Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 92 The head in the lotus platform

After the lotus platform was cut open, a large number of crowded heads appeared in front of Wang Linchi. The stench caught him off guard.

The next moment, the head rolled to the ground, like a living thing.

Wang Linchi quickly took a few steps back.

The condition of these heads is exactly the same as that of the decapitated ghost, black and skinny.

The eyes had rotted away, leaving only dry eyelids. Wang Linchi couldn't understand why the skin didn't rot away, but was normal.

The heads squeezed out from the broken lotus platform one by one, and then rolled around on the ground.

At the same time, Wang Linchi also noticed that the beheaded ghosts outside the Main Hall had once again surrounded them and blocked the exit.

It's just that the beheaded ghosts can't seem to enter the main hall, and can only crowd around the door anxiously.

After the decapitated ghost arrived, the monk's head also rolled towards the door. When it reached the threshold, it could not cross this small obstacle no matter what.

The head and body seemed to be separated by a chasm that was impossible to cross.

After Wang Linchi observed it for a while, he found that he was stuck in the process of converging, so he returned his attention to the lotus platform.

Originally, he had planned to get up and run away as soon as the heads of the decapitated ghosts merged with theirs, but now it seemed that there was no need for this.

The mastermind behind the scenes used some means to prevent the decapitated ghost from entering the main hall and preventing the head from leaving the main hall, so that he would never be able to meet again.

Wang Linchi's eyes fell on the lotus platform. He saw a huge Buddha head in the hollowed-out lotus platform supporting the entire Buddha statue by itself.

According to his calculations, once the Buddha statue is taken out, the lotus platform will definitely collapse. It is self-evident what will happen to the Buddha statue sitting on the lotus platform.

"It's such a huge loss." Wang Linchi looked very unhappy.

Obviously, after the other party had committed the annihilation of the family, he was afraid that someone would find and crack it, so he deliberately left it behind.

It is very simple to solve this problem, as long as you hold the Buddha statue properly when taking out the head.

The idea is simple, but the difficulty of implementation is beyond Wang Linchi's ability.

Since the lotus platform is hollow and supported by the Buddha statue, as part of the plan, the Buddha statue must be solid.

There is almost a five-meter-high solid stone Buddha statue. Wang Linchi can't support it. It's okay to replace it with an orichalcum-level awakened person.

Just because he can kill an orichalcum-level person doesn't mean he has an orichalcum-level body.

It's okay to blow up Buddha statues with random thoughts, but there is no way to have the power of telekinesis. This is like letting a bomb act as a gardener, and you still want to take care of the garden? If the garden didn't explode, it would be a tribute to the bomb's hard work.

Wang Linchi also had a headache at this time, and the next step was indeed not easy to handle.

It is not that there are no other solutions. For example, let the craftsmen of Black Rain City come over to build corresponding brackets as a fixation, and then repair the lotus platform to ensure the stress points.

The problem is that there is a decapitated ghost outside and a monk's head inside, so how can the craftsman dare to come over?

Even if they dared, they couldn't get in. The beheaded ghost blocked the door of the main hall.

As for the claim that returning the head to the decapitated ghost will cause the decapitated ghost to die, who would believe such a thing?

Wang Linchi himself didn't believe it. He believed that the decapitated ghost with a head would turn into more terrifying monsters instead of following the Buddha to bliss.

It's okay to cause trouble for yourself.

"If we can only rely on ourselves, it doesn't seem impossible, but the construction period may be a little slow."

"No, I still have to deal with the decapitated ghost. Otherwise, even if I repair the Buddha statue, I may not be able to complete the task."

The beheaded ghost is blocking the door, where is the incense coming from?

Wang Linchi can't do this kind of thing by himself, like rebuilding his golden body.

It’s not that I can’t do it, but it takes too long. It might take three to five months to finish.

The time wasted was simply not something Wang Linchi could accept.

"So, deal with the beheaded ghost first, and then deal with the Buddha statue." Wang Linchi quickly decided on the plan.

Then looking at the head that kept jumping around, Wang Linchi felt that this head should be the key to solving the severed head ghost.

He tried to use the Insidious Horse to bomb the decapitated ghost, but the effect cannot be said to be zero, it can only be said to be of no use.

