Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 697 The courier comes to deliver the goods


A figure crashed into the yard of Wang Linchi's house.

The opponent got up in embarrassment, but before he could take the next step, Wang Linchi knocked him to the ground with a big flag.

This large flag was originally a special magic weapon composed of an evil ghost flag, a corpse bag and a corpse-controlling bell. Later, it was refined by Wang Linchi with merit and turned into a merit flag. The original ghost corpse also became a He created a shining golden...ghost corpse, which was later modified by Wang Linchi and turned into a protector.

This protector, Wang Linchi, arranged for the Holy Master to be his younger brother. From then on, the Holy Master was successfully promoted from bodyguard to bodyguard captain. After following Wang Linchi for so many years, he was finally promoted. Next, Wang Linchi planned to make the Holy Master rich. As for what It's time to send it, then wait and see the opportunity.

Therefore, this merit flag was used by Wang Linchi as a sap. To deal with a mere golden elixir stage gadget, Taishan Seal should not be thrown away.

Here, the golden elixir stage is approximately equal to the third level of Qi training in Qianchuan Realm. He is already in the foundation stage, so it is reasonable to jump over the level and kill him forcefully.

"Open the door, open the door quickly!!!"

Wang Linchi heard the knock on the door. Look what kind of world this is, it actually forced a Jindanqi to be like this. In Qianchuan Realm, Jindanqi would have broken in long ago, but in the end he was just filming outside. The door dare not be broken open.

Wang Linchi ignored it, obviously because the other party was worried that this was the inner city. Although Guixuanfang City was planning to run away, it was not reported. The disciples of the Zhaoshen Sect did not come to vent for a day, so they had to ensure that Guixuanfang City's Order, so that the disciples of the Illuminating God Sect can kill comfortably.

"No one? You couldn't have found the wrong person, right?" There was another sound coming from outside.

"It shouldn't be. I saw him fall in, couldn't he have been killed?"

The two of you talk to each other.

Wang Linchi was a little at a loss when he heard this. He remembered that he didn't have a method to subjugate intelligent beings, or did he bring it with him?

"Forget it, you have fun, I'll look for the courier." Wang Linchi muttered, and then began to explore the delivery person.

Soon I touched a wooden box. When I opened it, I found a dark round bead. I checked the function and my eyes widened.

"This thing is good."

This is an innate magic weapon. After being recognized by this innate magic weapon, you can have abilities such as diligence, proficiency, and ignoring bottlenecks. As long as you practice repeatedly, you can make a little progress every day.

It is an excellent auxiliary magic weapon.

Apart from being useless to Wang Linchi, it is quite useful.

"Uh~ What are you doing?!" The person who was knocked unconscious by him woke up in a daze, and then saw the innate magic weapon in Wang Linchi's hand, and immediately became furious: "What are you doing!!!"

His situation naturally aroused the movement of several other people outside the door, and the next moment they broke in directly.

Then he saw Wang Linchi holding the merit flag and smashing the head of the Jin Danqi.

The karma on the other party immediately dissipated, and Wang Linchi found that his luck had become stronger again. This was destiny's reward for completing his mission.

The shortcomings are also obvious. He will form a certain coupling situation. Wherever he goes, he will meet people with karma, and then conflicts will occur.

However, Wang Linchi didn't care much about these things. Instead, he was thinking about how to peacefully resolve the matter in front of him.

The several Jindanqi people in front of them were all from the five families in Guixuanfang City. It was obvious that the goods in the hands of the courier were obtained from Guixuanfang City.

"Hand over your things and I can make the decision to let you leave." The leader said.

Wang Linchi blatantly stuffed the things into his arms, then picked up the headless body and threw it over.

These people were not prepared, but when the corpse hit the ground, it suddenly exploded, and a large amount of poison enveloped the flesh and blood.

This group of people was blown to pieces on the spot.

"There is no one to guard against the Corpse Explosion Technique." Wang Linchi did not expect that this sneak attack would be successful. The strength he used was not high, it was just a normal foundation building period... It's strange that his foundation building period was not normal at all. .

"But it was settled peacefully."

The toxins began to disperse along with the flesh and blood, and gradually spread to the entire Guixuanfang City with the flow of air.

In short, if no one objects, then it is considered peace.

