Why Am I A Girl?

Chapter 22:Unexpected Visitor, What's Going On Here?!

Days turned into weeks, and before long Mei had managed to master the training areas and we were deep into martial arts training. After a long day of sparring with Mei, I sent her home before going out to meditate. As I sat down and began mediation, suddenly my perspective shifted and I was suddenly sitting in a white room on a white couch. A figure that was made out of pure white light was sitting at a white desk in front of me. Suddenly the figure began to speak. "I see that you have begun to enjoy your new life as a woman. It would seem that Excelsior 4's decision to make you our test subject wasn't in vain. Now to reveal to you the purpose of turning you into a woman. The truth is, in the next century a meteor with an alien virus on it will arrive and wipe out nearly 75% of the women on your planet. All of the men will be wiped out leaving not a single male alive except the lucky few who have ascended to immortality. This extinction level event was planned 10,000 years ago by a rival civilization of ours know as the Urks. They are a race of parasites who leech the life force off of their hosts in order to extend their lifespan. However, they are unable to possess immortals, and so it is our wish that you use the next century to recruit men and women of excellent character and great knowledge and help them in ascending. How you go about this, and who you choose is entirely up to you. However, in order to ensure that your species doesn't go extinct you will next to at least recruit a couple hundred to a thousand members of each sex. Spend this time wisely and the fate of humanity shall not be as dire. However, there is another option. Grow strong enough during the next century, strong enough to destroy the meteor in space and prevent it from ever landing on the Earth. With this you preserve the very lives of the citizens of your homeworld and you don't have to resort to bringing about the ascension of others to ensure your race doesn't go extinct. Whatever you choose, the very fate of the human race on this world rests on your shoulders. Don't fail them Raven!" Suddenly, the air shimmered around me and before I knew it I was sitting back on my bean bag chair in my training area outside of my parents house. Cold sweat rolled down my forehead as I remembered what was just said. I need to be able to grow strong enough to destroy a civilization wiping meteor in the next century. That's the only option that I will allow. Now, where do I begin?

I am still in shock now that I know for a fact that an alien race had in fact turned me into a woman. The reason was still pretty vague to me as yet, however the powers they gave to me and the cultivation that I received from my Master were clearly for a much grander destiny. I am meant to be the Savior of the entire human race in 100 years. Such a heavy burden.. It weighs on my very soul. I have one century to train, and yet it doesn't feel like enough time! What if I am not able to grow strong enough and I watch as my neighbors and other people, women and children, even babies die off before my very eyes as I live on forever into eternity? No. I can never allow such a thing to come to pass. I will do everything possible to ensure the survival and happiness of the people of this world. Sure, we kill each other off in wars all the time and squabble over petty things. But does this mean that the entire race, including the innocents who have no blood on their hands should die too? No way! I must make plans upon plans and contingencies upon contingencies. I will create immortals during the next century, but forget about who is the smartest, they will only be the people who I trust with my life and the lives of my loved ones.

Waking up in the morning, I feel my face burning as I remember the chunni like thoughts that I had yesterday in regards to protecting the Earth. However, I clenched my fist and held onto those feelings and thoughts because I intend to use those very ideas and make them reality. I shall create the Earthguard, secret guardians of the Solar System, and make us into the most advanced powerhouse in the intergalactic community. The first step is to look for people with crazy ideas that can be made reality with a combination of luck and ingenuity. My first step is to get ahold of Krystal Princess of Vesperia, and help her with her nation's problems. With her gratitude and that of her nation, I with have a nation's backing for my plans moving forward and quite possibly the beginning funds needed in order to recruit talents into my organization. Although I plan on making eternity long friends be the lead members of the organization, in order for that to happen I have to go out and find them. So, first order of business is to go to Vesperia, which I have never heard of in my entire life and get in contact with Krystal. I will start by looking for clues at Storm and try to find anybody who knows her and who might have gone to Vesperia before. The way things are going in my life right now, I wouldn't be surprised if Vesperia was located on another planet and Krystal was a princess from that planet. Just imagine, and alien princess. God this is getting so scifi for me that it is not even funny! I have got to update my book with a few hints towards what I have been going through so far. Let some reader out there take my book seriously and realize the threat that humanity about to face. Who knows, maybe one of my readers will become one of my greatest allies ever?

Getting onto the computer, I went onto Webnovel and update my story with a few chapters that had content of my training with Mei, though I changed her name and the encounter with the figure. Once I was done, I published my chapters and immediately pulled up Viewtube in order to do a livestream. I titled it, "Looking For Science Tech Guys and Gals Who Have Crazy Ideas For Future Near Science Fiction Technology", once I finished titling the stream I immediately got on and got into a hot debate with my many, many viewers. They argued that I shouldn't be looking for helpers on the internet because I might attract a dangerous uncle or two who might try to take advantage of me. I reminded those kind viewers that I was a master martial artist, to which they quickly silenced themselves. However all hope wasn't lost, my special friend the CEO of the company that created the game A New World contacted me saying that he has a team that is attempting to do the very things of which I was speaking about. Excited, I emailed him with my personal contact information and not too long later I received a phone call.

"Good evening Miss Raven. As I was saying in the comments section of your livestream, I have already assembled a team of scientists and tech geniuses to attempt the very things of which you spoke of during your livestream. The information however is very sensitive, and if you wish to learn more I am afraid that you will need to come to Japan in order to meet me and my team so that we may show you our progress and what we have discovered so far. However, I will tell you one little secret. There is a wormhole to another world in your state, I have no idea what world it goes to but we have confirmed there is one on the other side with a recon drone that we sent inside of the wormhole. Here are the coordinates, memorize them... However, the drone stopped functioning within moments of entering the other side, but what we saw seemed to suggest a very futuristic society with an immense amount of vast knowledge and great power. To top things off, there were humans and other races from fantasy novels spotted in this world before the drone was destroyed by an unseen threat. This is the best that I can give you. However there was one other thing, I managed to hear one of the citizens speaking on the other side and they said something about Vesperia. I have no idea what this means, however I hope that this information is of some use to you. Until the next time we speak. Good bye."

Feeling my jaw drop and my eyes sparkling, I realized that my joke of Krystal being an alien princess wasn't a joke after all. Clenching my fist in excitement, I decided that I need to get ahold of Mei. This time we are going on an adventure to a scifi world, and are meeting with an alien princess to build an alliance to save the people of the Earth! With their technology there will be hope for us after all! Combining their knowledge and tech, with Earth's knowledge and tech will be interesting to say the very least. Now, let's get ready to go explore Vesperia!

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