Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 80 Black Rain City, cockcrow is silent

Black Rain City is much bigger than Yicun.

But it was too different from the Dajing Dynasty where he lived.

Although the Dajing Dynasty was also a feudal dynasty, its productivity had increased, and coupled with the system that had absorbed some of the secrets of modernization, it was still able to survive in all aspects of life.

This Black Rain City is not dirty and messy, but it is almost uncivilized.

After all, there is a bottom everywhere.

After entering the city, we found an inn to stay at. The other party asked for directions, registered our intention, etc.

Most of the people staying in the inn are caravans, escorts, etc. There are no young heroes, and ordinary people can't afford it.

"Jiming Temple, this sounds a bit familiar." After the waiter served the wine and food, he was pulled over by Wang Linchi for questioning. He handed over a few copper coins as a tip, and then stopped and started thinking.

Wang Linchi felt happy when he heard the word "familiar". This finally gave him some hope.

It’s just that the waiter in this shop held it in for a long time and couldn’t remember what sounded familiar to him. Then he turned to the shopkeeper who was settling accounts at the counter and chatting with an acquaintance of the diners and asked: “Shopkeeper, do you know where Jiming Temple is? ?”

"I know, after leaving the south gate of Black Rain City and walking thirty miles, there is the Buddhist temple where the head was beheaded." The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Wang Linchi while answering.

This question was definitely not asked by the waiter, but by Wang Linchi.

The waiter asked me what he was doing.

Wang Linchi also understood why Yicun didn't know either. Firstly, it was because few people in the small village would go to the city, and even if they did, they wouldn't inquire about the temple.

Secondly, because of the geographical location, people from Yicun have never been there, which is thirty miles south of Black Rain City. After all, Yicun is to the north of Black Rain City.

In an era when transportation was underdeveloped, the farthest place that Yicun villagers could reach was Black Rain City. Some people would never leave Yicun in their entire lives.

Due to traffic congestion, underdeveloped information, etc., the village chief of Yicun did not know about Jiming Temple. There may be villagers who knew about it, but Wang Linchi did not ask.

"That place has become a ghost den, occupied by a group of beheaded ghosts. If you go there, it will be no different than sending you to death."

"To say that the decapitated ghost was also a poor man in life, he was a monk from Jiming Temple. He cultivated the fields and grew food, and did not receive any incense. He lived a self-sufficient life. While eating fast and chanting Buddha, he also practiced meditation from time to time. Bridges and roads help the poor.”

"I don't know what happened, but one day they all died, and their heads were chopped off. This group of bandits who came from nowhere even spared the Buddha statues, and they also had their heads chopped off."

"Then he became a beheaded ghost, and Jiming Temple was abandoned."

"This matter must take about ten years."

When the shopkeeper said this, he was a little sad.

From reading between the lines of the shopkeeper's words, Wang Linchi could also tell that this matter was quite a big deal back then, but in the end it was settled.

Regardless of whether it is a decapitated ghost or a bandit, it doesn't matter if the former does not leave Jiming Temple, but the latter cannot be caught. They will just leave after killing them, so there is no way to catch them.

"What about the head?" Wang Linchi asked the key question. The integrity of the Buddha statue was very important to him.

"No more. It is said that the robbers took away all the heads after beheading them." The shopkeeper did not hide this. He had searched for the monks back then and planned to bury the monks intact, but not a single head was found, not even the Buddha statue. The same is true for.

Wang Linchi also felt a little troubled after hearing this.

His mission is to reconstruct the golden body of the Buddha statue in Jiming Temple, so the prerequisite is to find the head of the Buddha statue.

However, he will also try to re-carve a Buddha head and see if the task can be considered completed.

But he felt that the possibility was not high, and he probably had to find the original Buddha head.

There are definitely difficulties.

Wang Linchi was thinking about what to do next.

"Housheng, are you going to Jiming Temple?" The shopkeeper saw what Wang Linchi was thinking.

Wang Linchi nodded: "Yes, shopkeeper, do you have any good suggestions?"

"Yes, you are a young man with such tender skin and tender flesh. If you go here, you probably won't be able to come back."

"Spend some money to go to the martial arts gym in the north of the city to hire some guards, or go to the escort agency to hire some bodyguards."

The shopkeeper never thought of stopping or admonishing Wang Linchi. After all, it was hard to persuade the damn ghost with good words. He could only give Wang Linchi more chances of survival in this way.

"Huh? Can they deal with ghosts?" Wang Linchi was curious.

"Yes, there are real skills, especially those who practice swords and guns. It is said that the swords and guns have the words "kill evil" on them. Each sword will make a ghost head, and each shot will make a hole." The shopkeeper said.

The native humans may not have supernatural powers, but they have the equipment to deal with monsters and monsters.

"I see, how were these swords and guns made?" Wang Linchi was a little curious about this.

"Then you have to go to the blacksmith shop and ask. They are all made by the blacksmith." The shopkeeper has never understood these things.

For him, even if monsters enter the city, he does not dare to mess around. He may not be able to meet these existences in his life. Most of them are based on the rumors he heard.

Even if you encounter them, sometimes they won't die. Most of the monsters and monsters who dare to enter the city are honest except for those seeking revenge.

"Did the blacksmith make it?" Wang Linchi was also surprised. He didn't expect it to be so simple.

"Yes, it wasn't made by a blacksmith. You could say it fell from the sky." The shopkeeper looked at Wang Linchi strangely, feeling that he seemed to be someone otherworldly. However, after thinking about it again, the young master was pampered at home. Yeah, it’s normal not to know these things.

"It's because I'm short-sighted." Wang Linchi didn't care what the other party thought, and then continued to ask: "I wonder if the shopkeeper can give me some directions as to where the blacksmith shop is in the city."

"If I want to learn how to make such swords and guns, what do I need?"

Wang Linchi thought this technique was very good. After learning it, he might be able to build his own Horcrux.

"It's really interesting how young you are. You're so skinny and tender, but you still want to make iron."

"The three walks of life in this world are hard work. Forging a boat and grinding iron to grind tofu. It's really interesting for you to think about blacksmithing in your future life."

It was the first time for the shopkeeper to see such a person, but he also pointed out the location of the blacksmith shop in the city to Wang Linchi in detail.

There are only three blacksmith shops in the city. They are not many in number, but they are large in scale and can easily supply the ironware needs of the entire Black Rain City.

At the end, the shopkeeper also tactfully reminded Wang Linchi, just take a look and don't really want to learn anything. People who accept apprentices only want children. They don't want you at your age. Even if you take them in, they won't. Giving a true biography will only make you do hard work.

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