The copper skin and iron bones were not an exaggeration, they were really hard. He had spent 500 points of mental power on his own, but he still couldn't kill a decapitated ghost.

On the contrary, the other party continued to lively and active like a normal person.

Later, according to Wang Linchi's research, it was not that the opponent was fine, but that he recovered quickly after being injured, and his attack was also greatly reduced, with the power reduced by about 90%.

This is not the ability of the Decapitated Ghost itself, but the force field existing in Jiming Temple to protect the Decapitated Ghost. This protection not only has these functions, but also can enhance the strength of the Decapitated Ghost.

Wang Linchi initially suspected that it was the radiation field formed by the remaining power conductors in the Buddha statue.

For example, he may have only listened to half of the "Sakyamuni's Fundamental Mantra to Destroy the King of Evil Destinies" that he heard before, but these group of beheaded ghosts may be listening to it every day or all the time.

Wang Linchi walked to the door of the Main Hall, reached out and picked up a monk's head. This thing did not have any offensive tendency or ability to attack.

Even though he was held in Wang Linchi's hand, he was struggling forward, as if he wanted to leave the Great Hall, but was blocked by some invisible force.

This power was not just on the threshold, but enveloped the entire Mahavira Palace, and Wang Linchi was unable to take it out.

He also thought about doing some tricks, such as putting it into the storage Horcrux first, but this was a delusion because the thing couldn't be put in. It was probably anchored in the main hall by the radiation field formed by the Buddha statue.

According to Wang Linchi's observation, this anchor is not a restraint, but more of a protection.

It can also be inferred from this that although Monk Head longs to reunite with the Decapitated Ghost, this is probably not a good thing.

Like completely degenerating into a monster?

This is just Wang Linchi's speculation, and there is currently no corresponding evidence.

"Do the head and body match? If the decapitated ghost is allowed to leave the force field, will the head lose its protection?"

Wang Linchi thought about this. After a monk dies, he must only have one head and one body, so...

"Wait, why is there an extra head!"

"Fuck!!!" Wang Linchi suddenly discovered this.

After counting the number of severed heads and monk heads, Wang Linchi found that the numbers did not match.

This was very troublesome. It was going smoothly at first, but then something went wrong. How could he bear it?

"Whose is the extra head, or where did the missing decapitated ghost go..."

In this case, it is naturally impossible that there will be more heads, and it is also possible that there will be fewer decapitated ghosts.

Wang Linchi carefully identified it, and then found a very familiar head.

"Why does this thing look a bit like me?" Wang Linchi picked up a head in the corner. Apart from being bald, black, and skinny, it looked exactly like him.

"Am I the one with the extra number? It can't be a natural one, right?"

Wang Linchi was just thinking about it when he looked back at the lotus platform. At some point, the Buddha head in the lotus platform had disappeared.

But the Buddha statue is still sitting firmly on the lotus platform, without any sign of collapse.

"Oh, it turns out the extra head is yours." Wang Linchi looked at the Buddha statue again and suddenly realized.

This Buddha statue has become a monster just like the monk.

The head of the Buddha statue turned into Wang Linchi's head, and it was constantly struggling in his hands. In terms of expression and appearance, it was no different from other monk heads.

Wang Linchi carried the head and walked towards the Buddha statue.

At this time, the Buddha statue's head was struggling more and more vigorously. If it were a native of the secret realm, it would be impossible to hold it.

But Wang Linchi is different. Among the fighting awakeners, he may have no strength at all, but for ordinary people, he is already born with divine power.

The gap between the extraordinary and the ordinary is just like the gap between soul seeds and currency in the Great Scenery Court. Ordinary people cannot afford sophisticated soul seeds in their lifetime, but combat-type black iron-level awakened ones are basically available to everyone. Several or more.

"You seem to be resisting returning to the Buddha statue. Let me guess, you are afraid, right?"

As Wang Linchi walked towards the Buddha statue, he rambled on, thinking about getting some information from the Buddha's head. However, the Buddha's head was also arrogant and struggled to speak.

Even Wang Linchi doubted that this thing was mute.

It's really possible. After all, it looks like a monk's head, but it's actually a stone Buddha head. Not to mention whether it has vocal cords or not, whether it can speak or not is a question.

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