Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 734 Delay, a world that has lost its mind

"Good guy, we actually started fighting." Wang Linchi looked at the severely delayed information.

When he used the quantum slingshot to throw stones from the world and hit the Chaos God Realm, he naturally also implanted corresponding monitoring facilities, signal equipment, etc. inside. Although the transmission back from a long distance was seriously delayed, Wang Linchi did not I don’t care, as long as I can see it.

The shortcomings are not without, because after the collision, they were scattered randomly, so you don't know where they will fall, and they can't move, so the information you can get is limited.

No matter how limited it was, Wang Linchi relied on a large amount of equipment to come to the conclusion that after he used the world's stones to hit the Chaos God Realm, all the forces, that is, all the races in the God Realm did not immediately deal with the aftermath. , but directly turned on the big battle mode.

There was killing and killing everywhere, reshuffling the cards, and Wang Linchi was also stunned for a while.

Wang Linchi is also sure of one thing, that is, the strongest among all races, that is, the group of Ancestral God Realm monks, actually have the ability to repair the world.

"The world doesn't respond. Is it dead?"

When he saw this scene, Wang Linchi was a little sure that the world was probably brainless by this group of Ancestral God Realm monks, and even basic logic could not be carried out.

For example, the most basic self-healing ability, the world has not fallen.

Anyway, there is no chance of self-recovery.

Unlike Qingming Immortal World, even though he was pressed to the ground and rubbed and suffered a concussion, he was still struggling and recovering from the beginning to the end, thinking about killing Wang Linchi.

The Chaos God Realm is different. There is no reaction at all. Even if they say they are in a vegetative state, they are looking up to each other. They are more like an empty shell with only a body but no soul.

"It's unlikely that he lured the enemy deeper or deliberately showed weakness, but that the opponent was really weak." Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of this matter.

He can be sure that the other party is really in trouble.

"So what happened that led to this development in the Chaos God Realm?"

To say that the development of the Chaos God Realm is not good is definitely false. After the power was divided up by the Ancestral God Realm monks, it was equivalent to the Ancestral God Realm monks to be the software of the Chaos God Realm. They have done a good job in these years, especially in dismantling the lower realm and integrating it. To the Chaos God Realm itself.

It is not just as simple as renewing the lives of the Chaos God Realm, but also giving the Chaos God Realm an alternative way of survival, but it lacks too much instinct.

In terms of repair, there seems to be a way, that is, to capture all the Ancestral God realms and make them into patches, and then upload them to the world. Then the corresponding instinctive logic should be restored, but this instinctive logic is likely to be incomplete and needs to be Enough time to repair and evolve.

"This is good news for me. At least the first practice of the Six Paths of Reincarnation is not a big problem."

Wang Linchi actually breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't really want to face off against the complete Chaos God Realm. This was not a good thing.

After all, the Six Paths of Reincarnation does not have any actual data, only paper data. If nothing unexpected happens, there is basically no problem, but everything should be feared by chance.

"If we calculate the time, the Five Deceased Heavenly Beings should be arriving soon."

After the World Throwing Stone was launched, the Heavenly Beings and the Five Deceaseds naturally followed.

"But this time the situation is special. I'm afraid the five declines of heaven and man will not have much impact."

The function of the Five Declines of Heaven and Man is to attack its system through rules, but what people in this world practice is the system, which is equivalent to every monk. In essence, it is a regular gravel that supports the world. Countless gravels gradually add up to form one rule.

The monks in the Ancestral God Realm are the big pillars.

Therefore, when the Five Deceivers of Heaven and Humanity deal with the monks of the Chaos God Realm, many side effects cannot be formed, and they can only be destroyed through violent means.

If it were another world, the opponent's extraordinary system would collapse immediately, but not here. At most, they would only have some difficulties in cultivation, increased difficulty in casting spells, increased consumption, etc., but this is enough for them to drink a pot.

"This can be regarded as a Waterloo." Wang Linchi didn't have much idea. After all, Tianren Wusei was just a vanguard, not his ace unit.

As for the ace troops, he carried them with him. After the Five Deceivers of Heaven and Man laid a bridgehead for him, Wang Linchi would project the protagonists into them.

