Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 691 Why is this Immortal King in the Nascent Soul stage?

After some experiments, his favorable impression of Chai Hui, his true disciple, dropped to the lowest level.

"Isn't this just a large matryoshka doll? What's the value?" Wang Linchi never expected that the true disciples of the Immortal King Realm and the outer disciples of the Immortal Realm basically have the same structure.

Well, if you insist that there is no difference, then you are indeed wronging the other party. There is still a difference, but there is no essential difference.

"The Immortal Cultivator System in Qingming Immortal Realm is completely the PLUS version of the Immortal Cultivator System."

"It is said to be the Immortal King Stage, but in fact it is just the Large Nascent Soul Stage. The only difference is the power gap."

Wang Linchi can now confirm that this is basically a skin-changing system. The reason why there are differences is naturally due to the differences caused by the environment.

If Qianchuan Realm has the high-concentration energy environment of Qingming Immortal Realm, then the immortal cultivators who are born will naturally develop into the model of Qingming Immortal Realm.

Otherwise, how could there be continuous oppression.

"That's not right. Why does the IQ seem to be a little abnormal? Especially the group of people who ascended." Wang Linchi suddenly thought of this matter.

Not to mention the monks in the Qingming Immortal Realm, although their lifespans are long, their quality is far inferior to that of the Lower Realm.

Take the true disciple Chai Hui as an example. Although he has lived for tens of thousands of years, he has spent 99.9% of his time practicing in seclusion, so he looks older, but he is actually still a child. Being young, he lacks experience and experience, and relies entirely on his strength.

As for the group of natives from the lower realm who had ascended, Wang Linchi found that their IQ levels had also dropped across the board, including their Taoist aspirations, perseverance, and the like. They were all gone, as if they had been formatted.

Those who can overcome the calamity and ascend to the Qingming Immortal Realm are all talented people. However, as a result, each of them will be beaten by a group of young people just like a fledgling.

Putting Chai Hui and Lu Xing together, if their strength is at the same level, Lu Xing can beat Chai Hui to pieces.

However, after his ascension, Lu Xing's original IQ was reduced to the level where he had not yet cultivated immortality, and even his original experience, will, etc. had faded. This situation resulted in Lu Xing being unable to leave the Huntian Sect after he was captured. Mine.

Otherwise, with the level of the five of them, how could they not be able to defeat this group of people.

"Ascension is a trap!" Wang Linchi came to such a conclusion.

Think about it, it is the Qingming Immortal Realm that is exploiting other worlds, and the people who ascended are equivalent to the inferior people in the colonial area. They are all very capable. If they really enter their own home, they will easily become doves. To occupy the magpie's nest, Qingming Immortal Realm used certain means to restrict it.

Not to mention, the restriction was very successful.

As for accommodating the other party, let's not make trouble. There are a few people who will help outsiders deal with their own sons, and they are not the kind of people who would rather be a friendly country than a domestic slave.

Moreover, the immortal cultivators who ascended from the lower world are not allies, they are domestic slaves.

"Sure enough, there is no so-called unity and friendship between the worlds." Wang Linchi complained.

It can only be said that ascension is indeed a big pitfall, but because of the information asymmetry, the lower realms do not know the situation in the Qingming Immortal Realm at all, and everyone is thinking about ascension.

I thought that after ascending, I would become an immortal and become an ancestor, but in fact I was just acting like a cow and a horse.

It’s fun to think about it.

"But the lie about ascending is probably a method used by the Qingming Immortal Realm to fish and weaken." Wang Linchi guessed.

Those who can ascend are not ordinary people. Such talents have been dealt with by the Qingming Immortal Realm. How will the lower realm develop?

It will definitely not be able to develop, and ultimately it will not be able to break free from the control of the Qingming Immortal Realm.

As for relying on the world itself, if you can break free, there is no need to be enslaved now.

"The Qingming Immortal Realm itself is indeed extremely powerful. Just a sect like the Huntian Sect has tens of thousands of lower realms under its command."

Wang Linchi was also a little surprised. It was indeed terrifying that such a middle-class sect could guard tens of thousands of worlds for the Qingming Immortal Realm.

But looking at it again, it is the world itself that is strong. Take the Huntian Sect as an example. It has never managed these lower realms at all. Unless it seems that there are no offerings, it will send people to investigate.

