Why Am I A Girl?

Chapter 20:Clubbing For The First Time

With a goal of going to a teen night club in mind, I nervously got on the phone and called Mei. "Hey Mei, so I was planning on going clubbing tonight, but I have no idea what to wear and I don't wear makeup, what should I do?" Upon hearing my question, Mei gasped in surprise. "You mean to tell me that you never wear makeup?! Have you ever worn make up before? No before that I'm coming over. Hang on." Hanging up the phone swiftly, Mei arrived at my place in no time at all. Dragging me upstairs to my room, she hurriedly brought me before my vanity and sat me down. Walking around me and alternating between nodding and shaking her head, Mei finally came to a stop and spoke. "From what I can see girl, you honestly don't need to wear makeup. In fact, I would say that wearing makeup would be detrimental to your appearance. As for clothes, let's see what you've got in your closet." When Mei opened my closet and only saw ten outfits, her jaw dropped. "Emergency! We are going to my place right now! There is no where enough clothes to choose from to look good at a night club. God girl, do you ever even use that debit card of yours? A girl must have clothes." Blushing slightly I laughed awkwardly before being dragged down the stairs by Mei who was sighing exasperatedly.

Hopping into Mei's car, we headed to her house, which will be my first time there might I add? 10 minutes later we arrived at a quaint little house in the quiet side of the city. Once inside, Mei had me take off my shoes at the door and put on some goofy looking slipper things before we went inside. Waiting inside by the hallway was obviously Mei's mother. Her mother's name is Yu Feng and her father's name is Chen Feng. Mei introduced me and they were very happy to meet me. Going inside, Mei's mother went to go put on some tea and her father was sitting down reading a news article from China on his laptop. How did I know it was from China? Because it was in Mandarin and Mei told me so. Apparently there had been some kind of discovery in Beijing recently. An unearthed dungeon of sorts with ancient treasures dating back thousands of years. It is unknown just how big this dungeon is and many members of China's special forces led teams deep inside to investigate. However, few had returned and the ones who did were spooked and had to be discharged from service. The details of the article of course were read to me by Mei's father who noticed that I was curious. And boy am I ever! This is a real life dungeon delving adventure! There were probably monsters in the dungeon and that is why people were spooked since this is a "modern" society, they can't accept anything from the supernatural.

Well I had settled on the goth lolita dress and Mei? Well she went with a peach colored dress and a green jade necklace and white heels. As for me? I was wearing black combat boots that this girl somehow owned. And to top it off they miraculously fit me. And to make things funny, she added in some black and white side striped knee length socks for me to wear while she was laughing like a fool. Pouting, I put on the socks and an intense blush creeped up my neck when I saw my reflection. I looked like some dark princess from a fantasy world. I was breath taking to say the very least. This is overkill Mei! And Mei why do you have to look so cute with that peach dress of yours and the white heels? You are TO.DIE.FOR! Changing back out of the outfit and packing it in with Mei's we made our way downstairs and I asked Mei's parents if it was okay if Mei stayed the weekend with me. They both looked at each other for a few seconds before looking at me and nodding warmly and saying, "Yes, but please do take care of our dear daughter and don't let her get into any trouble if you please? Thank you." Yeah her mom totally said that. However, I promised her, shocked that they agreed so readily and headed out the door. Getting into Mei's car, we hurriedly made our way back to my house. In the car Mei and I looked at each other before laughing heartily.We did it! Now to wait for night fall and get ready to go to Storm Call Night Club.

It is now night time and Mei and I are hurrying to get dressed to go out to Storm as Mei called it. Walking down the stairs, my mom was looking at us with tears in her eyes as she said, "My, my girls! You both look so beautiful! Please let me get a picture of the two of you together!" Grinning and secretly giving my mom a thumbs up, I led Mei to the center of the room where we stood close together. Right as my mom was saying cheese, I leaned into Mei's face and gave her a kiss on the cheek right as the camera flashed. Mei freaked out and collapsed on the ground stuttering like a fool. Laughing, I helped her back onto her feet and she looked at me with a reproachful look saying, "That wasn't fair! You took me off guard Raven! I will get you back next time!" Wait. There is going to be a next time? And she doesn't actually seem to be mad that I kissed her on the cheek, she simply just said I took her off guard. Like maybe.. If she wasn't taken by surprise I could go in for a full kiss?! No no no. That is impossible. This girl hasn't shown any signs that she is into me. The only thing that shows her possibly being interested in the same sex is that she is into Yuri light novels. Anyway, finished teasing Mei, we headed for the door and my mom and dad told us both to be safe. Though they knew that they didn't have to worry about us since I am a grade A badass when it comes to a throwdown. We're taking my car this time, it's nicer than Mei's.

