Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 685 A new crisis arrives in Qianchuan Realm

The corpses of the giant beasts were shattered, and the bodies of a large number of merit giants melted like light and shadow under the sun. Fortunately, death was short-lived, and the dead merit giants were reviving little by little.

But this is an unprecedented victory for everyone.

The last giant beast was eliminated by them, and the price they paid was actually only some time and damage to assets.

However, this move allowed the meritorious giants to completely get rid of the shadow of the giant beasts, and it also represented that the era once again took a new step and entered the true era of giants.

As for the five people who succeeded in ascension, no one cared about them, because they were not giants of merit, but human beings.

With the changes of the times, the system of cultivating virtues has become a thing of the past. The giants of merit no longer need to practice. Their bloodline is born with the ability given by "The Dharma of Completing Evil and Goodness", and they can absorb merit with just a breath. In order to grow themselves, the core formed by the Shenguang series of magic weapons also injects powerful power into them.

It can be said that they have embarked on the same path as Xian no longer.

It's just that the giants of merit have not yet realized the changes in their own civilization, and are instead immersed in the joy of the changing times.

"Uncle Wang, your goal has been achieved." Huda looked at this scene and said happily.

Wang Linchi was a little choked, mainly because this big mouthful of civilization entered his stomach, and he felt like he couldn't swallow it because he was caught off guard.

"Actually, it's not achieved. My original goal was to take everyone from Qianchuan Realm to the Qingming Immortal Realm." Wang Linchi said.

"Eh? It was my father's ascension plan back then." Huda thought of this, and there was no expression on his angular face. After all, he was also a giant of merit, but his tone was indeed embarrassing: "That's right, I was just thinking about it back then. What a joke, now that I think about it, Uncle Wang, you seem to be one of the supporters of the flight plan implemented by my father."

"Yeah, and I think the ascension plan is even more needed now." Wang Linchi said abruptly.

Huda was a little strange, why is everyone ascending now? There is no reason at all.

"Have you not noticed? After so many years of development, the number of giants has increased. In a hundred years at most, the entire Qianchuan Realm will not be able to accommodate more giants. Have you ever thought about what will happen by then? "Wang Linchi opened his mouth to clarify the problem of population.

There is a huge population explosion now.

The growth of merit giants does not require any cost, they only require enough light and merit. Moreover, after birth, they will grow up quickly due to the inheritance of the merit giants themselves, and everyone has no sense of planning. Anyway, it is just two emotions. After they fell in love, they kept making babies.

The mortality rate is zero and the fertility rate remains high. No matter how big the Qianchuan Realm is, it cannot withstand such a torment, not to mention that the merit giants are extremely huge and occupy a large area.

In about ten years at most, there will be a shortage of places to live.

These words made Huda couldn't help but fall silent. He really hadn't considered this matter. This was actually a blind spot for him. Who would have thought that the crisis he was facing now would be that there were too many people in his tribe, causing the entire Qianchuan Realm to be destroyed. Being burst.

No, it would be even worse. If there were not enough places to live, there would be a large-scale battle within them before Qianchuanjie was breached.

However, because of the immortality of the merit giant, while the war cannot be ended, hatred will spread.

"I understand, it is urgent to restart the ascension plan." Huda said solemnly.

"And we have to do it quickly, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous." Wang Linchi said.

But Huda was in trouble again. This ascension plan was a plan from a hundred years ago, and it was completely inapplicable now, because they had completely transformed into merit giants, and some of the original things could no longer be used.

"Uncle Wang, I don't know much about the ascension plan back then, but I do understand that now, can we still ascend to the upper realm?" Huda asked.

Wang Linchi was silent for a long time and then said: "I'm afraid we have to make a new plan. We won't be able to reach the Qingming Immortal Realm through the Ascension Channel."

"So... what should we do?" Huda was also at a loss.

He really had no way to solve this matter.

"Actually, there is another way, but it requires everyone's consent." Wang Linchi said.

"What method?" Huda looked a little surprised. It actually required everyone's consent to do it. Could it be that it was very dangerous?