Hao Rui didn't know about these things. After all, he was just an outer disciple. Chai Hui, as a true disciple, knew more.

"It's just that these lower realms are too homogeneous." Wang Linchi saw that they were all from the immortal cultivator system, which is what Qingming Immortal World calls the quasi-immortal realm.

In addition to the same system, both the operation mode and the local customs are also very different. The supremacy of the sect, the respect of the strong and the law of the jungle, there is no difference.

This situation can also be confirmed, and it is indeed generated by guidance, otherwise it would not be possible to remain unchanged.

This kind of control makes Wang Linchi a little envious, and he doesn't know how to achieve such delicate control. More importantly, this kind of breeding method makes Wang Linchi feel very promising.

"The merit system, devouring civilization, cultivating the world, harvesting leeks, eating four things from one fish."

Wang Linchi's expression was filled with excitement. If he could integrate the data at hand, then he would be able to create his own final realm of life, which is the final level of infinite transcendence.

The merit system is used as a civilization cultivation structure and can provide a small amount of feedback.

The swallowing of civilization is a share dividend. Each share dividend is cultivated in a world, and finally reaches the maturity stage, is harvested, and then starts again, endless reincarnations.

"The plan is temporarily called reincarnation, um, six paths of reincarnation." Wang Linchi quickly formulated the entire plan.

However, he has to face a more serious problem, which is how to build this complete system.

He has already completed the karma system. There is no need to worry about civilization devouring it. Just start eating. He doesn’t even need to eat it himself. Let the six paths of reincarnation help him eat it, and he can just absorb the nutrients.

Difficulties in the world of farming and harvesting leeks.

How to cultivate these worlds, and how to balance costs and benefits.

Harvesting is even more difficult, to ensure that the next reincarnation will not harm the next restart.

So in essence, he is not only devouring civilization, but also cutting off the flesh of the world bit by bit, so that he can have endless food.

As for why it is called the Six Paths of Reincarnation, Wang Linchi just said it smoothly. Later, he will find some pillars to become the Dao. It doesn't matter if there are six. At that time, it will be a group of six or a group of six hundred. The right to explain is in his hands. Anyone who objects will be killed.

"Take your time, don't rush. If you want to figure this out, you have to go to Qingming Immortal Realm."

"Fortunately, my ascension plan is sufficient."

Qianchuan Realm hits Qingming Immortal Realm. The force is mutual. Wang Linchi also added strength. If it collides, even if Qingming Immortal Realm is thick-skinned and thick-skinned, it will still be hit by Qianchuan Realm without being hurt. A person was confused, and Wang Linchi wanted to take advantage of the confusion in the Qingming Immortal World to take action.

This behavior is equivalent to Wang Linchi giving Qingming Immortal Realm a sap. It is best to beat the opponent to a bloody head. If not, concussion is fine. In short, it is better to strike first.

If you do it later, you will definitely suffer.

"But we have to speed up. The true disciple of the Huntian Sect is missing. We may have to send people down to search for him next."

Wang Linchi muttered.

If an outer disciple disappears, it is of little value to the Huntian Sect at all, but if a true disciple eats up a lot of resources of the Huntian Sect, it is impossible to say that if he disappears, he will not care about anything, even if he dies. Yes, you have to squeeze out the value from the other party's corpse.

Therefore, within ten years at most, if Chai Hui does not return and does not deliver any news, then someone must be sent to check.

As for who to send, that's not clear. It depends on the situation.

"Ten years at most, I'll cut him in half and complete the ascension plan within five years." Wang Linchi estimated that there was more than enough time. If he was quick, he could complete it in the next moment, but this is too counterintuitive. Merit The giant has not yet completed becoming a family member, so he will have other thoughts.

To fully transform into a clan, you have to rely on the merit version of the plasma spark tower.

He would definitely not spend so much time building just one booster engine. If the materials were sufficient, he would definitely load in more functions to make the best use of them.

"Then I have to help Huda all at once and get rid of all the resources in the expansion plan as soon as possible." Wang Linchi thought, he had time before, so he didn't care about these resources. Anyway, he would still fall into the He had it in hand, and now he didn't have time to wait for the resources to turn around.

The best option is to settle down as soon as possible.

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