Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 690 The Immortal King was beaten severely in the lower realm

"The lower realm is the lower realm, and it's still so filthy." Chai Hui looked disgusted.

The more powerful a monk is, the more uncomfortable he will feel when entering the lower realm.

When Hao Rui in the Immortal Realm enters the Qianchuan Realm, it will take a hundred years for a trace of impurities to appear, while Chai Hui in the Immortal King Realm will have impurities appear in just one month and wants to expel them, unlike the Immortal Realm which only takes a few months. It would take him hundreds of years to do it.

The stronger the strength, the faster it encounters impurities and the harder it is to get rid of them.

Therefore, most of the time, only monks in the Immortal Realm and the Immortal Lord Realm are arranged to go to the lower realm to perform tasks.

It's not difficult, but the environment is harsh.

So this lower realm mission is considered a mission for the Immortal Realm, but going up higher is actually not much different from being sent to a bitter cold land.

If not for the occasional birth of some innate magic weapons that are extremely rare in the Qingming Immortal World, only the outer disciples would pay attention to them, and the inner disciples would not care.

"Wait, how come there are so many merits?"

Chai Hui suddenly noticed something was wrong. He discovered that in the Qianchuan Realm, there were no human compatriots, but instead a group of huge giants.

Giants are not a big problem. The real problem is that each of these giants has merits, and they are all of the level of Merit Golden Body, and they do not have Merit Golden Light or Merit Golden Wheel.

This was simply beyond his imagination.

In the ancient years of Qingming Immortal Realm, there were indeed rumors about the Golden Body of Merit and Virtue. Now, let alone the Golden Body of Merit and Virtue, there are no two levels of Golden Wheel and Golden Light left, only the great power of the Ancestral Immortal Realm. Perhaps Having one or two points of merit is already a great power.

But in this mere lower realm of Qianchuan Realm, how could something so unreasonable happen.

"Is it possible that this innate magic weapon is not only a merit type, but also a type that can bless the sect!!!" Chai Hui couldn't help being shocked.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why Qianchuanjie would become like this.

Suddenly, ambition began to swell.

With this innate magic weapon, not only does he have the hope of becoming an immortal, but he can even successfully inherit the Huntian Sect and bring the Huntian Sect to a more powerful sect.

As a true disciple, you naturally understand that cultivation requires a lot of resources. Without enough resources, even if you have the best qualifications, you will not be able to go further.

Most of the sources of resources are squeezed through the sect. The higher the status, the more resources can be squeezed out.

Otherwise, why would each sect fight for power? The reason is naturally for the resources needed for cultivation.

"Hahaha~ It is indeed fitting that I get this opportunity." Chai Hui couldn't help laughing wildly.

I think Hao Rui must have guessed this at the beginning and wanted to take away this innate magic weapon born in Qianchuan Realm, but in the end he died in Qianchuan Realm because of his lack of strength.

With such a treasured native, it is not difficult to kill an immortal in a quasi-immortal realm.

If he possesses this innate magic weapon, then with the strength of the Immortal King Realm, he can also kill the Immortal King Realm by force.

"The next step is to find the aborigines who possess the innate magic weapon. How can a mere aboriginal deserve to possess such a treasure?"

Disdain appeared in Chai Hui's eyes. No matter how strong he is, even if he reaches the Immortal Lord Realm, it is just a matter of breath for him.

It's just that he doesn't know where this lucky native is, but he doesn't have a solution.

That is to kill until the opponent comes out.

The other party used the innate treasure to turn all the people in the Qianchuan Realm into giants with meritorious golden bodies. He must definitely look down on his killing behavior.

He generally calls this kind of person a fool.

If you weren't stupid, how could you give away your own things?

If he obtains this innate magic weapon, not only will it not be exposed, but it will be hidden tightly and will not be leaked at all.

Monks cultivate themselves, so they are naturally selfish.

"If virtue is not matched, there will be disaster, so let's start with..." Chai Hui's eyes soon fell on the headquarters of Daotian Alliance. If he wanted to kill, he would definitely have to kill from the highest position.

"Hey, what you said makes sense." A voice suddenly interrupted Chai Hui's words.

This made Chai Hui startled. He was actually tapped on the shoulder. When he turned around, he saw that it was a young man.

He didn't notice at all how the other party was approaching him, which made his face immediately become serious.

