Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 694 Qingming Immortal World is good at bullying small ones with big ones

"There is a problem in Qingming Immortal Realm!"

Wang Linchi said without hesitation the moment he arrived at Qingming Immortal Realm.

He did not follow the Qianchuan Realm Stormtroopers to the Qingming Immortal Realm. This thing would take nearly two years, so he had no intention of waiting.

Everything that should be arranged was arranged, but he threw a memory over there to disguise himself as himself, and he arrived at Qingming Fairyland in advance.

As soon as he arrived, he discovered a very serious problem, that is, the energy level of Qingming Immortal Realm was a bit different from what he had expected.

He had previously estimated that it would be similar to the Zombie World, but in fact it was only about 70%, which was equivalent to a 30% reduction.

"It won't be another matryoshka world. The spiritual world ascends to the fairy world, and the fairy world can ascend to the divine world..." Wang Linchi complained.

Not to mention, it was really possible. He collected all the classics in the Qingming Immortal Realm in an instant, and soon found traces from some fragments of words.

In ancient times, after reaching the Ancestral Immortal Realm, there was still a way, that is, by washing away the lead, you could open the divine door and ascend to the Chaos God Realm.

However, one day, the passage to ascension was cut off. From then on, no one could break through the Ancestral Immortal Realm.

"Where does this matryoshka world come from..."

When he learned that there was a Chaos God Realm above the Qingming Immortal Realm, Wang Linchi also had a very rich expression.

He felt that this matter might not be over yet. If he continued to reach the Chaos God Realm, there might be some worlds like the Holy Realm and the Supreme Realm going up.

"But one thing is certain, the Qingming Immortal Realm should have broken away from the control of the Chaos God Realm." After Wang Linchi checked the Qingming Immortal Realm, he quickly found the clue.

In the original world, there was a healed scar, similar to the ascension channel in Qianchuan Realm.

“It’s really inspiring to go from colonized to colonized.”

"But there is a question, that is, how did the Qingming Immortal Realm break free from this control, and why was it able to break free?"

Wang Linchi can be sure that whether it is the Chaos God Realm, the Qingming Immortal Realm, or even the Qianchuan Realm, the oppression and domination of its extraordinary system are the embodiment of the world's shape.

One level suppresses the other, and the superiors absolutely crush the subordinates, just like fellow immortals and monks, rigorous and rigid.

"Wait a minute, it seems there really is one." Wang Linchi suddenly thought of something that was incompatible with Qianchuan Realm and Qingming Immortal Realm.

That is the innate magic weapon.

This thing can give the holder the ability to kill by leaps and bounds, and this is also the power to break the rules.

"So when the Qingming Immortal Realm broke away from the Chaos God Realm, its biggest contribution should be this innate magic weapon."

Wang Linchi actually had an innate magic weapon in his hand. He was not referring to the Taishan Seal that he had refined, but the bronze door that he had snatched from Xu Ling.

Yes, there is indeed an innate magic weapon in the Qianchuan Realm. It can only be said that the Huntian Sect is getting it wrong, but there are many gaps between this innate magic weapon and what they imagined.

Unfortunately, it ended up in Wang Linchi's hands, and it eventually became a means to persecute Qianchuanjie.

The one who deals with the zombie world should be the Qingming Immortal Realm, not the Chaos God Realm.

It is precisely because the Qingming Fairyland is not as good as the zombie world that the cooperation was reached. In the future, the zombie world returns to the protagonist world, and there is no need to worry about being manipulated by the Qingming Fairyland, but can continue to trade.

Qianchuan Realm itself does not actually have the ability to produce innate magic weapons, only Qingming Immortal Realm does.

Therefore, the bronze door in Wang Linchi's hand is actually a treasure created by the Qingming Immortal Realm while controlling the Qianchuan Realm.

This is used as an innate magic weapon to foster the protagonist Xu Ling.

Compared with other innate magic weapons, this bronze door is actually more like a companion magic weapon for the protagonist. Unless someone is as powerful as Wang Linchi, even the so-called Ancestral Immortal Realm will not be able to detect this bronze door, let alone Taken away from Xu Ling.

"So there is a high probability that Qingming Immortal Realm does not have any big ideas and really intends to cooperate with the zombie world."

"The experience of being enslaved has given the world a more vigilant operating logic."

"All these things we did were to bully the small ones, which is why we have been able to develop and grow to this day."

