Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 684: Overcoming tribulation, attracting beasts, and ascending

The news about the five people who had transcended the tribulation period and ascended quickly spread throughout the country.

However, the content of the communication has changed somewhat.

For example, they ascended not for themselves, but to lure out the sky-eating beast that had been hiding for hundreds of years. They still had to do a good job in publicity.

The reason for doing this is naturally to gather enough power to kill the sky-eating beast in one fell swoop.

Otherwise, a single force would not be able to effectively cause damage to the sky-devouring behemoth.

Although a hundred years have passed, the increase in the number of virtue cultivators and their uniqueness and transformation into a race of meritorious giants have led to a significant increase in lifespan, so the people of that generation are actually still alive now.

Therefore, Dao Tianmeng's move was naturally responded to by hundreds of people.

The threat of the giant beast is actually seen by everyone. It has only been a hundred years, how could they forget their hatred.

Therefore, inspired by the Dao Tianmeng, all the merit giants immediately started their actions and performed their duties according to the Dao Tianmeng's plan.

Their idea is actually very simple, that is, they simply want to exterminate the giant beasts.

As for the new generation of people who think the giant beast is innocent or want to speak for the giant beast, the consequences are self-evident.

In this world, the strong are still respected. Those cultivators who were persecuted by the giant beasts have become strong as time goes by.

You, a junior of the new generation, dare to speak to the enemy. It depends on whether you are tough or not.

If you don't speak softly, it will be a serious injury.

If you have a tough mouth, it depends on whether your destiny is tough. Even if the law of the jungle has been covered up, the privileges of the strong over the weak still exist.

Therefore, under this kind of atmosphere, these people basically do not live well, and then they have no status.

How could someone encounter the hatred of the country and family and let their descendants glorify the enemy? This is really outrageous for the giants of merit.

The ascension matter has been prepared for a year, and it has finally begun.

Lu Xing looked calm on the surface, but in fact, there was a hint of uneasiness and nervousness in his eyes, which revealed his true thoughts.

"This time is the fifth level of calamity. There must be no problems." Lu Xing warned again.

This time they did not intend to become five giants of merit, but to make themselves five people into one as before.

It's not because the five people have become best friends in the past hundred years, but because the success rate can be greater if they do so.

Now their Dharma, Golden Body, and Supernatural Powers are at a great level, and if the five of them merge into one to form a giant of merit, it will be at a perfect level, which is equivalent to superimposing the effects of the Supernatural Powers of the five of them.

This is also the result of their preparations this year.

However, although there is only one merit giant combined, the calamity during ascension is calculated according to their number, so the calamity they have to face is naturally five levels.

"This time, your lives and mine are connected. If you have any grudges, we can wait until we ascend. This time, we are of one heart and one mind." Yang Song is not stupid, and there is no way he can have any scheming at this time.

Calculating others is like calculating yourself.

And what they faced was not only the fate of ascension, but also the giant sky-devouring beast.

Although the Daotian Alliance is well prepared to help draw their attention away as soon as the Sky-Eating Giant Beast appears, they are not sure whether the Sky-Eating Giant Beast will really be attracted away. No, then they not only have to face disaster, but also face the giant sky-devouring beast.

It's impossible for people from Dao Tianmeng to come to save them. On the surface, they are indeed great and upright, but in fact, in such a dangerous situation, no one will give up their lives to help them.

"It's almost time. If you have any questions, we can talk again in Qingming Fairyland." Liang Shun interrupted the two of them.

The remaining people did not object, and immediately activated the Dharma, and a huge light enveloped the five people, turning them into a huge giant.

Compared with other merit giants, the giants transformed by these five people are just blank slates, and their abilities are not as rich as those of normal merit giants.

The reason for this is naturally that they have not practiced the "Golden Wheel Transformation Wall Technique" and held the divine light series of magic weapons at the same time. They have already consumed a lot of energy in practicing the golden body and magical powers, so how can they have any spare time to do other things.

