Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 70 Woodcutter’s Ghost, Excellent Illusion System Soul Seed·Ghost Breaks the Wall

Wang Linchi stopped abruptly. His multi-layered soul vision showed that a smoke-like energy appeared one hundred meters away from his right side. This smoke-like energy condensed into the appearance of an old man. .

"Young man, don't go any further, there is a cliff ahead." came an old voice.

Immediately, the scene in his normal visual field of vision suddenly changed. The area not far in front of him turned into a cliff, but in fact, in his other field of vision, it was still flat ground.

Apparently the other party changed it from ghost hitting the wall to ghost covering the eyes.

Looking back, I saw an old woodcutter in the forest on the right carrying a large bundle of firewood and calling to Wang Linchi.

The other party's appearance was naturally an illusion, and Wang Linchi could see clearly that he was a ghost with a bloody body and a hollowed-out stomach, and he was still half-suspended.

"Thank you for reminding me, father-in-law, but what I just saw was flat ground." Wang Linchi said pretending to be stupid.

"You have fallen into the illusion of the evil tiger in the mountains." The old woodcutter said with seriousness: "That evil tiger is good at ghost illusions. He usually sits at the bottom of the cliff, waiting for pedestrians passing by to fall to their death while blindfolded. , what a satisfying meal.”

"..." Wang Linchi listened to this explanation and wanted to complain about what the other party said.

In this place, apart from people who chop wood, collect herbs, and hunt, how many people can come here? Even if they do, they know that there is a problem with this road, and how many people will take this road.

If the evil tiger relied on this to feed himself, he would have starved to death long ago.

The editor must have some logic, this is really to deceive him into thinking he is a fool.

"I see, it's so dangerous." Wang Linchi followed the other person's words and then said: "After I entered the mountain, I was in a state of confusion and couldn't control myself. When I came back to my senses, I lost my way. If my father-in-law hadn't saved me, I would have lost my way. , I am afraid that I will be buried on the cliff at this time."

He was not sure about the opponent's strength, but he was able to determine the opponent's race.

It should be a ghost. People who are eaten by tigers will become evil ghosts controlled by tigers and coax other people to come to them as food for the tigers.

That is what is called playing tricks on the tiger.

"You foreigners, no wonder you get lost here. I am about to go down the mountain, why don't you go down with me?"

"When it comes to this mountain, I am familiar with the roads. It only takes half an hour to reach the foot of the mountain."

The old woodcutter was also enthusiastic and immediately said that he would take Wang Linchi down the mountain.

"Thank you very much, my father-in-law. The mountain road is rugged and difficult to walk. At this age, I can still go up the mountain to cut firewood. I am really strong and strong." Wang Linchi immediately complimented.

Then he hung far behind the old woodcutter, still maintaining a distance of one hundred meters.

The ghostly old woodcutter was also wondering why this man was walking so slowly. He had obviously slowed down to wait for him, but he still couldn't catch up.

He wanted to stop and wait for Wang Linchi and urge him to hurry up, but he was worried that he would reveal his flaws, so he could only endure it for a while. Fortunately, the other party followed him without getting suspicious.

One walks in front and the other follows behind.

The naked eye vision of a normal person is normal, and it is indeed going down the mountain.

However, the other field of vision is not affected by the opponent's ghost's eye-covering illusion. It looks like he is going down the mountain, but the real situation is that he is going up the mountain.

The other party is leading him to the location of the evil tiger.

However, letting the demon ghost attract people to feed the evil tiger is still very inefficient. It would be better for the evil tiger to hunt on its own.

There are only a few people who enter the mountain every day, and even ordinary tigers cannot withstand eating at this frequency.

"Old man, something is wrong. We couldn't have been hit by a ghost and returned to the cliff." Wang Linchi said abruptly.

This made the ghost woodcutter confused. What kind of ghost was hitting the wall? He was obviously using a ghost to cover his eyes. How could he return to his original position?

"Young man, what are you talking about? What are you talking about? Don't talk nonsense in the mountains." The ghost woodcutter scolded him.

As a result, Wang Linchi seemed to have not heard anything: "My father-in-law, please don't just walk away. Please respond."

When this happened, the ghost woodcutter also had a strange look on his face, and he murmured in his mind: ‘What’s going on? It’s not the mountain spirits that are causing trouble. ’

Then he floated over, intending to find out what happened to Wang Linchi.

As soon as he got close, he heard Wang Linchi's voice.

"Old man, why are you going further and further away?"

This made the ghost woodcutter even more confused. There was nothing wrong with him, so why was he talking nonsense? He was not scared out of his mind.

"It doesn't matter if you are crazy. Anyway, the king is not picky about food, and you will not suffer from the pain of your skin." The ghost woodcutter chuckled.

"Your king is not picky about food, but I am."

Wang Linchi suddenly spoke, startling the ghost immediately.

Before he could react, his entire body swelled up instantly, as if something inside his body was holding him up.


In an instant, it exploded into a pool of soul fragments, and finally was gradually annihilated in the sunlight.

Wang Linchi's soul seed page, Xin Yuanyi Ma, immediately beat him to pieces.

The soul seed page he uses for attack has three attributes: spirit, heart, and soul. It is naturally no problem to deal with a demon.

"Fortunately, the first one I chose was a multi-magic attack method. If I had used the physical method, I might not be able to hurt this ghost."

The reason why he wanted to lie to the other party was naturally to relax the evil spirit's vigilance against him so that he could carry out a sneak attack.

Why should he fight head-on when he can sneak attack? What he awakened is not a head-on type of soul.

"However, the power of the Wise Horse is a bit beyond my expectation. It only took 10 points of spiritual power in the golden elixir to make this ghost explode."

"Maybe it's because the ghost is too weak. There are only two abilities: the ghost can break the wall and the ghost can cover the eyes."

If you really have other abilities, you won't resort to bluffing, just do it directly.

After the ghost died, energy began to gather at its original location, and finally a soul seed was condensed.

Only the awakened ones can see and touch the soul seeds, and the aborigines cannot detect them. If they are not picked up by the awakened ones for a long time, the soul seeds will dissipate.

After picking it up, I found it was an excellent soul seed.

The ghost of the illusion system is of little use to Wang Linchi. He also has the ghost of the wall in his storage treasure. As a relatively popular and excellent illusion system soul species, it is naturally not only produced in this secret realm.

"It is indeed a super giant secret realm. The explosion rate is really high. Any low-level monster can drop an excellent soul seed." Wang Linchi couldn't help but sigh.

If it were a small secret realm, only BOSS-level characters might drop excellent soul seeds.

Excellent level cannot be dropped in small secret realms. Only after completing the secret realm mission with a very high evaluation will it be given to the awakened person from the secret realm as an additional reward.

Here, perhaps more advanced ghosts can drop sophisticated soul seeds.

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