Wang Linchi looked at the bronze door in his hand. This innate magic weapon had only one function left, which was the purification function of converting karma into merit. As for the function of traveling to the zombie world, it was originally an accessory product, and because of the zombie world Once it's been swallowed up by him, you can't even use it even if you want to.

Therefore, this innate magic weapon is basically on the verge of being abandoned.

As for the transformation of karma into merit, unless Wang Linchi recreates the karma zombie, it will be of no use at all.

Karma is not a major currency in the first place, it has not been vigorously promoted by the world, and its universal scope is extremely poor.

It is true that merit is rare, and karma is also very rare.

It's not that you can get karma by killing an individual. In fact, you have to have a negative impact on the world to get the corresponding karma.

There is actually no difference between destroying tens of thousands of kilometers and trampling to death a flower.

Merits and karma belong to heaven and earth and are not judged by humans.

It is easy for demons to get karma. That is because they harm the interests of the world when they do bad things, so they get karma, not because they do bad things.

Good and evil are judged by people. If a demonic monk does something that people think is extremely sinful but does not have a negative impact on the world or loss of profits, then there will be no karma.

Here, people are originally the shepherd dogs of the world. Dogs do not bite or pull, as long as they fulfill their duties faithfully, no matter whether the dog jumps up or down.

From the perspective of the Qingming Immortal World, the righteous path and the demonic path are just two actions of a dog.

If you knock something over when jumping up, you have to learn a lesson. That is, if the righteous way does good things and affects the interests of the world, it will also be given karma. When jumping down, being in the open space in the yard is equivalent to the evil way doing bad things. As long as There will be no penalties if no loss of profits is caused.

Wang Linchi is also relatively optimistic about this situation, because his merit system is even more extreme than this.

The other party is still in the stage of bartering, while Wang Linchi has entered the stage of capital. Whether it is squeezing or plundering, it is much more ruthless than Qingming Immortal Realm.

But one thing is different, Wang Linchi is external, after all, he is also poor internally, and all internal assets are his.

So the internal treatment is still very good.

Furthermore, with the support of a large number of protagonists, he naturally does not have to worry about too many problems.

He divides the family members into three categories, the protagonist type, which is similar to King Yama, Bai Xuan and others. This type of protagonist family members has always been the backbone of his body. Wang Linchi is very generous and will give him whatever resources he wants.

There is no need to worry about backlash, both themselves and their destiny are part of Wang Linchi, which is equivalent to them being derivatives of Wang Linchi, just like activated organs.

The second category is the Memory Familia. This type of Familia has built a civilized computer and belongs to the logistics and management type. Most of the time, they do not participate in combat. At most, they only perform disguise tasks and act as stand-ins for Wang Linchi.

The third category is the merit giant dependents, which are still being transformed and are the main means used to carry out invasion, pollution, and assimilation.

Although this third type of merit giant somewhat overlaps with Wang Linchi's positioning, after all, as long as he lets go of the skin of the game character, he can actually achieve it, whether it is invasion or pollution and assimilation.

"We have to find a way to connect the Chaos God Realm and Qingming Immortal Realm." Wang Linchi thought for a moment and felt that it was a pity that the Chaos God Realm was gone.

"But before that, we have to let the merit giants get all the lower realms and Qingming Immortal Realm."

"Compared to the zombie world, the methods of Qingming Immortal World are indeed... behind."

That's right, in Wang Linchi's eyes, the colonial methods of Qingming Immortal Realm are very backward, and they are not even considered colonization. They just simply hang those lower realms on their bodies as pendants, and then bind them through chains, that is, ascension channels, and finally Perform sucking.

That is to say, these lower realms are not as good as Qingming Immortal Realm, otherwise they would have been stunned by a backhand slap.

Therefore, as long as there is external help, these lower realms can easily break away from the control of Qingming Immortal Realm.

"The energy level is also false. It depends entirely on the support of the lower realm. If the number of lower realms decreases, the energy level of Qingming Immortal Realm will also decrease."

"According to preliminary estimates, it is only about 30% to 40% of the zombie world."

It may seem small, but it is very simple to crush the lower realms such as Qianchuan Realm.

"But it was really developed by the Qingming Immortal World. Now I can confirm that there is indeed a structure similar to the world community around it."

"Otherwise, how could there be so many lower realms bound and sucked by Qingming Immortal Realm?"

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