rather than really wanting Wang Linchi to give him advice.

After all, he is still a cultivator in the integration stage, so he still has some brains. However, if he does it by himself or with the support of Wang Linchi, it is not the same situation at all.

"Uncle Wang, how far have you mastered your golden body, Dharma, and supernatural powers?" Huda hesitated for a while before asking.

"I haven't started yet." Wang Linchi didn't hide it. Not only did he not get started, he didn't even practice.

He doesn't have a golden body of merit at all. He did have one originally, but it was later transplanted to the game character to strengthen the human skin.

It's not that he doesn't want it, but because human skin can't hold it anymore. Over the years, he has grown tremendously by squeezing Qianchuanjie and all living creatures.

Everything Wang Linchi did was indirectly devouring civilization.

In the beginning, this world was a civilization that cultivated immortality. However, now, it has become a civilization that cultivates merit. So the original civilization that cultivated immortality was eaten up by Wang Linchi.

But now, he has begun to devour the civilization of merit, so he has the era of giant beasts. However, because the transition time between giant beasts and merit is short, the gap between the two civilizations cannot be seen for a while.

The Age of Behemoths is coming to an end, and it will soon transition into a new era called the Age of Giants.

However, the era of giants has just begun, and the new era will not arrive until everyone is transformed into a giant of light... and meritorious deeds.

It's just that the world can't hold on anymore. Although Wang Linchi swallows civilization, it is the world that carries civilization.

If civilization is stripped and swallowed several times in a short period of time, there will definitely be damage.

Of course, the main reason for the damage is merit. If he didn't use merit as the foundation, Qianchuanjie would not be in such a disaster.

"What?! How is this possible!" Huda had no idea that Wang Linchi's progress was even worse than his.

"Everything is complicated. Besides, it's enough to practice with you. I don't need to fight and kill." Wang Linchi looked indifferent.

In fact, he is not in the stage of transcending tribulation, because what he loaded is not "Evil and Good, Full of Dharma", but "Chapter of Merit and Morality". In fact, he is only in the foundation-building stage, and has not successfully broken through the subsequent seven realms.

When he was busy devouring the world, he naturally forgot about the progress of the "Chapter of Merit and Virtue". The main reason was that the bonus of this thing was indeed of little use to him, so in the end it was abandoned.

Moreover, it was not him who practiced the exercises, but the game character, which led to him not paying much attention to it.

The reason why he is not practicing now is because he is devouring civilization, and he plans to officially start devouring the Qianchuan Realm. Next, he only needs to devoure the civilization of the new era of giants, and then he can go to the Qingming Immortal Realm.

Therefore, since he is always in a state of eating, it is naturally impossible for him to practice the "Chapter of Merit and Virtue". It is originally about picking up rabbits during the Chinese New Year, celebrating the New Year with it, and celebrating the New Year without it.

"Uncle Wang, you still have to focus on your cultivation. Otherwise, how will you ascend to deal with the sky-devouring beast." Huda warned.

"Don't worry about the giant sky-eating beast, I already have a solution." Wang Linchi said slowly.

This surprised Huda. He didn't expect Wang Linchi to do so many things secretly.

"One person can't fight it. How can we defeat this sky-devouring beast with the combined strength of everyone in the world?" Wang Linchi hinted.

"Could it be that when Uncle Wang spread the magical power of Dharma and Golden Body, he already started planning it?" Huda thought of this matter in an instant.

"That's right. Otherwise, how could I have the confidence to ascend? So Lu Xing and the others can't affect the overall situation." Wang Linchi looked confident.

"Okay, go back to practice. If you need anything, come to me."

Wang Linchi dismissed Hu Da, who wanted to compliment him.

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