Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 693 Cutting off the chains that bind Qianchuan Realm·Ascension Channel

boom! ! !

The violent sound shook the entire Huntian Sect, and everyone was alarmed by it. Some people even suffered backlash because they were interrupted during their cultivation.

A flash of anger appeared in the eyes of Patriarch Huntian, and he rushed to the source of the loud noise in an instant.

"The entrance to the lower realm?" However, after seeing the problem, his expression couldn't help but change, and even his original anger was stunned.

"What's going on? Why is there a backlash at the entrance to Qianchuan Realm!"

His expression was a mixture of confusion and rising anger.

Losing a Qianchuan Realm is nothing, but if other lower realms are also implicated, it will affect the resources he needs for cultivation.

In addition to Patriarch Huntian, the head of the Huntian Sect, elders and others also arrived in time, and their expressions were the same as Patriarch Huntian.

You must know that the entrance to the lower realm is extremely strong, even the Ancestral Immortal Realm cannot damage it in the slightest, but now, it has been shattered by some unknown backlash.

Hao Hong ran over in a hurry. When he saw the situation at the entrance of Qianchuan Realm, his face turned pale and he was about to cry.

Why did something happen again, and it happened to be the previous Qianchuan Realm. What's even more terrible is that now there is not only a problem in the lower realm, there is also a true disciple trapped in Qianchuan Realm.

What's not easy is that this incident has his shadow from beginning to end, and he is dead this time.

"I've met the ancestor, I've met the leader, I've met the elders." Hao Hong knelt on the ground tremblingly, not daring to look directly at these extremely powerful sect senior officials.

"Are you in charge here?" the leader asked.

Ancestor Huntian looked on with cold eyes. He was certainly not the one to inquire about such a trivial matter in person.

"Yes, Master." Hao Hong said quickly.

"Tell me what's going on." The leader exuded a powerful aura, which made Hao Hong unable to breathe.

"I...this matter is related to Chai Hui's Chai Zhenzhuan. Previously..." At this time, Hao Hong did not hesitate to push all the problems of this matter to Chai Hui, who could not come back anyway.

Let him take responsibility himself? I'm afraid even if the entire Hao family is included, it won't be enough for the entire sect to vent their anger.

"Killing by leaps and bounds, innate magic weapon." The leader quickly understood the cause and effect provided by Hao Hong, and a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes. Chai Hui actually dared to go to the lower world to get the innate magic weapon without telling him. He dared to hide such a big thing , I really don’t know any dignity or inferiority.

Innate magic weapons are extremely treasured, and as a monk, everyone wants them.

"Ancestor, what do you think?" The leader turned to ask Ancestor Huntian again.

Although he is the leader, this is the premise for Patriarch Huntian to do nothing. As Patriarch Huntian with Immortal Emperor level cultivation, the entire Huntian Sect is his sect, and he even founded the Huntian Sect. Yes, it's just the head's responsibility.

What happened this time was really too big, and he couldn't just open his mouth and punish him casually.

Others may not know what happened when the entrance to the lower realm collapsed. How could he not know?

"This matter is of great importance and must not be spread to outsiders." Patriarch Huntian said calmly, and then added: "Find out the cause of the collapse of the entrance to Qianchuan Realm as soon as possible. It is best to enter the lower realm and retrieve the innate magic weapon."

Everyone believes that the collapse of the entrance to the lower realm is related to the innate magic weapon. This must be a killing treasure, otherwise how could it be possible to do such a terrifying thing.

If this innate magic weapon falls into the hands of their Huntian Sect, it will definitely allow them to reach a higher level.

The high-level officials of the Huntian Sect present were all very excited. They were fighting, plundering, and growing. This was how they obtained resource points.

"As for you...search for your soul and dispose of it."

The ancestor of the Huntian Sect looked at Hao Hong and did not regard him as a person at all, just an insignificant insect.

"Wait, ancestor, I'm useful, I'm still useful..." Hao Hong couldn't help but trembled, and quickly began to beg for mercy.

Of course he knew what the solution would be after the soul search, which was to die of a sudden illness. Considering that he was the external steward of the Huntian Sect, he would be given some dignity.

But this was just a matter of decency. Anyone with a discerning eye would know how he died.

