Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 735 After three years of fighting among all the tribes, only three tribes are left...

"Old ghost of Black City, old demon of Scrophulariaceae, how about you and I, the three clans, calling it quits today?" Su Shan held a large knife that looked like a door panel in his hand. The rules on the knife were flowing, making it look extremely sharp.

Not far away, a heavily armored ghost and a half-human, half-animal demon formed a three-way confrontation.

This is the third year after the impact from the outer world. At this time, only three races of humans, ghosts and demons are left, and most of the other races have been wiped out.

It's not that they all died. There will definitely be some that are missing and extinct, but the few that survive are simply insignificant.

"Stop?" After Heicheng heard these two words, he couldn't help but let out a weird laugh.

For their ghost tribe, this time is naturally a good thing. With the death aura formed by the death of all races, a large number of new ghosts were born among their ghost tribe, making the ghost tribe with a small population suddenly suddenly It swelled up, and it was precisely because of this that they were able to survive in this meat grinder of all races.

At this time, in terms of population, among the three remaining tribes, the ghost tribe has the largest number. Even the human tribe, which originally had the largest population, cannot match the number of ghost tribes at this time.

The ghost clan is born in a different way. It relies on the death aura that wanders out when the creatures in the chaotic god world die. It develops little by little and produces spiritual wisdom. Finally, it becomes a ghost and becomes a member of the ghost clan.

It's just that there are only three tribes left among the ten thousand tribes. The death of the ghost tribe will not produce the aura of death. Therefore, the way to continue to strengthen the ghost tribe is to destroy the remaining two tribes.

The human race and the demon race are now seriously injured. After all, if they say there are no injuries in the melee, they must be false.

As the dominant side, the Ghost Tribe will definitely end up raising tigers if they really stop fighting. Once the Human Tribe and Monster Tribe recover, it will be impossible to get rid of these two tribes, especially the Human Tribe.

Su Shan and Scrophulariaceae looked at each other, and because of Heicheng's attitude, the two quickly formed an alliance.

Naturally, they knew what Heicheng was thinking. If they stopped fighting, everyone would go back to their respective homes and wait for the opportunity to take action again in the future.

This would be of great benefit to both the human and demon tribes, but would only be detrimental to the ghost tribe, so this was the reason for this proposal.

"How shameless! How dare you sneak attack!! Die to me!!!" Heicheng was caught off guard by Scrophulariaceae's sneak attack, but even though he shouted this, he was actually able to deal with it with ease.

This is a battlefield. If you don't prevent the opponent from sneak attacks, then what should you prevent?

Su Shan naturally followed suit, and the two Ancestral God realms from the human and demon tribes joined forces and beat Black City back steadily, but they still resisted the attacks from both sides.

He had already expected this. After all, if he didn't choose to stop the army, there would be corresponding consequences.

And this consequence can only be borne by him.

However, he had to do this in order to continue to drag the two tribes into the war. The ghost tribe could not fear death. After all, they were born from death. However, the human and demon tribes could not. Death was a threat to them. It is said that it will only gradually reduce the population and then fail to recover.

"Where are the other two ancestral gods of the human race? Shout out!" Scrophulariaceae escaped with one blow, looking a little ugly.

"Guess." Su Shan didn't bother too much. After a wave of sneak attacks, he returned to the three-party confrontation.

It is indeed easy for two Ancestral Gods to kill one Ancestral God, but there is a prerequisite for this, that is, the two Ancestral Gods cannot have their own evil intentions, and must work together in a tacit understanding.

Just like Su Shan and Scrophulariaceae, the two seemed to form an alliance and cooperate, but it was temporary. They even thought of using this trick to trick each other to achieve their own goals.

It doesn't matter who dies, as long as one dies.

Su Shan's words made the two of them change their expressions, and then they left decisively.

However, they were held back by Su Shan, and this time the situation also changed. Originally it was one against two ghosts, but now one against two humans.

Both Guicheng and Scrophulariaceae guessed where the other two ancestor gods of the human race had gone.

It was nothing more than heading to their respective territories. Su Shan held them off on the frontal battlefield to delay time.

Now, many tragedies have occurred behind the demon and ghost clans, and there is even a possibility of annihilation.

