Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 695: The protagonist of casual cultivation, how difficult it is to practice

In Guixuanfang City, Wang Linchi was checking his identity.

He quietly replaced the protagonist and became the new generation of righteous knight protagonist.

Naturally, there are protagonists in the Qingming Immortal World, but compared to the protagonists in other worlds, the destiny of the protagonists in the Qingming Immortal World is not to overcome tribulations or lead the times. Their duties are very simple, which is to kill the body. Those with karma are those who destroy the interests of the world or cause negative impacts.

Therefore, there is not only one protagonist in this world, but three.

They are distributed in the righteous path, the demonic path and the casual cultivation.

The three people are responsible for different objects. For example, the protagonist of the righteous path is the person with karma who solves the evil path, and the demonic path is to deal with the righteous path. The protagonist of the casual cultivator is to find and fill in the gaps. Where are the deficiencies in the two paths of good and evil? He will kill anyone.

He replaced the protagonist of Rogue Cultivator. He actually wanted to replace the protagonist of Demonic Path, Destiny, but the protagonist of Demonic Path is now a late-stage character. If he replaced him, he would be cheated.

Next, the old and new will alternate, and they will be disposed of directly.

They have become late-stage characters, so the number of righteous karma people that this demonic protagonist can kill is relatively limited. Every move of a character at this level will be monitored by the righteous path, so he needs to start over. Therefore, even if Wang Linchi is replaced, the follow-up will not be the same. Will be tied up.

As for the protagonist of the righteous path, he is already a mid-term figure at this time. He is no longer competing for resources with his original brothers, but has become the head of a sect and has begun to grow his own sect to exploit it. More resources.

There is still time for this, but if we replace the past, it will just be like being a cow and horse. In the process of development, not only must the sect become stronger, but we must also perform the tasks assigned by destiny. If you do this, I'm afraid not everyone can do it. You have to be ten years older.

If he doesn't do any of this work himself, how could he help others develop their power?

On the contrary, this Sanren had only just started working, and his destiny had just begun to take effect.

It is currently the foundation building period in the quasi-immortal realm, and it is a late start on the road to immortality.

But it doesn’t matter. In the Qingming Immortal Realm, as long as the life span is not only one or two months, with stable cultivation, it is still possible to become an immortal. Casual cultivation is a bit difficult, but it is possible. Opportunity.

Wang Linchi changed his realm to his foundation building stage.

"The poor man only has a fragment of a low-grade fairy spirit stone left on his body. If this were placed in the immortal cultivation era of Qianchuan Realm, the top-grade spirit stones would not be as good as a hair of this fragment of a low-grade fairy spirit stone." Wang Linchi complained.

The currency is depreciating too quickly.

"As a casual cultivator, your daily job is to set up a stall and earn pieces of fairy spirit stones, right?"

"It's the foundation building period after all. In... well, there are really no cards in the Qingming Immortal Realm. There is no separate realm. They are all divided into the quasi-immortal realm."

Wang Linchi thought about it for a while, and it was indeed miserable. If the predecessor he replaced was not the protagonist, then the upper limit of his lifetime would be the Immortal Realm. If it was higher, there would be nothing he could do.

Resources have always been a bottleneck for casual cultivators, preventing them from going any further.

Therefore, the fights and involution among loose cultivators are actually more serious.

At least that's what Wang Linchi got from the memory of his predecessor.

His predecessor made a living by drawing talismans. Fortunately, the effect of the fairy spirit stone fragments is far better than that of the top grade spirit stones. Coupled with the unique physique of Qingming Immortal Realm, at least in the quasi-immortal realm, as long as he works hard, there is no problem in breaking through to the immortal realm.

After the Immortal Realm, any cultivation resource requires low-grade Immortal Spirit Stones, which are not just broken pieces, and the cost is staggering.

The Immortal Realm is different from the Quasi-Fairy Realm. Simply absorbing the Immortal Spirit Stone and running the skills can be successful. It also requires corresponding resources to assist. Then swallowing the Immortal Spiritual Energy. Any one of them can make a Quasi-Fairy Realm person unable to pay.

This is also due to the monopoly of the major sects.

Only a small amount of resources will flow out from the major sects, and then be robbed by casual cultivators at high prices.

In fact, most of the resources needed by the monks in the Qingming Immortal Realm come from the lower realm, and the resources they produce are only a few.

Therefore, the number of resources is equal to the entrance to the lower realm occupied by the sect.