Fortunately, the five of them don't care very much. It won't be too late to start practicing again when they reach Qingming Immortal Realm. Why stay in Qianchuan Realm? If Wang Linchi tampered with these methods, wouldn't they be controlled? live?

Run your magic power and start to ascend.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and a thunder whirlpool emerged. The center of the whirlpool was no longer the Tianmen, but a black passage. This passage was naturally the ascension passage to the Qingming Immortal Realm.

As for Tianmen, it had already been destroyed by the giant sky-devouring beast.

The thick thunderbolt fell and struck the meritorious giant.

The invisible attraction fell on the merit giant, and slowly led the merit giant to the position of the ascension passage.

They have merit giants as resistance and are not afraid of the threat of thunder and disaster.

But their hearts did not let go, but were still hanging on. After all, the real danger was the giant sky-devouring beast.

As they got closer and closer, some kind of terrifying coercion also emitted.


A deafening beast roar erupted, and as the merit giant faced the beast roar, obvious cracks appeared on his body. The location of this crack was the connection point when the five of them merged. Obviously, because they were not one body, the merit giant had flaws on his body.

"Break it for me!!!"

Five overlapping voices roared through the thunder, heading crazily towards the ascension passage.

At this time, they didn't care too much, even the scene of countless rays of light emerging from behind, attacking the huge head of the sky-devouring beast.

After the roar of the beast appeared, the sky-eating giant beast naturally showed a strange face. The merit giants were not to be left behind, and they all took action together.

The attack fell on the Sky-Eating Giant Beast, which naturally caused the Sky-Eating Giant Beast to roar.

It immediately gave up its mad dash towards the ascension passage and headed towards the group of merit giants on the ground.

The space was forcibly torn apart, and the huge body squeezed directly into Qianchuan Realm.

At this time, the giants of meritorious deeds finally saw the true appearance of the sky-devouring giant beast.

The majestic power exuded by the huge body that towered over the sky and the strange color tone of the whole body caused the entire world to change color.

The power of the Immortal Lord Realm has already exceeded the upper limit of Qianchuan Realm, and the opponent is not like Wang Linchi who can restrain himself, so it naturally caused huge changes.

It has even affected the fate of the five people when they broke through.

"No, our merits are being wiped out." Lu Xing noticed something bad immediately.

"It's the thunder tribulation. The thunder tribulation is recovering the merits from us. Once the merits are insufficient, the golden body of the Dharma will disappear." Yang Song also added.

"It works. Before the merit giant dies, we can successfully break through the thunder tribulation and break into the ascension passage." After making a prediction, Liang Shun gave the remaining four people reassurance.

The closer it gets to the ascension passage, the more of the giant's skin will be annihilated.

If they didn't have the protection of Dharma's golden body, magical powers and merits, the five of them would have no way to resist this fifth level of thunder calamity.


The terrifying high temperature swept over, and it was the flames spitted out by the sky-devouring beast that affected the area where the five of them were crossing the tribulation.

This is good news. The thunder vortex was burned by the flames and most of it dissipated.

Their pressure was relieved immediately. As for the battle between the Daotian Alliance and the Sky-Eating Beast, this was not something they should consider at all.

"The last step, break it for me!"×5

The five people roared and broke through the last thunderbolt. At the same time, the golden bodies of the Dharma on their bodies were directly broken, and all their merits also dissipated at this moment.

But they no longer cared about this and rushed towards the ascension channel crazily.

The thunder behind him gradually faded away, and the original high temperature also gradually dropped.

Taking the last step, he felt a large amount of fairy energy pouring into his body between heaven and earth.

But before they could be happy, an aura comparable to that of the Sky-Devouring Beast enveloped them.

"I didn't expect someone to rise up at this juncture. It just so happens that there are still a few people missing in the mines in the south, so I'll let you guys take up the places."

The sound exploded in the ears of the five people. The five people simply could not bear the power of the sound. They fainted on the spot and then fell unconscious.

They never thought that such a change would happen after ascension. They were snatched away and sent to work as miners without even reacting.

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