Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 696 Guixuanfang City offended the true disciples

The development of the Yunxuan Mountains has made the entire Guixuanfang City a lot more lively. The shortcomings are also obvious. The prices of everything have increased, and the increase is not low.

There are two reasons. One is that the casual cultivators also want to get a share of the pie, so they need supplies. Whether it is talismans for protection, elixirs for supply, or formations, etc., they are all a help. .

Where there is demand, there will naturally be supply, so prices rise.

On the other hand, it must be because of Guixuanfang City's cost transfer behavior. In addition to the increase in protection fees demanded by the black-hearted snake, various fees in Guixuanfang City have also increased.

Just like the rent, it has increased three times, and the stall fee has increased five times.

This made everyone complain, but fortunately the collection was next month, so they could only increase their prices.

What's more important is that Guixuanfang City not only increased prices, but also inexplicably added a lot of expenses, which greatly intensified the costs.

Wang Linchi also estimated that the cost of low-grade immortal spirit stones, which originally only cost about twenty-seven or eight yuan, was enough for a month, but now it has skyrocketed to about two hundred yuan.

This is simply not something that normal casual cultivators can bear.

Therefore, most of the various materials on the market have also increased several times. The better ones are only five or six times, and the more ruthless ones start at ten times.

The talismans Wang Linchi sold simply had a zero added to the end.

It’s ten times as high as the top grid.

However, even so, many people buy it.

The main reason is that I want to make a fortune in the Yunxuan Mountains. As long as I obtain a fairy-level resource and resell it, I can not only get back the original cost, but also make a lot of money.

The lowest fairy level resource is ten low-grade fairy stones.

You must know that a low-grade fairy stone is equivalent to 10,000 low-grade fairy stone fragments. The difference is ten thousand times.

During the Tribulation Period in the Quasi-Wonderland, you can only earn 1,800 yuan a month at most, but unlike its predecessor, it's not sales, but profits. After deducting the mess, you can earn so much.

Wang Linchi's predecessor only made three yuan a month at most, which is enough to see the difference.

"I didn't make any money..."

Wang Linchi made some calculations and found that even if the price increased tenfold, he would only earn ten pieces of low-grade immortal spirit stone if he survived for a month.

He earns more and costs more.

It's not like he was the only one raising prices, raw materials also went up.

And this is under the condition that Guixuanfang City does not continue to collect various fees under clever names. If one or two more come out, I am afraid that not only will they not be able to make money, but they will also suffer huge losses.

"This...isn't he planning to run away?" Wang Linchi always felt that this harvesting method seemed familiar.

If the development of the Yunxuan Mountains is a pretense, and the real purpose is to raise prices and squeeze out the low-grade fairy stone fragments in the hands of casual cultivators, it seems to be the case.

When the top management of Fang City is transferred, it will be a drain on the bottom of the cauldron.

"So what is the reason that made several people in charge in Fang City plan to kill this hen that laid golden eggs and prepare to run away?" Wang Linchi thought about this matter.

In the end, it points to one point, which is force majeure.

That is to say, a powerful force that even the city cannot bear is about to come.

"Guixuanfang City is surrounded by righteous sects, so it is unlikely that there will be any demonic actions."

"Then Guixuanfang City has offended the Zhengdao Sect, and then it will face the Zhengdao Sect's revenge."

"In order to avoid being retaliated against, they plan to take the money and leave, leaving the casual cultivators to vent their anger on the Zhengdao Sect?"

Wang Linchi conducted a painless soul search and quickly pieced together the truth.

It was just as he had guessed, but it was more serious because they offended a true disciple of the Irōgami Sect, a being in the Immortal King realm.

The Zhaoshen Sect is about the same size as the Huntian Sect, so its structure is similar.

The true disciples are all in the Immortal King realm.

The reason is also very simple, that is, Guixuanfang City robbed a piece of material requested by the true disciple of the Illuminating God Sect. Although they did not do so unintentionally, and this material was nothing more than a dispensable item in the eyes of the true disciple. , but the power of the Immortal King cannot be insulted.

Furthermore, it was not this Immortal King Realm true disciple who took action, but his lackeys, the group of Immortal King Realm inner disciples.

After all, he was still in the realm of the Immortal King. How could he lower his status to deal with a group of casual cultivators? Moreover, he actually didn't take it too seriously. Afterwards, he returned to Xuanfang City and paid ten times the compensation, but he couldn't resist what his subordinates wanted. After being courteous, he just let it go. They were just a group of casual cultivators anyway. If they died, they would die.

