Why Am I A Girl?

Chapter 9:The Final Year Of Training And Good Bye Dojo!

Time went on, and Maya slowly ran out of things to teach me. I have reached the peak of Nascent Soul Realm and it is currently the end of my third year in the dojo. It is time for me to go home already! Wow, the last three years have gone by so fast, It only feels like weeks at most, not 3 whole years. Maya had already tested me for the final time today and said that I have mastered everything that she can teach me. I am being led to the front of the dojo where all of my fellow disciples are waiting for my and Maya's arrival. This is my farewell party after all. I am being seen off with a big showing of everyone in the dojo. Smiling warmly at my old roommates, I saw the tears streaming down their faces and surprisingly the faces of everyone present. I mean yeah I got close to everyone, and interacted with everyone in the dojo whenever I saw them, but I didn't think that they all cared about me that much. This of course led to me crying like a baby, and Maya broke down too before calming down and hurriedly led me to the front of everyone. Stopping, Maya looked at me warmly before beginning a speech. "Brothers and sisters, of my dojo. It is my greatest sorrow to say good bye to one of our dojos greatest disciples. She has decided to leave after the 3 year solitude trial and will reenter society again effective immediately. However, she has promised to return to visit us regularly at the dojo so all is not lost everyone! She promises to continue her training in the outside world, and will return once a year to see us all. Lift up your chins and be proud everyone, you have born witness to a legend in the making! The first personal disciple of this dojo in it's history!" Saluting me with tears in her eyes, everyone followed suit as I waved good bye to everyone and made my way over to the side door where my clothes and cell phone awaited me. The same disciple that welcomed me into the dojo that first day, also had the duty of sending me off. Good bye everyone! I will miss you, but I promise to visit you all soon!

Getting changed into my clothing, I was surprised to see that they fit me even better than they did when I first got them. Before they were very loose on me, and now they cast a striking figure on me. Grabbing my car keys, and putting my cell phone in my pocket, I headed outside to my car and got inside. Starting it up, I began the 20 minute drive back home. Along the way, I found my teeth chattering as I was extremely nervous. I haven't seen my family in three whole years, what if something happened to them while I was away? With many fears such as this running through my heart, I focused intently on getting home as soon as possible. And before I knew it, I pulled into the driveway of my home to see both of my parent's vehicles were present. The house also seemed to have grown twice it's size! They added extensions to the house while I was gone? I wonder what was added. Smiling in excitement, I got out of the car, however before I made it five feet, I heard a scream. "RAVEN!!! Oh my God honey it's Raven she is home at last! I thought.. I thought..." Hearing my mom bawling her eyes out, I hurried over to her. Wrapping her up in a warm embrace, I felt her body shaking like a leaf as I massaged her back and told her that everything was okay, that I am back now.

My dad came barreling out the door when he heard my mom's scream, and when he saw my 18 year old face, tears streamed down his face as he hurried over and hugged me too. It seems stoic dad is gone for good. I am honestly relieved about that. Having the ability to show your emotions is important after all. Sometimes it's good to hide them, but more often than not you want to show them to people. Especially those who you care about. Mom and dad hurried me inside, and I saw why. The interior of the house got a major overhaul. It looks extremely fashionable, and very modern. Mom dragged me to the back of the house, where lo and behold was a freaking indoor pool! Then she dragged to another side of the house where a tower of sorts was built and it spiraled up. When we reached the top there was a very girly looking room with a state of the art computer and all of the most badass looking streaming and gaming equipment every. Also there were a couple brand new consoles and a very large wide screen tv hanging up on the wall. The bed was a princess canopy bed, and the walls were black with constellations drawn everywhere. All in all, my parents did an excellent job of making the ultimate bedroom for me. I could practically live up here. No really, there is a fridge and kitchen area up here too! The bathroom has a hot tub, a shower and a bath tub. There are two sinks and a large wide mirror. All kinds of toiletries were included, including enough tampons to last me a century. Kidding but there were a lot. Luckily since I starting cultivating aunty stopped visiting me, but I can't tell my parent's about that now can I? At least not for a time anyway.

Comments and views began exploding as I answered what questions I could about my time in the dojo. When I explained that I fought the dojo Grandmaster to a draw and that I was their personal disciple, everyone went nuts. I was then asked to demonstrate some of my martial arts, and so I did. The response was hilarious. People were saying that I was moving too fast for them to see. One guy called me a fellow Daoist, which made me sweat a little but I chose to ignore his comment even though he clearly knew what he was talking about. The responses of everyone were worth it after all of those endless hours of training, training, and more training. However, I seriously have no intention of stopping my training. I will ask my parents to buy the parts that I need to replicate my training area in the dojo in a sealed off area in my parents back yard. The backyard is huge, so it can easily fit all of the training areas from the dojo. I am looking forward to that a little, I hope I am not becoming an M. On that note, I stopped my broadcast after promising everyone that I would do another one tomorrow and got off of Viewtube.

It's been one heck of a day to say the least, but I am truly glad that I am at last back home. Things will surely be a little awkward at first getting used to being with my family again, but there is something that I need to consider. I may enjoy being a live streamer, but this can't be my career. I need to get out of the house and find a job suitable to my skill set. The question is this: What job should I take?

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