It is equivalent to the gods and the five degenerates exploring the way for him.

The process of his going there also takes time. During this process, if the entire army of the Five Deceased Heavenly Beings is annihilated and they die very quickly, Wang Linchi will be able to escape in time instead of being trapped inside.

The main focus is the time difference and information difference, although there are risks in doing so. For example, if you encounter a reborn person's destiny such as time rebirth, then Wang Linchi's plan will be directly exposed.

The overall plan is very rough, and it is all based on its own force.

But if you really encounter this situation, don't worry. The other party will definitely not be able to defeat you. If you really want to be able to defeat you, you won't need to reset time and let a reborn person, Destiny, turn the tide.

"I just don't know how the situation in the Chaos God Realm has changed. This delay is a bit too long." Wang Linchi checked the time. The information he was looking at now must be at least three years ago.

Yes, the delay is outrageous.

Even if the Five Deceased Heavenly Beings are accelerated, the speed is not as fast as the world stone thrown by the quantum slingshot. The force is quite strong, which naturally creates enough speed. The world is not seen as the stone throws. After it hits, the small world is smashed. Into crumbs.

If a quantum slingshot were used to launch the Five Deceivers of Heaven and Man, Wang Linchi would have to resurrect them all from history if they didn't dare to eject them.

This is really unbearable.

Wang Linchi floated over slowly. After the arrival of the Five Deceivers of Heavenly Man, it would take about five years to reach the Chaos God Realm.

Mainly because he didn't speed up or use reincarnation, so his speed was very slow.

The main purpose this time is the Six Paths of Reincarnation. There is no need to go there so quickly. After success, you can let the Six Paths of Reincarnation hunt by yourself. Wang Linchi can just lie down and wait for food.

So if he intervenes, it means that this time the practice has failed.

"By the way, there is another Holy Lord..." Wang Linchi rummaged around and finally found the Holy Lord. He had not had time in the past thousand years, so he threw the Holy Lord into the Dai Temple as a statue.

Anyway, this guy has no brains, so he can stay wherever he is, so why not use some of your remaining heat to make him a golden body.

The believers who were taken away back then were also used to the Holy Master giving Wang Linchi a golden body and offering incense to him every day.

"You have such good conditions, it's a pity to stay here. You just go to hang out with the front line."

It took too long, and the Holy Lord's presence was not very strong, so Wang Linchi almost forgot about it.

At the beginning, the Holy Master was indeed very powerful, but now he really can't keep up with Wang Linchi. However, Wang Linchi did not abandon this guy, but asked him to retire as a security guard.

It's fine now, there's new business, and it's just time for the Holy Lord to take action.

With the Six Paths of Reincarnation, not to mention the Holy Lord, Xin Yuanyima and Taishan Xi, these two things are about to take a back seat.

"It's a pity that cultivating the remaining seven demons is not only uneconomical, but also useless. Otherwise, I will give you a bond with the Holy Master." Wang Linchi estimated the data. He originally wanted to create eight demons, but now it is It's just a nice-looking toy when it's built.

However, he is an adult and does not need toys.

So it doesn’t matter how beautiful it looks.

The strength of the Holy Lord is actually very good, at least it belongs to the first echelon in his body, but the gap between the first echelon and him is also very big.

As a family member, no matter how fast they grow, they cannot grow faster than him.

Everything the family members have is given by Wang Linchi. How can anyone with everything he gives grow faster than Wang Linchi? What's more, the stronger the family members are, the stronger Wang Linchi will be, and their growth will also be fed back to Wang Linchi. body.

Wang Linchi is the world and civilization, and everything in his body is his power.

After some troubles, the Holy Lord was arranged into the Destiny Force. Wang Linchi looked at it again, and finally assembled the Coiling Dragon and the Dragon Soul to the Holy Lord, making the Holy Lord directly three-in-one and became the final form.

Coiling dragons and dragon souls have little effect on Wang Linchi. Even if he has a dragon soul that adapts to evolution, it has no effect on him now. Wang Linchi has a better one. The entire ecosystem is him, and he has absolutely no Need to adapt to the environment.

He adapts his environment to himself.

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