"It's very simple. Let Qianchuan Realm collide with Qingming Immortal Realm. Then we can enter Qingming Immortal Realm completely, but Qianchuan Realm will probably be broken by this."

"And this move is likely to make the immortals in the Qingming Immortal Realm fear us." Wang Linchi gave a plan that made Huda's brain buzz.

"This is so crazy. We are in the lower realm, how could we possibly crash into the fairy world." Huda's voice was filled with disbelief.

"Yes, Lu Xing and others will give us internal support. All we have to do is find a way to let Qianchuanjie crash through, and we don't have to worry about the rest." Wang Linchi looked like there was nothing he could do about it.

"No wonder Uncle Wang said that everyone must agree. This is indeed the case." Huda was not surprised that Wang Linchi had made a plan in advance.

"I need to think about it for a while. Uncle Wang, you should also understand that this matter involves our entire clan, and it also requires the sacrifice of Qianchuanjie. This move will make all our previous efforts in vain."

Hu Da actually looked a little complicated. They worked so hard just to keep Qianchuanjie, but they didn't expect that the final result would be that Qianchuanjie would need to sacrifice itself to give them a new chance of survival.

This is Huda's self-indulgence. There is no difference at all between the Qianchuan Realm where giant beasts live and the Qianchuan Realm where humans live.

There are not many choices in the world. If we really had a choice, Qianchuan Realm would immediately destroy the human race and the meritorious giant race, leaving no one alive.

One by one, these people are all parasites that live in Qianchuanjie, and they are also the root cause of Qianchuanjie's weakness. They used to live a very healthy life. Although they were enslaved, they were not unable to survive. It is precisely because of your appearance. , making Qianchuanjie almost unable to survive.

"No problem, this is what you, the Daotian Alliance, are mainly supposed to do. If you agree immediately, I will think you are incompetent." Wang Linchi sounded pleased that you have finally grown up.

Huda also smiled sheepishly: "If you really plan to implement the ascension plan, you won't be able to retire, Uncle Wang, and you will have to come out to take charge of the overall situation."

He just decided whether to implement it or not. If he really wanted to implement it in the future, the overall plan would still need Wang Linchi. After all, the golden sign of Linyuan Sanren was obvious to all in the merit giant clan.

Moreover, what he can be responsible for is relatively limited, such as helping Wang Linchi manage the team and providing sufficient supplies.

"You kid, you are much more cunning than your father back then. You are planning to take advantage of the situation before you think about it." Wang Linchi teased.

"That's right, if my father could have had my vision back then, he wouldn't have fallen." Huda also complained. He felt that his father was really bad back then. Wang Linchi clearly gave him a good plan, but in the end, all this happened. It's outrageous to lose.

It can only be said that he was really lucky. He met Wang Linchi and believed in him, otherwise he would have disappeared long ago.

"Be respectful to your father, even though his ashes are gone..." Wang Linchi noticed that Huda seemed to have poor sense of his father.

Wang Linchi didn't give any guidance in this regard. There was no need to do too much to a dead man.

He is naturally very generous to the dead.

"Hey, Uncle Wang, you don't have much respect either." Huda also teased, and then calmed down his tone: "Uncle Wang, please do your business first, I have to go and deal with the aftermath, and I will give you an answer within three days at most. "

"Well, you go ahead." Wang Linchi didn't stop him.

After Huda left, Wang Linchi was thinking about how to eat next.

After finishing the pre-dinner dessert of Wenming, we have to eat the staple food next, which is Senkawa Kai.

He felt that the merit giant was still very useful, and planned to develop it into his own family, and then kill the Qingming Immortal Realm.

As for the Qianchuan Realm, it will fall into pieces after hitting the Qingming Immortal Realm. He can also chew less when eating, just to save trouble.

And in this way, Qianchuan Jie was directly hit to death, and he would not resist when he opened his mouth. Even in this way, it seemed that he was eating the corpse of the world, but he didn't care. If he really wanted to eat the living world, Wan What to do if you hit him in the mouth.

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