20 minutes later, after driving over half of the town to find a parking spot, we finally found one and were now standing in line outside of Storm. Mei kept pulling out a pocket mirror and looking into it nervously, then looking at me and blushing and repeating the whole process. To be honest her reactions are super cute, but they were so distracting that we almost missed our chance to enter the night club. After showing the doorman our ID's, and giving us a quick glance he gestured at us to enter. Once inside, I swear the very air was pulsating with colors of all kinds and vibrating with song. Hundreds of teens were dancing in tightly quashed groups and the entirety of the club was packed to the brim. Grabbing Mei's hand, I led her over to the bar where I ordered both of us an energy drink each. Mei sighed and said that she had never had one before, to which I gasped in horror and told her all of the glories of energy drinks. Shortly the bartender returned with our drinks, and she winked at the two of us. Hey! Eyes off of my womans! Yeah the bartender clearly bats from the same team as me. As in she's into women also. Looking over and seeing the clueless look on Mei's face, I chuckled before leading her over to a corner of the room and sitting down on a large black leather couch with a rectangular glass table in front of it. Mei sat down with me and scooched close to me while looking around at everyone nervously. Honestly I am amazed that I am not the nervous one here, after all this is a lot of people and I am not used to large crowds being a mostly shut-in and all. Finishing our drinks, I brought Mei by the hand to the middle of the dance floor and led her in dancing. Do I know how to dance? Yes I do! I spent hours learning all of the popular dance moves from music videos and am a total badass in dancing! Of course, little did I know that at this time there was a group of girls watching my dance moves with interest.

Swaying my body to the pulsating beat in the air, and watching as the many colored lights strobed throughtout the room, I watched as Mei breathlessly tried to keep up with me. The poor thing is tired out huh? I guess we have been dancing for over 2 hours, let's let her take a rest. Leading her back over to our couch, I was surprised to see another group of girls standing near it. Speaking up, I asked them if they could move over so we could sit. The lead girl who had amber colored eyes and golden blonde hair giggled before linking her arm with mine and saying, "Hey sis, why don't we have ourselves a little dance off? I am interested in the moves that you have been using as they seem to be from very popular music videos. I am curious to see what your free style looks like. Are you game?" Looking into the slightly playful and coquettish eyes of this beautiful girl, I looked at Mei who was flabbergasted before cheerfully accepting. Let the dance off commence!

As the girl, who's name was Krystal led me to the middle of the dance floor, everyone began to clear space for us and before long a ring about 30 feet in diameter opened up in the center of the dance floor. This would be plenty of room for us to engage in this contest of skill and will. Let's start! As soon as the bass dropped, and a pulsating trap house beat began flowing through the air, I swirled my body around and performed my own unique combination of sword dancing without a sword. My every move was like a sharp blade slicing through the air, and my regal nose along with my sharp silver eyes seemed to pierce through the very souls of the onlookers. Before long, I came to a stop at the finish of the song to a roaring wave of applause and cheers from the crow. The girl in question who challenged me Krystal, dropped to her knees in defeat and laughed before saying, "Defeated before the first move! Such elegance and poise, surely you are no ordinary woman! The power in your moves and the precision of them seemed to rend the very air around us. I almost felt like I would be crippled had I got anywhere near you. You have the elegance of a blade, from now on your shall be known to me as the Celestial Sword Maiden!" Amazed at the girl's words, I blushed before reaching down and helping her to her feet and simply said, "I really wish that you had shown me your own moves, but since you already conceded defeat, I can only wait for next time can't I? How's tomorrow sound?" This brought a bright smile to Krystal's face who nodded enthusiastically in excitement. At that moment a man who looked like a butler rushed over to Krystal in a hurry. Bending down and whispering into her ear was useless, because I heard everything! "My princess! Terrible news! The old master has slipped into a coma, and your uncle seeks after the throne! Your brother and younger sister await your presense back in Vesperia! We must leave at once!" Looking at me with a look of sorrow in her eyes, Krystal said, "It looks like we won't get a next time. I am sorry but I must return to my home country. May fate allow the two of us to meet again!" Rushing out the door with the butler, Krystal had a very worried look on her face. However, Vesperia was it? I know where I will be going in the future then! Hold on for a few months Princess Krystal of Vesperia, surely we will see each other much sooner than you can imagine!

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