Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 683: Hundreds of years of evolution, the birth of a clan of meritorious giants

In the blink of an eye, one year passed, and all the giant beasts were killed by the merit giants who combined people's Dharma, Golden Body, and Supernatural Powers. During this period, many things happened, such as the birth of powerful giant beasts from the second fusion and the third fusion, but it was good. The news is that the Sky-Devouring Beast has never appeared again.

Everyone gradually forgot about the terror of the sky-devouring beast. The only ones paying attention to this matter were the Tribulation Period. After all, they were going to ascend.

It wasn't until all the giant beasts were killed and no new giant beasts were born that everyone remembered this sky-devouring giant beast.

Therefore, everyone believed that this sky-devouring giant beast would probably only appear when it ascended through the tribulation.

Then, the matter calmed down and no one talked about it at all.

For them, the period of transcending tribulation is far away, and ascension is even further away.

On the contrary, it is the magical power of Dharma-Phase Golden Body. After the extinction of the giant beasts, everyone is keen on cultivating Dharma-Phase Golden Body, and some people have picked up the "Golden Wheel Wall Transformation Technique". After combining it with Dharma-Phase Golden Body, they can actually transform the body of the merit giant. Form some strange textures and decorations.

These lines and decorations are not only beautiful to look at, they can also enhance the physical appearance of the Dharma.

In addition, the birth of a magic weapon called the Divine Light series has brought the Golden Body of Dharma to its peak.

It is said that this series of magic weapons was also discovered by Linyuan Sanren and then spread.

The divine light series of magic weapons combined with the Dharma Golden Body can directly transform a person into a meritorious giant without the need for a sufficient number of people, and can also assist in the cultivation of the Dharma Golden Body.

The shortcomings are not without, because there is only one person, so the strength of the transformed merit giant will fluctuate, and the specific strength will be linked to its own merit and cultivation level.

The advantages are obvious. They become larger and stronger. In addition, even if the merit giant is destroyed, they will not die. At most, they will only return to their human form. However, if they want to use it again, it will take a period of time to recover. .

And because each person's merit giant has different strange patterns and special decorations, each person's merit giant has different abilities and preferences.

Now, with the development of the Dharma Golden Body Magical Power and the "Golden Wheel Wall Transformation Method", and the continuous advancement of the divine light series of magic weapons, everyone has finally maintained the appearance of a meritorious giant at all times.

Just like this, a hundred years later, everyone discovered a horrifying thing, that is, when a newborn baby is born, it does not look like a human being, but looks like a meritorious giant.

This situation was considered auspicious at first, but when all the newborns looked like this, panic naturally broke out.

Fortunately, the Dao Tianmeng came forward to explain, saying that this was a situation similar to immortalization. They became another state, just like the natural immortals, except that they were not immortals, but giants of natural merit.

After some testing, it was concluded that this was indeed the case. These newborns would be giants of merit and virtue in the golden elixir stage as soon as they were born.

This is indeed a surprise for everyone.

It also takes a lot of time to cultivate to the golden elixir stage. In the future, your children will be at the golden elixir stage as soon as they are born. This kind of power naturally makes people ecstatic.

However, one wave after another, and soon some people discovered that they could not change back to human appearance, and had completely transformed into a meritorious giant. At most, they could only become the size of a human.

This incident has attracted widespread attention, but Dao Tianmeng has spoken again.

Their weak bodies were completely integrated with their merits, turning them into powerful bodies of merit, and completely becoming a clan of merit giants. Otherwise, how could their descendants be born as merit giants.

And the new merit giant has become very powerful, such as immortality.

As soon as this ability appeared, everyone felt that they had become stronger.

The second is immortality. As long as there is light between heaven and earth, then even after they die, if they absorb enough light, they can be reborn from the tribe.

At this point, everyone feels like this is how they should be.

Although they don't know what the principle is, they can actually feel their own changes. As long as these changes are beneficial, they will not stop them.

But everything is not so absolute. For example, some people have not completely transformed into merit giants. There are still people who maintain their human bodies and have not transformed themselves into merit giants.

