Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 82 Xiongwei Martial Arts Hall, Suppress Ghosts!

There is only one martial arts school and one escort agency in Black Rain City.

The main reason is that they can't afford it. Those who learn martial arts not only have to pay money, but also have to eat and drink well. The effect they get is actually exercise.

So only kids from rich families come here to study.

However, martial arts schools also have disciples who look after the homes of wealthy gentry or train guards.

Wang Linchi looked at the martial arts training of the disciples of the martial arts school. It was just a normal physical exertion. After the training, he was stronger than the average person. There was no inner strength, and there was nothing to break the limits of the human body.

Being able to fight demons and monsters still relies on equipment carrying forty-nine symbols.

"Jiming Temple? Oh, the ghost temple thirty miles south of the city." Xu Sui, the owner of the Xiongwei Martial Arts Hall, couldn't remember what Jiming Temple was at first, but then he remembered it.

The other party was a middle-aged man. He was still a young man when the incident happened at Jiming Temple. As time went by, he naturally forgot about it.

"Why do you, a young master, go to the ghost temple for nothing?" Xu Sui also asked in confusion.

Are all the rich people today so different? Go towards this place where monsters and monsters gather together.

"Do some things." Wang Linchi said vaguely.

"Oh, then we won't accept it." Xu Sui refused without hesitation.

You can deal with them, but they can also reject you.

It was a nest of beheaded ghosts. How could Xiong Wei Martial Arts Hall have the ability to escort Wang Linchi, a spoiled young man, to and from the ghost temple?

I really thought they were the knights in the storybook, casually beating ten of them.

What's more, if Wang Linchi doesn't tell the reason, who knows what he is going to do, what if he is deliberately trying to trick their Xiong Weiwu Hall to death.

"One hundred taels, you can pay in advance." Wang Linchi had already been mentally prepared for Xu Sui's rejection, so he used his money ability.

"This is not a question of money. No matter how much money you have, you can't buy your life."

"Two hundred taels, my purpose is very simple. I want to eliminate the beheaded ghost and reshape the golden body of the Buddha statue in Jiming Temple." Wang Linchi continued.

Xu Sui was stunned at first, not expecting Wang Linchi to say that.

"Can you tell me why?" He didn't refuse this time.

"My father was favored and died of illness not long ago. His wish was for me to come back and take a look."

"I just never thought that Jiming Temple would end up like this, so I thought I would do my best." Wang Linchi made up a random reason.

"One thousand taels, you pay first." Xu Sui didn't actually believe it, but if Wang Linchi could really give out one thousand taels, then he should go all out.

Let's put it this way, even if he and his disciples sell the martial arts gym, they may not be able to sell it for a thousand taels.

"Not that much, I only have three hundred taels on hand, but..."

In the first half of Wang Linchi's words, Xu Sui was not interested. What does it have to do with you coming to repay your favor? You just brought him with you, which means there is a turning point.

"Replace it with this thing. It should be worth a lot of money." Wang Linchi said, taking out a square stone polished from a drink glass bottle.

"This is...a gem!" Xu Sui looked at the stained glass shining brightly in the sun and was shocked. He didn't expect Wang Linchi to be serious.

"Yes, this is a rare treasure." When Wang Linchi saw that he had successfully deceived him, he also got off the road.

He had inquired before and found that there was no glass in Black Rain City, not to mention that his glass was colored and could change colors under the sun.

"Okay, then it's settled." Xu Sui agreed without hesitation.

"You still have to make up for me five hundred taels." Wang Linchi then spoke.

"One hundred taels." Xu Sui lowered the price directly, and then added: "Whether it is repairing Jiming Temple or re-sculpting the golden body of the Buddha statue, one hundred taels is enough."

It's just a golden body, not a pure gold Buddha statue. Just a thin layer on the outside.

"Not enough for you to make up for?" Wang Linchi raised his eyebrows.

"It's a bargain. I won't give you any extra money. I'll oversee the renovation of Jiming Temple and the erection of the Buddha statue." Xu Sui thought of a better way.

Naturally, his martial arts school has contacts with people from all walks of life. He made a simple estimate and found that one hundred taels was indeed not enough.

If he does it in the name of Xiong Wei Martial Arts School, it can also bring the reputation of his martial arts school to a higher level. Whether it is to suppress ghosts or build temples, it will be a good reputation.

It was Wang Linchi who actually provided the money. They only needed to work hard to gain fame.

Wang Linchi couldn't help but feel happy. He didn't expect that the other party was so smart.

"Okay, let's do as you say. Let's go to the Yamen to sign the paperwork and contract." Wang Linchi said.

If this is not done more formally, what if the other party breaks the appointment?

Xu Sui naturally had no objection, and he was even eager to sign the contract.

There is no need to worry about other people coveting this gem, he can still keep the Xiongwei Martial Arts Hall.

At least until the ghosts are suppressed, no one dares to mess around.

The yamen signed the document smoothly, and it was divided into three copies, one for Wang Linchi, one for Xiong Weiwu Hall, and another for the yamen. If someone breached the contract, the yamen would be able to intervene.

After signing the contract, the glass shards were given directly to Xu Sui. The other party was very happy, and Wang Linchi was also very happy.

The Yamen was not very happy. After all, such a good 'gem' fell into the hands of Xiong Weiwu Hall, which made the officials feel itchy.

But he didn't dare to mess around. The Xiongwei Martial Arts Hall was a local snake after all, and it couldn't be that easy to control.

"It will take about three days to suppress ghosts in Jiming Temple. I need to recruit some people, otherwise my Xiongwei Martial Arts Hall alone will not be able to take down the task."

"Don't worry, all the expenses will be paid by our Xiongwei Martial Arts Hall." Naturally, Xu Sui didn't plan to just take his disciples and rush over. Instead, he planned to sell the gems first, exchange them for silver, and then recruit troops.

For example, hire escorts from the same city, thugs in the city, etc. The more people there are, the easier it will be to start.

He estimated that even in this Black Rain City, there would be rich families willing to pay ten thousand taels for this gem.

From recruiting people to repairing the temple, he only spent a thousand taels at most.

The remaining nine thousand taels were enough to keep him fed and clothed for the rest of his life.

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news. I hope it won't be three days and three days." Wang Linchi agreed, but also gave a warning.

"With the yamen's written contract, how can I dare to mess around with it?" Xu Sui is not stupid. If he dares to do this, the yamen will be eyeing his gem. Even if it is sold, he can still squeeze out money. In the end, It's best not to make any small moves.

Besides, his is the only martial arts gym in the city. If he loses his integrity, how will he allow children from rich families to practice martial arts in the future?

Practicing martial arts is not a necessity, and it is possible to keep fit without relying on martial arts.

"Okay, just remember these words." Wang Linchi didn't bother too much, as long as Xu Sui had something to do.

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