Don't even think about casual cultivators. They simply don't have enough ability to occupy an entrance to the lower realm.

Most casual cultivators are concentrated in the two levels of Immortal Realm and Immortal King Realm. After reaching the Immortal King Realm, they will choose to establish a sect and develop their own power to collect and squeeze resources, and then use this to break through to the Immortal King Realm. In this realm, one can occupy an entrance to the lower realm.

Very few people would reach the level of Immortal Emperor or even above as a casual cultivator.

Transformation is a problem faced by casual cultivators.

However, this matter has nothing to do with Wang Linchi. He has not considered it that long at all. In up to two years, the invasion of the merit giants will arrive, and then the entire Qingming Immortal World will be in chaos.

What he wants to do now is to give the immortals in Qingming Immortal Realm something shocking.

For example, for the special physique of crunchy sharks like them, some good things like genetic variants could be formed.

Take this to test what is going on in the Qingming Immortal World.

As for the failure of the test, he would just change his identity. Anyway, the Qingming Immortal World wouldn't find him.

"This kind of thing needs..."

Dong dong dong~

There was a knock on the door. Wang Linchi must have remembered that he belonged to a separate family. Besides, his predecessor had no habit of making enemies.

Most casual cultivators are cautious, especially those who have no background like my predecessor.

Wang Linchi glanced around and quickly knew who was coming, but he did not pretend not to be at home because the visitor was a golden elixir stage monk.

In Qianchuan Realm, the Golden Core stage is already very high, but here, the Golden Core stage is at the bottom.

Therefore, even if you are in the golden elixir stage, you don’t dare to be too arrogant.

"Is something wrong?" Wang Linchi opened the door and glanced at the group of people. They were all wearing uniform black robes with a mighty giant snake embroidered on them.

This is the law enforcement team in Guixuanfang City. They are known privately as the Black-hearted Snakes. Their job is to blackmail and extort these casual cultivators.

As for maintaining order, generally speaking, whoever gives more money will maintain it, or whoever has a higher status will help.

My predecessor had always had to pay regular money, which was ten pieces of low-grade immortal spirit stone every month, which accounted for one-third of my predecessor's income in a month.

The remaining one-third is given to Guixuanfang City for various miscellaneous expenses such as stalls and housing.

Coupled with personal expenses, raw materials needed to draw talismans, and other things, you can only earn three pieces of low-grade fairy stone fragments every month.

Fortunately, it is enough for practice, but only in the quasi-immortal realm.

It's just that when you reach the Immortal Realm, you can't live in Guixuanfang City. You have to go out and open a cave.

"Guixuanfang City is preparing to open up the Yunxuan Mountains. From now on, the city protection fee per person will be increased by 5 low-grade fairy spirit stone fragments." The other party said coldly.

The Yunxuan Mountains, where Guixuanfang City is based, is rich in resources but also extremely dangerous. It is said that monsters in the Immortal King Realm are dormant.

That's right, in the Qingming Immortal World, there is a brand new species, a kind of existence called the monster beast. It has great strength and is no longer the only one dominated by the human race.

"I have no money. I only have one left. If you want it, I'll give it to you. If it doesn't work, I'll move it away." Wang Linchi said, taking out a fragment of a low-grade fairy stone he was carrying.

The other party glanced at it, took it away and said, "If you make up for the missing items next month, not only the market protection fees will increase, but the stall fees, yard rent, etc. will also increase."

They definitely won't force them out. They understand that those who can live in Fangshi are poor people. If they drive out these poor people, rich people will not move in, but will lose a lot of money.

Mosquito legs are also meat, so there's no reason why they shouldn't take them.

Unless the other party can't get the money out for two or three months, then they really can't squeeze it out. Then they will think of swallowing the skin and bones directly. For example, after killing the soul and body, they will sell them to the devil. The magic weapon on the body can Use it if you can, if it can't be used, recycle it and resell it as raw material.

There are good people, but they don't live long.

Loose cultivators are more inclined to the devil's path, after all, they are all for profit.

Rogue cultivators also have order, just like Fangshi, which is an order formed by a group of rogue cultivators, but the order is relatively weak and there is still internal chaos.

"I understand." Wang Linchi responded.

These black-hearted snakes just turned around and left. They were not worried about Wang Linchi hiding his secrets. If they couldn't get it together next time, they would use force.

If it doesn't happen next time, it's worthless, so just drive it out and intercept the opponent halfway as compensation.

However, the subsequent actions need to be concealed. After all, no one can really know, otherwise problems will arise in the city.

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