"What a good plan, it really is a good plan!" Scrophulariaceae said through gritted teeth. He had received news before that Li Ying and Yin Lu were seriously injured, and even confirmed it through spies.

Now it seems that it was definitely fake news released by the other party in order to make them relax their vigilance.

The ambition of the human race is greater than that of the ghost race, and the other side still has the strength to implement it. No, it is not the strength, but the other side has already started to implement it.

"Aren't you afraid that we will leave you here?" Guicheng said with a gloomy tone. Even if he wanted to escape at this time, he couldn't leave.

"You alone can't keep me." It's not because Su Shan is arrogant, but because as the racial power behind them weakens, the favor of heaven and earth for them will become weaker and weaker.

In the Ancestral God Realm, everyone's strength is the same, and what really determines the victory is the blessing of heaven and earth that their own race has received.

The two of them naturally knew what Su Shan meant, so they took action again without hesitation.

However, when Su Shan was preparing for protection and continued to think of ways to hold them back, the two of them suddenly disappeared.

"Run away...it seems I still can't stay."

"The effort fell short." Su Shan sighed. It was not impossible to keep them, but it would cost his life, which was not worth it.

Because the other party cares about the ethnic group, they rush back in a hurry. If he forces himself to stay, they will really jump over the wall. Then it will be two against one, and he will die in the hands of this monster and ghost in half a quarter of an hour at most.

However, his goal was achieved. It was very difficult to exterminate these two races. The human race itself was severely damaged and might not be able to be destroyed, so his real purpose was just to weaken them.

Violent noises came from the distance. It was obviously Li Ying and Yin Lu fighting each other with Scrophulariaceae and Heicheng, but the noise soon subsided.

It was obvious that the two of them retreated and did not intend to continue fighting.

"Hahahaha, after this, the demon clan will inevitably survive for tens of thousands of years." Li Ying's laughter came over, and he smiled very heartily. It seemed that he not only caused heavy damage to the demon clan, but also I gained a lot of resources from the demon clan, otherwise how could I be so happy.

"The same is true for the ghost clan. Our human clan only needs to recover its vitality, and then we can send troops to destroy the ghost clan. By then, we will unify the Chaos God Realm, and the great cause will be in front of us." Yin Lu also came back with a smile on his face.

The gains for both of them were not small, and Su Shan was also happy about this. The next step was to divide the spoils... No, it should be time to divide the spoils.

The harvest of these two clans was divided equally among the three of them.

Su Shan held back the Ancestral God Realm of the two clans, so he naturally had a share of the rights. In this regard, it was very fair, and the two of them would not really hide it secretly.

In fact, when these resources are in their hands, they will not use them much. Instead, they will be used to reward disciples, disciples and other personnel, as a means to enhance cohesion.

At this point, they have no progress. No matter how much resources are given to them, it is actually a waste.

The way to heaven above the Ancestral God Realm can no longer be solved with resources. What they need is a road to the way to heaven.

"This harvest is indeed great. Now there are only two tribes of monsters and ghosts left among all races. It's just that the injuries in the Chaos God Realm caused by the collision are still getting worse and need to be repaired as soon as possible." Su Shan also reminded that now But it's not the time to be happy yet. There's no need to rush into sorting things out. We have to fix the world quickly.

At present, most of the wounds in the world are within the territory of the human race. They were not there originally, but after wiping out other races, they are there. There are basically no wounds in the territory of the demon and ghost races. Even if there are, they are only small wounds. They have long been Be healed.

The human race has been fighting in the north and south before, so there is no time to clean up these injuries. They just let the people under them find ways to suppress them.

Only the Ancestral God can complete the repair of these injuries, but the three of them did not dare to act rashly at all, and there were still important matters at hand, so they postponed it until now.

"It is true that this matter cannot be delayed any longer, but we must be prepared for Heicheng and Scrophulariaceae's plans." Li Ying also said.

"Let's go back to defense first. It won't be too late to deal with the matter within the clan after it is finalized." Yin Lu had a different opinion. He was already dead anyway, so it doesn't matter if the injury is worse. We can deal with the internal affairs of the human race. Let’s talk later.

The remaining two people thought about it, it made sense, and they were not in a hurry anyway. Even if they took action now, it would not be that easy to repair it.

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