However, even the inner disciples are not something they can fight against in Guixuanfang City.

The strongest monks in Guixuanfang City are only in the early stage of the Immortal Lord Realm. Anyone who comes to the middle stage of the Immortal Lord Realm can sweep them away.

Therefore, before the disciples of the Terugami Sect came, they took the money and fled, leaving behind a scapegoat for the inner disciples of the Terugami Sect to vent their anger on.

What these inner disciples want is face, as long as Guixuanfang City is bleeding like a river, they don't care who dies, as long as the city is destroyed, they have completed their mission.

It was precisely because of this mentality that several people in charge in Guixuanfang City dared to take the money and escape.

When the time comes, it will be enough to move to a place further away from the Iojin Sect and open another market.

There are still quite a lot of casual cultivators. After all, not everyone has enough qualifications to be accepted into the sect's gates. Most of them are ordinary people who have picked up scattered inheritance and started to practice.

Only when there are enough people at the bottom can enough resources be squeezed out.

"This group of people is really gangster, and they are worthy of being a gangster cultivating immortals." Although Wang Linchi knew the truth, he never thought about leaving.

This is a great opportunity.

His crunchy shark virus has taken a preliminary prototype, and now he needs a group of people to help with the experiment.

The group of casual cultivators in Guixuanfang City are still not qualified. Most of them are from the quasi-immortal realm, and cannot even reach the immortals. They do not meet the conditions of his experiment at all.

On the contrary, the upcoming group of inner disciples of the Illuminating God Sect in the Immortal Lord Realm are very suitable.

It would be even better if it were changed to the Immortal Realm. It can be increased step by step, but it doesn't matter. You can just let these inner disciples carry it first, and then spread it.

The Fragile Shark Virus was developed to target the monks' weakness into a low-energy environment.

After being contaminated, impurities will be born in the fairy mana on their bodies, and finally they will agglomerate and undergo corresponding alienation, and this alienation is contagious and replicable.

The crunchy shark virus in Wang Linchi's hands can target at least the Immortal King Realm.

The main reason is that the samples he had before were only from the Immortal King Realm, so the data on the crunchy shark virus stopped at this point.

However, the problem is lack of data, which does not mean that it can only go so far. In fact, Wang Linchi estimates that even the so-called Ancestral Immortal Realm will be affected by the crunchy shark virus.

"The Swift Shadow Talisman is cheaper, five pieces of low-grade fairy spirit stone." A man squatted down, holding the talisman that Wang Linchi placed on the stall and asked the price.

Wang Linchi glanced at the other party and shook his head: "If you don't bargain, you can buy it elsewhere."

At this time, there is no need to worry about not being able to sell the supplies. He might have to double the supply tomorrow.

"When you make a friend, think of it as giving me face." The other party spoke again.

"I just want to make friends with the Fairy Spirit Stone. How much Fairy Spirit Stone is your face worth?" Wang Linchi asked back.

The other party put down the talisman with a gloomy expression, then stood up and left.

"It's interesting. In the golden elixir stage, there is actually a trace of karma on the body. What is this?" Wang Linchi was a little curious.

The other party should have come here specifically to die, that is, to let Wang Linchi, the protagonist of the righteous knight, kill this person with karma.

It's just that Wang Linchi doesn't quite understand, that is his plug-in, which is the so-called innate magic weapon. Otherwise, why would he leapfrog and kill a Jindan stage when his predecessor was in the Foundation Establishment stage.

‘It should be on the way. ’ Wang Linchi thought.

Without the innate magic weapon as a golden finger plug-in, the person who met this golden elixir in his previous life would definitely die.

‘It’s also possible that this Jin Danqi is here to deliver a courier. After all, something big is going to happen next. ’

Wang Linchi understands one thing, that is, if there is no chaos, there are no such things as golden fingers and atmospheric movement as assistance. Most people are ordinary people. Of course, even if there is chaos, they must have enough ability or corresponding skills. Just help.

His rise depends on strong luck, so he understands how difficult it is for ordinary people.

‘Okay, let’s close the stall and go back and wait for the pie to fall from the sky. ’ Wang Linchi thought for a moment and said, “I won’t even give you the golden finger. What kind of business are you doing? Just go back and lie down.”

He also brought his own dry food to work and was not paid a salary. He was not the protagonist he replaced.

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