As a righteous knight, Wang Linchi did not have much in-depth understanding of how to peacefully deal with the enemy, but he had the power to define it. He said that, unless the opponent was stronger than himself, Wang Linchi would not Changed his words.

"Oh, for this trivial matter, Guixuanfang City is gone. Then can I wait until the inner disciples of the Illuminating God Sect come?"

At this time, Wang Linchi felt that he was a little willful and took action anyway.

The highly toxic toxins of the Corpse Explosion Technique combined with the pollution of flesh and blood soon enveloped the entire Guixuanfang City. The good news is that because they were not affected, they died peacefully and without pain at all.

The bad news is that each and every one of them has turned into something similar to a ghost corpse, and is contagious to a certain extent.

After all, the Corpse Explosion Technique is activated with the Merit Banner. The predecessor of the Merit Banner was a magic weapon, which was not a good thing. Now he has followed Wang Linchi to correct his evil ways, but Wang Linchi has used some methods to transform even more evil things. Come.

For example, the ghost zombie virus.

This thing is a low-level virus belonging to the crunchy shark virus, and it belongs to the ranks of magic. I originally planned to use my own merit to protect the law, but when I realized that the efficiency was too low, I changed it to use the merit flag to activate it.

Along with the Corpse Explosion Technique, Poisonous Explosion Technique and Toxic Nova Technique were also used, which he borrowed from a certain Necromancer. When used to release viruses, they can provide means of spreading infection, self-replication, etc.

It is one of the few low-level spells he has now.

"I remember that the ghost zombie virus seems to be able to mutate?" Wang Linchi suddenly thought of this matter.

The Crunchy Shark Virus is more like a large-scale destructive weapon targeting genes, but the Ghost Corpse Virus is different. It is biased towards the direction of the Karma Virus, but the raw materials used are different.

He does not have the luxury to use karma as material now. The Qingming Immortal Realm is not qualified for this. If it is replaced by the Chaos God Realm, he can still consider it.

The karma virus is used to destroy the world, not like ghost zombies and crunchy sharks, used to have fun and weaken.

Furthermore, using karma viruses to create power in the Qingming Immortal Realm will not even be able to make back the money, let alone making profits.

"The upper limit of the ghost zombie virus is in the Immortal King Realm, which is good news." Wang Linchi did not develop the ghost zombie virus in depth. After all, it was just a branch that appeared when developing the crispy shark virus. After all, Wang Linchi had nothing to do with it. What is this ghost zombie virus doing?

There are actually similar ones, but they are not as good as ghost corpses, so Wang Linchi chose this thing.


The inhuman roar emerged, which made Wang Linchi look excited: "So fast, it's not even five minutes, right?"

"There are actually mutated corpses... Well, they are not mutated corpses, they are normal ghost corpses. But then again, why can monsters be infected as well?"

"I remember that the direction seems to be the special physique of the monks, unless..."

"Holy shit, the monster beast also has the physical defects of the immortal body of the crunchy shark? So the monk and the monster beast are very similar genetically!!!"

Wang Linchi had a look on his face, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why monsters could be infected with the ghost virus.

If the genetic gap between monsters and monks is large, then the ghost corpse virus will not cause alienation to the monsters. At most, they will die and will not mutate.

However, the fact is that the monsters have also become ghost corpses, which means that the gap between the monks and the monsters is actually not that serious.

"Don't tell me, Qingming Immortal Realm is really good at playing." Wang Linchi doesn't think this is a natural evolutionary choice. After all, the two races are not only different in appearance, but also different in various ways. As a result, they are now genetically highly advanced. Similarity and convergence are not so coincidental.

Wang Linchi even believes that the source of both parties is the same.

"Tsk, there's a good show this time." Wang Linchi put the merit flag around his waist and then slowly disappeared.

He originally planned to cause harm to Guixuanfang City, but now that it's over, there might be problems in the Yunxuan Mountains, and the next step will be a battle between monks and zombies.

"I hope the disciples of the Iror God Sect will come here soon, so as not to encounter a lot of mutated ghost corpses later. It will not be so easy to deal with them."

There is indeed an upper limit to the mutation of ghost corpses, but each mutation will make itself stronger. Even ghost corpses will devour and evolve through mutual cannibalism to break the upper limit of their own mutation times.

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