That is the five tribulation stages.

"Now that the world is at peace, should the Sanren fulfill their promise to help five people like me ascend?" Lu Xing looked at Wang Linchi and asked.

The current Wang Linchi is not human-like, but has the merits and virtues of the game character in his golden body, and added some special effects to make him look like a golden minion.

Lu Xing failed to encourage Hu Da back then, and he tried a lot of things, but he never succeeded, and finally he gradually died down. In addition, due to the fact that the giant of merit traveled everywhere, he practiced hard at home in these years.

As for the magic power of Dharma, Golden Body, these five people have also achieved great success. Compared with others who relied on the divine light series magic weapons to assist them, the five of them succeeded by themselves, and they did not always maintain the status of giants of merit.

Even if they want to maintain it, they actually don't have enough ability. Others can keep going all the time because they have the divine light series magic weapon, but they don't have it, so they can't maintain it for a long time.

The reason why they didn't use it was because they were afraid of Wang Linchi.

Others don't know what the Shenguang series of magic weapons are about, how could they still not know about it.

"Ascension? Now the Qianchuan Realm is peaceful and there are no disasters. If you become a meritorious giant, you will enjoy an endless life. Why go to the Qingming Immortal Realm?" Wang Linchi asked pretending to be confused.

Now, he is no longer the leader of the Daotian Alliance. He returned his position to Huda fifty years ago and then lived in retirement.

Huda did not keep thinking about killing Wang Linchi just because the 'Top Emperor' was not dead yet. Instead, because of Wang Linchi's initiative to return the favor, Huda's respect for Wang Linchi rose to a higher level. After Wang Linchi retired, he also No rights were interfered with, which made Huda even more relieved.

Therefore, Huda came to visit Wang Linchi from time to time, and each time he brought valuable gifts and some management issues to ask Wang Linchi.

In short, it looks harmonious.

"No matter how good the lower realm is, it is just the lower realm. We are going to visit the fairy world after all."

"Moreover, this giant beast is not completely extinct yet. What if it comes back in the future?" Lu Xing said expressionlessly.

The so-called comeback naturally refers to the giant sky-devouring beast. To this day, the powerful sky-eating giant beast only appeared once when Shi Nan ascended, and never appeared again at other times.

These words made Wang Linchi's face become serious.

"You want to ascend, and the Daotian Alliance wants to eradicate the sky-eating beast. There is indeed no conflict, and both parties can benefit." Wang Linchi said that he could understand, but then spoke: "But now I am no longer a member of the Daotian Alliance. As the leader of the alliance, there is no way to make corresponding decisions."

Wang Linchi naturally said that he was helpless.

"The person you have to convince now is not me, but Huda. He is now the leader of the Daotian Alliance."

These words made Lu Xing's face immediately darken: "Is it possible that Sanren wants to break the appointment?"

"If you had made this request fifty years ago when I was the leader of the Daotian Alliance, I would have immediately agreed."

"But not now, this is an overstep." Wang Linchi shook his head and refused.

The expressions of the five people became more and more ugly. Fifty years ago, they had just mastered the Dharma, Golden Body and Divine Power. How could they come to Wang Linchi at that time.

It was precisely because they had reached Dacheng that they came to see Wang Linchi. Without Dacheng, they had no chance of successfully rushing into the ascension passage to the Qingming Immortal Realm.

"You!" Lu Xing wanted to take action, but since Wang Linchi was now a meritorious giant and his strength could be said to be very close to that of an immortal, the five of them combined were no match.

And once they take action and alert others, they will definitely be surrounded and suppressed.

Especially since the current leader of the Daotian Alliance is Wang Linchi's nephew, the two have been dependent on each other for hundreds of years.

"Five seniors don't need to embarrass Uncle Wang. I agree to this matter." Huda's voice came over, which made the five people's expressions change. They had placed a ban around this area, and they also restrained their aura. The other party actually noticed it.

"If you don't mind, you can come to the study and talk about it."

Wang Linchi also said: "Go, what are you doing in a daze? I can't go with you. I'm retired now, so don't drag me into trouble."

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