The most important thing is that he doesn't want to die, he just wants to live.

"Useful? What use can you make?" Patriarch Huntian paused as he was about to leave, and asked with dissatisfaction in his expression.

"I can explore the way, and I can use my life to share the worries of the seniors with regard to the Qianchuan Realm." Hao Hong said quickly.

Between dying early and dying late, he chose to die late, and he also wanted to take a gamble, that is, if he went to Qianchuan Realm and got the innate magic weapon, or preferably obtained the approval of the innate magic weapon, then he would be equivalent to one more A way out.

But I saw Patriarch Huntian showing a disdainful smile: "You are so clever, do you really think I don't know what you are thinking?"

"You can't afford this innate magic weapon."

After the words fell, Hao Hong's face turned pale, and his little thoughts were seen through.

Now, you have violated everyone's taboo. Everyone wants this innate magic weapon, but how dare you, a mere Immortal King Realm, compete with a group of Immortal King Realm and Immortal Emperor Realm monks for these things?

Do you really think that they are those young people who have just entered the Immortal Realm, and can they be easily fooled by your little Immortal King Realm?

"Spare your life, spare your life, I didn't covet this innate magic weapon, ancestor... ancestor..." Hao Hong continued to beg for mercy.

However, Patriarch Huntian did not stop this time, but turned around and left.

Then the leader strolled over and stretched out his hand to search for his soul.

He wanted to resist, but the other party was in the Immortal King Realm, which was two levels higher than his Immortal King Realm, so he couldn't resist at all.

Even at this time, he couldn't die even if he wanted to.

"Master, I...ah!!!" Hao Hong wanted to continue begging for mercy, but before he could finish his words, his soul was searched by the master and even his soul was destroyed.

The whole person looked stupid, drooling, and his eyes were dull.

"Take it down and deal with it." The leader glanced at Hao Hong with disgust. This kid had concealed a lot of things.

He really didn't dare to lie, but if he told the truth but had a little embellishment, it would easily deflect the original meaning.

"Such a big thing happened twice in a row without reporting it. The corpse is wrapped in a corpse!" The boss scolded not only Hao Hong, but also related personnel. Matters involving innate magic weapons were actually able to be intercepted halfway. , otherwise normally, it would definitely flow into his hands.

If it were him, how could such a thing happen?

Now maybe the innate magic weapon has fallen into his hands.

Although he can only stay in the lower realm for less than half an hour in the Immortal Emperor Realm, but with his strength, if it takes half an hour, it can be done in half a cup of tea at most.

With this innate magic weapon, Patriarch Huntian will only be in the Immortal Emperor realm by then, and he will be able to reach a higher Immortal Lord realm and stabilize his opponent's head.

After all, no one wants to have an ancestor dictating over them, and even their power and status can be stripped away by the other party's words.

Everyone has ambition and rebellion.

Their cultivation is to go against heaven, and they dare to go against heaven. If the people above them don't even dare to restrain themselves from below, then there is no point in cultivating.

Kowling when face to face does not affect their thoughts, it is just a law of survival.

"The separation of the two realms is finally completed." Wang Linchi looked at the data on hand.

If you want to activate the death squad of Qianchuanjie, you must first cut off the connection with Qingmingxianjie. This is also the chain imposed by Qingmingxianjie on Qianchuanjie.

That's right, it's the Ascension Channel. For other people, this thing cannot be damaged at all. However, for Wang Linchi, it is very simple, easier than cutting a cake.

The next moment, the golden flames on all the merit gold crystal towers suddenly expanded, and the entire flames shot straight into the sky, slowly pushing the entire world forward.

All meritorious giants can feel subtle changes in the environment. The world begins to shift, and changes will definitely occur.

At the same time, the assimilation of the dependent families began.

Because the merit giants confused the changes in the environment, they did not notice any problems with themselves, but even if they felt it carefully, they could not see any problems.

"Accelerate!" Wang Linchi directly increased the power to the maximum. Since it was a collision, he must have stepped on the accelerator to death.

This behavior caused drastic changes in the entire world, and even the ecological environment was damaged. However, with the protection of the Merit Golden Crystal Tower, all the merit giants were not affected, and instead they all cheered.

Because they just need to wait to get out of the trouble in the future.

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