At night, in Jiming Temple, Wang Linchi disguised himself as a beheaded ghost.

When they stepped in, the decapitated ghosts seemed to have some strange movements, but in the end they did not take any action because they could not judge the difference between Wang Linchi and them.

The Decapitated Ghost is not as intelligent as other demons and ghosts. After losing its head and pretending to be a corpse, the Decapitated Ghost can only act based on instinct. Secondly, it has no sense of sight, hearing, smell, and taste, and it cannot accept the outside world at all. Information can only be received through certain force fields in Jiming Temple.

In other words, after leaving Jiming Temple, the Beheaded Ghost is equivalent to losing the signal, so it will only be in Jiming Temple.

Wang Linchi was not able to investigate the specific force field for the time being, and could only vaguely detect some traces.

Wang Linchi took advantage of the group of wandering beheaded ghosts not paying attention and quietly walked into the Main Hall of Jiming Temple. It was said to be the Main Hall, but in fact it was the main hall where Buddha statues were enshrined. However, the main halls in Buddhist temples were all called this name.

As soon as I entered, I stepped on a lot of dead branches and leaves and mud. Because no one had taken care of it for many years, and the doors and windows were not closed and damaged, naturally a lot of dust, leaves, rainwater, etc. came in. .

‘Why is this Buddha statue so permeable? ’

Wang Linchi looked at the Buddha statue in the center of the main hall. Like the decapitated ghost, there was nothing from the neck up. The head had been chopped off.

‘This hall is also small. After offering this big Buddha, it became overcrowded and there was no room for the Buddha around. ’ Wang Linchi could also see the embarrassment of Jiming Temple from here.

As for what kind of Buddha it was, Wang Linchi also asked about it, and it was called Vairocana Buddha.

It means bright and shining, great sun. It is the Tathagata of the Supreme Expanse of Eyes, which is also the so-called Great Sun Tathagata.

Wang Linchi, who was staring at the data he was about to collect, suddenly heard a voice in his ears.

"Om na mo mo mo curb wo xing, sa mo mo mo..."

The sound was very clear, but it seemed extremely distant in Wang Linchi's ears.

"Is this a Buddhist mantra?"

Wang Linchi couldn't help but make a sound. The sound was very strange, but when it fell into his ears, the translation was completed.

"Baji Suffering Dharani Sutra says. If there is a good man or good woman, sincerely pay homage to Tathagata, the King of Destroyers of Evil Destinies, and accept and uphold this mantra..."

He also learned the name from it. "Sakyamuni's Fundamental Mantra to Destroy the King of Evil Destinations" is also called "Tathagata Dharani, the King of Destroying All Evil Destinations". In layman's terms, it is "Vairocana Buddha Mantra".

"Why does it sound weird?"

Wang Linchi looked back and saw that at some point, many beheaded ghosts were crowding outside the main hall, standing so quietly, as if they could hear the "Sakyamuni's Fundamental Mantra to Destroy the Evil Destiny King" .

On the contrary, it was Wang Linchi. After turning around, the voice disappeared.

"Is there really a Buddha?!" Wang Linchi couldn't help but take a breath. If this is really the case, then this super giant secret realm will be very difficult.

Of course, the Buddha Wang Linchi refers to is the Buddha in religions and myths and legends, not the Buddhas in immortality, fantasy, and the like. There is a difference between the two. The former is the Great Enlightened One, the same as those immortals. , relies on the practice of virtue, and possesses the power of heaven.

If it were those in prehistoric times, those in fantasy would not be so high-level.

Maybe even a Buddhist cultivator with a background in underworld cultivating immortality is possible, but they are not as tall as the immortals and Buddhas in orthodox mythology.

If it is a fairy or Buddha who is a fantasy cultivator, then that is not a problem. After all, those people who say they are fairy Buddha are actually people with desires. On the contrary, most of the fairy Buddhas in religious mythology have got rid of the concept of human beings.

The status of the Three Pure Ones in "The Romance of the Gods" is different from that in religious mythology.

As the Buddha's sound was interrupted, the decapitated ghost returned to normal and continued to wander unconsciously in Jiming Temple.

Wang Linchi looked at the decapitated Buddha statue and wondered if he had turned into a monster among monsters, right?

If it were really Vairocana Buddha, he would be cold by now.

It should be more of a lingering aftertaste rather than a real arrival.

'But these characters...'

Wang Linchi did not listen to the complete "Sakyamuni's Fundamental Mantra to Destroy the Evil Destiny King", but by comparing the text, phonetic symbols and translation, Wang Linchi discovered an interesting thing.

