Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 692 Plasma Fire... This is called the Golden Crystal Tower of Merit!

Five years later, a large number of merit spark towers stood throughout the Qianchuan Realm. Their entire bodies were covered with bright golden crystals, and their tops were burning with golden flames.

The merit giants prefer to call it the Merit Golden Crystal Tower. When they get close, they can feel the merits on their bodies active, which activates their originally quiet bodies to the greatest extent.

"If I had known, I would have believed your words, Uncle Wang." Huda looked at the large number of gold crystal towers of merit with excitement in his expression.

He knew that these meritorious golden crystal towers were not only used to help Qianchuan Realm get closer to the Qingming Immortal Realm, but also had many other functions.

For example, when the two realms collided later, the merit giants were able to escape into the merit golden crystal tower, and relied on the merit golden crystal tower as a ferry to successfully enter the Qingming Immortal Realm.

The collision between the two realms must be very dangerous, so the merit giants cannot rely on their own bodies for protection, but can control the magic weapon of the Merit Golden Crystal Tower to protect themselves.

In addition, there are many methods such as healing, fighting enemies, etc. Even if they are separated from the large army while driving the Merit Golden Crystal Tower, they can still contact them through the Merit Golden Crystal Tower. Even if they cannot be contacted, they can still rely on Merit gold crystal survives.

It is equivalent to a guarantee.

It is a pity that there is no way to build a Merit Gold Crystal Tower per person, mainly because the construction cost is too high and the area is too large.

Therefore, basically a thousand meritorious giants gathered in a meritorious golden crystal tower as a group, so that they could survive to the greatest extent.

There are many more functions, and beyond these, Huda can only lament that Wang Linchi has indeed considered it thoroughly.

"Everyone can do things like hindsight. If I had known about this situation back then, and you dared to mention expansion plans, I would have beaten you to death." Wang Linchi complained.

The Golden Crystal Tower of Merit is the final step for Wang Linchi to completely transform the Giant of Merit into a family.

After all the merit giants enter the merit gold crystal tower, the execution will begin. The whole process will be silent, and they will not even feel the changes in themselves. They will completely become Wang Linchi's dependents. By then, their thinking, logic, memory, ideas, etc. will all changed.

Including the explosion of pollution in merit, the enhancement of one's own strength, the loading of data modules, etc., will all be executed simultaneously.

When they become a dependent family, Wang Linchi's pollution is not pollution to the meritorious giants, but a kind of enhancement and evolution, which is a rare good thing.

Then a group of merit giants with indescribable pollution successfully arrived in the Qingming Immortal Realm, and their strength would rapidly expand due to changes in the energy environment.

At this time, Qingming Immortal World happened to have problems due to the collision of the two worlds, so it was foreseeable what the result would be.

Even if the situation in the entire Qingming Immortal Realm is not turned into a mess, they can still successfully gain a foothold and even occupy a large number of entrances to the lower realm before the Qingming Immortal Realm reacts.

In essence, this is an invasion, and it is similar to a virus invasion.

As for what Wang Linchi was doing during this process, it was naturally to find a place to hide, silently support the growth of the meritorious giant clan, and wait for the right time to tattoo the underworld itself.

Otherwise, if he is too conspicuous among the giants of merit, he will be easily identified as the culprit by the other party, and he will be targeted first.

Whether his identity will be exposed by then is unknown.

He didn't want to kill Qingming Immortal Realm just like that. Wang Linchi also wanted to conduct an experiment on world breeding on Qingming Immortal Realm.

Judging from the data he has obtained so far, Qingming Immortal World has already taken a corresponding prototype, but it has not yet developed to the extent that Wang Linchi needs. Otherwise, he would just start copying, and there would be no need to start from scratch.

"Now that the Golden Crystal Tower of Merit has been completed, I wonder when we can start taking action? Is there anything else we need to cooperate with?" Huda didn't care about Wang Linchi's words at all. He did make a mistake in his decision-making at the beginning. Fortunately, Wang Linchi took care of it, otherwise it would really have happened. It's useless.

It's just that this matter has passed. It's good to bring it up and tease him a few words. He won't get angry because of it. The most important thing now is to run away.