"I am Chai Hui, the true successor of the Huntian Sect. This lower realm belongs to my Huntian Sect. Leave this world quickly!" Chai Zong's first thought was that this young man was the true successor of other sects and sneaked into Qianchuan Realm. .

Then the second thought was to warn and silence.

The Qianchuan Realm is so special that it must not be leaked out. Otherwise, let alone him, the entire Huntian Sect will be in danger of being destroyed.

The meritorious golden body alone is enough for the powerful master of the Ancestral Immortal Realm to take action himself.

So after saying this, he launched a sneak attack as soon as possible.

As a result, the opponent easily dodged it.

"But this Qianchuan Realm has been reserved by me for a long time. It has to be on a first-come, first-served basis." The young man said jokingly.

He was Wang Linchi, who came over after Chai Hui went down to the realm.

Squatting aside, he watched Chai Hui look disdainful and disgusted at one moment, and arrogant and cheerful at the next.

When he was about to take action, Wang Linchi came out to stop him.

"First come, first served? My Huntian Sect has been ruling Qianchuan Realm for hundreds of thousands of years. How can you say you came first?" Chai Hui took action again. Although the first sneak attack was avoided, Wang Linchi had to die.

At this time, he felt solemn in his heart. He didn't know which disciple this person was, but he should be in the Immortal King realm like him.

If his cultivation level was higher than his, he would have been taken down now. After all, the strong cannot be insulted. His sneak attack was tantamount to insulting the opponent. If he was really stronger than himself, he would be killed on the spot.

If someone is weaker than you, it will be impossible for the other party to escape.

"Ah...then what did you do?" Wang Linchi asked curiously.

Chai Hui snorted coldly, but did not answer. Their sect in the Qingming Immortal Realm was willing to accept offerings from the lower realm, which was already a great favor to the lower realm. It was really nice to want their help.



Seeing that Chai Hui didn't answer, Wang Linchi immediately smashed the Taishan Seal out. The other party screamed on the spot, and most of the back of his head was smashed, and even his brain couldn't be held back and fell off.

Fortunately, Chai Hui is not an ordinary person. His cultivation at the Immortal King Realm made him not unconscious even after being smashed like this.

"The strength has been reduced again." Wang Linchi cursed, but luckily he had reduced his strength. If he had used it too much, he would have killed the opponent on the spot, and he would have suffered a huge loss.

There was panic in Chai Hui's eyes. He had no idea that Wang Linchi would be so powerful, especially the magic weapon in his hand.

"Two pieces, this is impossible!!!"

With this power, it is definitely an innate magic weapon, and the innate magic weapon in the opponent's hand is an attack type, which proves that this is not a merit type innate magic weapon.

How could a small Qianchuan realm be able to give birth to two realms of innate magic weapons?

"Nothing is impossible, it's just that you have too little experience."

While he was talking, Wang Linchi smashed the Taishan Seal again. This time with accurate force, he knocked Chai Hui unconscious on the spot as he turned to run away.

"Look, you have to run away and lose your brain." Wang Linchi said, stuffing Chai Hui's fallen brain back in and adjusting it to avoid death.

They are all characters in the Immortal King Realm, and they will not die even if they lose their brains.

"But then again, why are you worse than Hao Rui, who is in the Immortal Realm? After all, you are also in the Immortal King Realm."

Wang Linchi complained, what he said was not as good as it was, naturally it was a physical problem.

The more they evolve, the higher the requirements of this group of immortals on the environment and the lower their adaptability.

"I have to adjust the environment for you to prevent you from dying due to the incompatibility of the aura environment." Wang Linchi was helpless. The cost of maintaining Chai Hui was at least a hundred times higher than the cost of maintaining Hao Rui.

But thinking about it again, the cost doesn't seem to be much. After all, a hundred Hao Rui is not worth one Chai Hui. In terms of value and strength, Hao Rui can only be regarded as a low-end sample.

"It would be great if we could catch an ancestor immortal... Well, I'm afraid the ancestor immortal will fall ill on the spot as soon as he enters Qianchuan Realm."

"It is estimated that the upper limit is the Immortal King Realm. If you switch to the Immortal King Realm, problems will occur within an hour."

"A bunch of big babies growing up in a greenhouse, brittle and hard to kill."

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