Those were the forty-nine symbols he discovered, the words in "Sakyamuni's Fundamental Mantra for Destroying the King of Evil Destinies".

'Sanskrit...' Wang Linchi understood one thing at this time, that is, this world should have been a Buddhist paradise, at least the original life should not be full of demons.

Just forty-nine Sanskrit letters pieced together into words, paragraphs, or randomly pieced together can have the power to kill demons and ghosts. If he carves the complete "Sakyamuni's Fundamental Mantra for Destroying the King of Evil Destinies" on the The power on the blade must be even more powerful.

This is just a Buddhist mantra, there are also true scriptures above.

From this we can see the glory of the past, but these glories have become a passing cloud.

The feeling given to Wang Linchi was that of the Dharma Ending Age, a world of five turbidities.

As for whether the Buddha is dead or alive, Wang Linchi doesn't know.

But he can be sure of one thing. The Vairocana Buddha in Jiming Temple should still have some kind of power. As long as it is activated, the demons and ghosts around Black Rain City will definitely be liquidated.

It is precisely because of this that the mastermind behind the scenes drives demons and ghosts to attack Wang Linchi.

Wang Linchi was wondering if the mastermind behind the scenes knew something?

But now was not the time to pursue these matters. He approached the Buddha statue cautiously, and the "Vairochana Buddha Mantra" did not ring in his ears again, and he became more courageous.

Then he climbed up the Buddha statue and prepared to observe the broken neck of the Buddha statue.

"The fracture is smooth, almost like cutting it in two, which is kind of interesting."

Because the entire Buddha statue is made of stone, and the center is not hollow, it can also be seen from this that Jiming Temple attaches great importance to the Buddha statue.

"If it is solid, it is unlikely that the head will be in the Buddha statue." Wang Linchi hesitated.

After all, it is impossible to say that it is half-hearted or superficial.

It was not practical to transport such a large Buddha statue later. Wang Linchi compared the door and found that the door was not big enough for its size.

Therefore, the most likely possibility is that when Jiming Temple was first established, the stone used for carving Buddha statues was transported and carved along with the construction.

"But it doesn't rule out being hollowed out by some force."

Wang Linchi had already come, how could he be willing to do so without further inspection.

But if you want to inspect it, you will inevitably destroy the Buddha statue, and subsequent repairs should be more difficult.

In this case, re-erecting a Buddha statue may be of little use. The most powerful thing should be the statue of Vairocana Buddha that has been supported for a long time, not Vairocana Buddha.

And he was worried that if he took action, destroying it would invalidate the power of the Buddha statue.

He originally thought that rebuilding the golden body meant repairing Jiming Temple and Buddha statues, but now it seems that it is more like restoring incense to suppress evil and protect the people.

Finally gritting his teeth, he still believed that the head was in the Buddha statue.

"The monk's head is not big, so it can be placed in any position."

"But the Buddha's head must be placed on the torso or in the lotus platform, otherwise it will not fit anywhere else."

"So choose the lotus platform or the torso?"

Wang Linchi looked up and down, and finally focused on the lotus platform.

Wang Linchi didn't know if he didn't kill all the beings who attacked the Buddha statue. He didn't know whether it was because he didn't have the ability or because he wanted to humiliate them intentionally.

He prefers the latter. Without this ability, Jiming Temple would have been gone long ago.

When the Buddha statue and the monk were decapitated, the monk turned into a being similar to a corpse ghost. Since the monk was so humiliated, the Buddha statue must also be treated accordingly.

It doesn't matter if it is placed on the torso. It is naturally even more insulting to place it on the lotus platform with the Buddha's head and the monk's head sitting on the Buddha statue.

Therefore, Wang Linchi chose Lotus Terrace.

As for if you guess wrong, then attack the torso again.

Of course, it is also possible that there is no Buddha statue, and Wang Linchi's guess is completely wrong.

But it doesn't matter if he guesses wrong. For Wang Linchi, if he can eliminate one option, the follow-up will be a little easier.

Otherwise, what else could he do? He had only been here for a long time. The massacre of Jiming Temple had happened for more than ten years. If it had just happened, he would have been able to find out through clues with his soul seed and soul courtyard combined with his soul seed and thinking palace. The real culprit has been found. Let alone finding the real culprit now, the scene cannot be restored.

When the lotus platform was opened, a strong stench instantly hit our face.

While Wang Linchi felt uncomfortable being smoked, he was also happy in his heart.

"Sure enough, I guessed it right."

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