You must know that because of these years of hard work, the living conditions of the meritorious giants have dropped significantly, but the population has not decreased, but has been expanding.

After a large amount of resources were plundered, the entire Qianchuan Realm became riddled with holes and was no longer a suitable living environment.

Although the merit giants don't care what their living environment is like, boiling frogs in warm water over the years has allowed them to adapt quickly. In addition, their own race is strong, so they can survive in poor environments.

But if you want to survive or live better, you must choose the latter.

"Just wait for the ignition. According to my predictions and the data formed by the backhand left on Lu Xing, we need to sail for about 725 days before we can successfully reach the Qingming Fairyland."

"But since this is just an estimate, I don't know how long it will take." Wang Linchi spread his hands. It was also the first time that he drove one world into another world, and he didn't care about the time it took for the distance to form. It's too clear. I can only say that the conclusion of the data on paper is like this.

He has never practiced the actual data, so how could he know it so clearly?

"About two years? That's not a long time." Huda also breathed a sigh of relief. For him, this was acceptable.

"It is said to be two years, but in fact around the third day after the launch, all clan members need to enter the Spark of Merit...well, live in the Golden Crystal Tower of Merit to avoid environmental problems caused by the movement of the world." Wang Linchi said subconsciously The Spark Tower of Merit was finally changed to the Golden Crystal Tower of Merit.

"Anyway, there is a merit network built by Uncle Wang in the Golden Crystal Tower of Merit. Whether it is for communication or entertainment, it is actually not a problem." Huda didn't care about this matter at all.

As for supplies such as food and water, the meritorious giant does not need these things at all. Instead, it is precious metals, rare animals and plants that need to be taken away.

The method of taking away living animals is not to really raise them, but to force them into deep sleep, and use corresponding cryosleep technology to ensure minimum survival, and then thaw and recover after arriving at the place.

It was impossible to stay. After all, staying in Qianchuan Realm would be a waste, so they planned to take them all away.

"I'll give you one month to prepare. It will start in one month and everyone will enter the Gold Crystal Tower of Merit." Wang Linchi heard this and directly chose to start the final plan.

"I'll inform him." Huda's words from Wang Linchi were like a reassurance.

It is true that you need to enter the Golden Crystal Tower of Merit three days after the start, but it does not mean that you cannot enter in advance. One month in advance plus three days after the start, so you can have plenty of time. Otherwise, if you really wait for the start, you will have to rush to guide you in three days. Maybe something big is going to happen.

Furthermore, cleaning up also takes time, and it’s impossible to say it will be done right away.

They are moving, not fleeing, so there is no need to rush.

There is no need to worry about the Huntian Sect. If they were caught by the other party just because of a month's delay, how could there be such a coincidence.

It had only been a short time, and Chai Hui had been missing for less than ten years. In the time span of the Huntian Sect monks, it could not be shorter.

"Well, don't force it. If some merit giants don't want to leave, there's no need to force them to enter the Merit Golden Crystal Tower."

"Our Daotian Alliance is people-oriented." Wang Linchi said.

"Ah? But what if they deliberately destroyed the Merit Golden Crystal Tower? After all, they stayed outside." Huda was a little incredulous.

"After everyone has gone in, we will deal with all those who are unwilling to go in." After Wang Linchi finished speaking, he explained: "In this way, those who followed us will be direct descendants of the Daotian Alliance. "

Huda's heart was moved. The Daotian Alliance belonged to him, which meant that his control had been further refined.

"Okay, I understand." Huda swallowed what he originally wanted to say, but agreed instead.

Wang Linchi did this naturally to eliminate the unstable factors in the transformation of the family. After all, the transformation of the family is not completed in an instant, but is carried out in a smooth and silent way. Unstable factors are likely to cause a decrease in efficiency.

Then Wang Linchi simply gave up the unstable factors. Anyway, the merit giants can survive, and there is no shortage of this population.

Not only can it speed up efficiency, but it can also save some costs.

Even though the cost savings are not high, Wang Linchi doesn't care, because the children born in the subsequent family members are also his family members, and they are much easier to use than those unstable factors.

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