Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 81 Forty-Nine Characters

Wang Linchi went to the three blacksmith shops and quickly spent some money to get three books from each of the three blacksmith shops.

This book has no name, but it contains forty-nine symbols.

As long as this symbol is engraved on weapons, armor, and clothing, they can gain the ability to kill evil.

The hats, raincoats and long knives he had seized from the bodyguard had special abilities because of these symbols.

These symbols are not a big secret. Not only blacksmiths but also tailors have them. They will embroider these symbols on the lining of their clothes to gain the ability to ward off evil spirits.

Currently, this symbol has two main effects: killing evil and warding off evil.

The ability of bamboo hats and coir raincoats to protect against black rain and white wind is also a derivative of evil spirits. If it were replaced by ordinary rainwater, it would also be able to prevent them. Otherwise, why would people call them raincoats?

The real secret is its own manufacturing technology and the order of the symbols.

Manufacturing technology is normal blacksmithing and tailoring skills, and it belongs to ordinary material monopoly.

The actual extraordinary reason is the ordering of symbols. These symbols do not mean that only one can be used and cannot be repeated, but that they can be arranged multiple times.

Because the order, length, etc. of the arrangement are different, the power and effects that can be exerted are also different.

Some can add extra sharpness, like the escort's long knife. In addition to the fixed evil-killing +20, there is also a sharpness attribute of 5 points. This is the derivative effect of evil-killing after the symbols are arranged.

Due to an arrangement problem, the blacksmiths in Black Rain City were not given a sharp attribute, but a solid attribute.

It's not that longer is better, sometimes too long will reduce the power.

The blacksmith, tailor, etc. couldn't explain why, and Wang Linchi didn't even know.

It was only the first day he came into contact with these runes.

"But this anti-theft method is really powerful. It uses hidden text directly. It can't be seen without triggering it." Wang Linchi held the symbol and compared the situation on the long knife.

The lines on the long knife are very obscure and connected together. It doesn't look like a symbol at all, but a whole pattern.

It's not that easy to decipher it.

Fortunately, he has the soul seed and the palace of thinking. He first extracts the pattern through the high perception of the thinking force field, and then displays it in the thinking mirror to gradually dismantle the pattern.

"It seems more difficult..."

It was okay if he didn't extract it. Once he extracted it, he found that there were not only multiple arrangements of forty-nine symbols, but also meaningless lines deliberately used to confuse his vision. More importantly, after overlapping each other, it looked even more messy. stand up.

If Wang Linchi wants to decipher the correct sorting combination, the time it takes is more worthwhile than testing it himself.

"Forget it, let's record the forty-nine symbols first."

In fact, he also proposed to buy the symbol arrangement of shops such as blacksmiths and tailors, but the other party did not sell them at all. After all, they are just for people to eat, so how could they sell them to you.

This is tantamount to buying a hen that can lay eggs. They have a monopoly, and money is constantly flowing into their hands. Selling it is like cutting off their own financial path. They are not fools.

After the recording was completed, it did not cause any special changes in his thinking mirror. It seemed that it could only take effect if it was recorded on the entity.

"It's very likely that it should be some kind of writing."

"No, it's more like letters or phonetic symbols. It requires multiple combinations to form the corresponding meaning."

Wang Linchi quickly thought that this thing is just like pinyin. If you piece it together randomly, you might be able to spell it into the pinyin of a word, and then it will take effect. If you can piece it together into a sentence, the effect will be even stronger.

And if the meaning is not spelled out by random spelling, it will be immediately invalid, so the arrangement of symbols is the secret that is not passed down.

"If it's as I guessed, then do I have to find a way to decipher it?" Wang Linchi also frowned, it was too difficult.

A writing system that has been completely lost.

It just so happens that this writing system also has a unique power.

Decode it, how can he have that ability?

Don't decipher it, but I won't give it up.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later." Wang Linchi quickly gave up thinking. Without any documents or records, he was asked to decipher a writing system that he knew nothing about out of thin air. It was better to expect him to break through this super giant The secret realm, the reality where the secrets of these words are unearthed.

After returning to the inn, I asked the shopkeeper about some symbols.

The shopkeeper looked at Wang Linchi as if he was someone who was taken advantage of.

"I don't know the origin of this thing, and no one has mentioned it."

"If you want, I can give you one." The shopkeeper said, taking out a tattered thin booklet from a corner of the counter.

I picked it up and flipped through it. Well, since I was treated as a fat sheep by them and slaughtered, this is not a rare thing at all. Maybe everyone has a copy at home.

"No, I have to ask for an explanation." Wang Linchi looked unconvinced, but he didn't really care either.

The gold and silver spent were not his, so he didn't feel bad, but he couldn't show it on his face, he still had to have the emotions he should have.

So naturally he was very aggressive and ready to ask for an explanation.

"You can't get it back if you go. I'm a local snake. Don't get beaten when the time comes." The shopkeeper hurriedly grabbed Wang Linchi. The strength of the blacksmith in the blacksmith shop was not fake. Plus, he was working in the fire all day. Go, what if Wang Linchi gets beaten up if something goes wrong.

"Just think of it as a lesson learned."

The shopkeeper naturally advised him to settle the matter.

"Hey, what you said, shopkeeper, makes sense." Wang Linchi sighed and immediately shrank back.

Seeing Wang Linchi's behavior, the shopkeeper didn't know whether to accept the advice or to be cowardly.

"I just visited the blacksmith shop today. I haven't visited the escort agency and the martial arts school yet. You can go and have a look. You are going to Jiming Temple. The beheaded ghost is much more fierce than the blacksmiths."

"The blacksmith is too anxious to give you a good beating. If the decapitated ghosts meet, they will bite your head off." The shopkeeper wanted to divert Wang Linchi's attention, so he changed the topic directly.

"Okay, let's get down to business first. I don't know much about the blacksmith after all." Naturally, Wang Linchi didn't intend to go to the blacksmith to cause trouble. From the perspective of the aborigines in the secret realm, he did suffer a loss, but in his case In my eyes, this is not a loss at all.

No matter how much gold and silver you have, it will only be scrap metal if you cannot take it away.

And it can only be used in the secret realm. In the Great King Dynasty, gold, silver and jewelry are not hard currency, soul seeds and horcruxes are.

"That's good, that's good. I'll let the waiter show you the way." The shopkeeper was also afraid that Wang Linchi would say this and actually go looking for trouble. After all, he was living in his inn. If he really got into trouble or went out, What kind of accident happened, it would not be good for the reputation of his inn.

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