Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 71 In the ruined temple, the escort travels far away

In the ruined temple, Wang Linchi sat down to rest.

What? Follow the direction given by the ghost woodcutter to confront the evil tiger? He is crazy.

It's true that he seeks wealth and wealth through danger, but he doesn't even intend to do the basic tasks of the secret realm. No matter how much wealth he has, he can't bring it out.

So naturally he changed directions and prepared to leave.

After walking for three hours, I finally made my way down the mountain. Then I found a ruined temple at the foot of the mountain and took a rest.

"Fortunately, I stuffed a lot of food and water in the storage treasures, plus some clothes and medicines, but unfortunately I still didn't bring enough." Wang Linchi rummaged through his two storage Horcruxes. I felt a lot more at peace.

Most of the food is modern vacuum-packed braised products, puffed food, etc., containing heavy oil, salt and high calories.

It may not look healthy at first glance, but in the wild environment, it is very valuable. Light food may not necessarily provide him with enough nutrition.

Secondly, water is mostly drinks, containing sugar, which is enough for him to replenish energy.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to say what kind of rice, flour and oil he put in his storage Horcrux. Most of the food he put in was snacks.

The clothes are all changed, and the medicines are okay. They are anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics and the like. In ancient times, they could be passed off as magic medicine.

Under normal circumstances, even if he is involved in a super giant secret realm, there is no need to worry about losing contact. In order to maintain the 'advantage', the imperial court will inevitably use certain treasures to pull him. Unfortunately, this is not a normal situation. No one expected that super Giant secret realms will appear during battles.

Just like the King of Hell, he used an extremely precious permanent traction treasure on his confidante so that he would not lose contact in the secret realm. Wang Linchi did not have this kind of treatment.

It wasn't a lot of stuff, but it was enough for him to use for a while. Unless he was unlucky enough to find the town, he didn't have to worry about surviving.

After about half an hour, the sky gradually dimmed. Wang Linchi took out a lighter and lit a fire in the ruined temple.

It was precisely because it was getting dark that Wang Linchi had no intention of continuing on his way.

What's more important is that it seems to be raining lightly outside, which makes Wang Linchi a little uneasy.

Observing carefully, the rain seems to be black.

"Black Rain, from a distance I thought it was oil." Wang Linchi complained, and then shrank into the temple.

He also used the tables, chairs and benches in the temple to make a large sheltered bed to prevent water from flooding from below and heavy rain from above.

He had peeked at the black rain through Soul Seed, Thought Palace and Soul Seed, Soul Courtyard. This was not just rain, but was infected with something. He didn't want to bet on whether he would develop disease after touching it. Or infection.

"Don't sleep too hard at night."

It's impossible not to rest. Today I ran first and then went down the mountain. It would be a lie to say I wasn't tired.

If I don’t rest, I won’t have the energy to continue on the road tomorrow.

Jingle bell~

Just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard the sound of jingle bells.

Wang Linchi opened his eyes in an instant and stood up. The Soul Seed Page·Heart and Wise Horse was ready. Whenever he turned around and saw a grimace, he would immediately throw it out and blast him with peach blossoms all over his face.

Fortunately, I didn't see the ghost face, but I saw a faint light getting bigger outside the ruined temple.

Through his soul vision, Wang Linchi could see that the other party actually had something that could block the black rain.

"A caravan or escort, there are about ten people in total, it's really not small." The soul vision effect given to Wang Linchi by his soul seed Soul Courtyard naturally includes night vision and dark vision. Waiting for the ability.

After all, it is an excellent soul seed synthesized from a variety of excellent soul seeds.

"It should be a human being." Wang Linchi was not too sure, so he did not relax his vigilance.

This group of people soon arrived at the ruined temple. They were all burly men, wearing hats and raincoats. It was these two suits that blocked the black rain.

Wang Linchi can be sure that this thing must be a treasure. Of course, when it reaches the hands of the awakened, it will be a Horcrux. The two can be completely equated.

"Little brother, you are really unique." The strong man at the head was stunned when he saw Wang Linchi doing this. After all, the beds piled up by Wang Linchi were indeed different.

"I'm from the Xingyuan Escort Agency, and I'm passing by to have a chat."

After saying that, he asked his men to make fire and cook. He didn't say anything about leaving or anything else, which meant that they were staying tonight.

However, they did not compete with Wang Linchi for position, but on the other side.

"I heard that there are evil tigers in the mountains that eat people. They often drive around and deceive passers-by. You need to be more careful when you are on duty at night." Another strong man in the escort team warned in a loud voice.

This was not to remind the people from his escort agency, but to warn Wang Linchi.

They suspected that Wang Linchi was the evil tiger's spy. Otherwise, how could they dare to spend the night alone in this deserted place.

This indirectly tells Wang Linchi that they know you are a traitor, so don't play any tricks. Everyone has nothing to do with each other tonight. If you spend the night, you will kill whoever you want to kill tomorrow.

Wang Linchi heard the meaning, but did not ask, but became more vigilant.

He thought he was out of the hunting range of the evil tiger, but he didn't expect it was still there.

The group in the escort office quickly had hot soup and rice, but they did not drink or shout. Instead, they talked softly and were restrained in doing things.

A group of men making such a gesture also looked a bit funny.

Wang Linchi didn't find it funny, but became more and more vigilant. The other party must have his own way of survival if he wanders around. If he ridicules randomly, then maybe he is the clown.

The escort team were a little uncomfortable with Wang Linchi staring at them, and the strong man at the head also said: "Little brother, why don't you eat something to warm yourself up?"

"No, I'm not hungry." Wang Linchi shook his head. He was indeed not hungry. He had already eaten dinner, which was still full of meat. He was a little tired now.

The reason why he looked at them was because Wang Linchi's soul vision saw that the shadows of this group of people were a bit blurry, as if there was something hidden inside.

What is hidden should be the same thing, binding everyone's shadows together.

"Did you bring anything into the temple that you shouldn't have brought?" Wang Linchi asked directly.

"Little brother, I'm joking. I'm going to come and go in the wind and rain. I can't bring anything with me and I shouldn't." The head of the escort agency also smiled.

But when I saw Wang Linchi's serious look and frowned brows, I felt a little unsure.

"I don't know what my little brother can see. I'm sorry that I can't see it because I'm blind, but I'd like to ask my little brother for some pointers."

This bodyguard is not an arrogant person, so he asks questions in a loud and angry manner. After all, it is related to his own life.

"Shadow, don't you think there's anything wrong with your shadow?" Wang Linchi didn't create any Riddler, but directly pointed out the problem he saw.

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