Why Am I A Girl?

Chapter 10:Searching For A Job And Saving Someone

After getting off of Viewtube, I realized that I had to have some kind of game plan for the near future and not just my long term goals. I need to find a job that matches my current skills, however at this rate that is either the Spec Ops of the military or being a professional assassin, neither of which I will ever allow myself to become. I have nothing against the military, I just don't want to see myself killing people you know? Who knows, that might come to pass in the future but until I absolutely have no choice in the matter I am going to go with the no killing policy. Maybe going out for a walk will help clear my head and get me to figure out just what kind of job I want to take. After all I can't be jobless and living off of my parents forever, that is just plain depressing and sad to say the very least. Getting up from the computer, I headed downstairs and let my parents know that I am going for a walk and will be back later. Mom seemed majorly worried and dad simply pat her on the shoulder with a look that said, "Just let her go". Sighing in anxiety, my mom made me promise that I wouldn't be gone all day and I absolutely had to bring my phone with me. Laughing inside I agreed, even though I knew that anyone on the street who tried to harm me would be signing their own death warrant.

Walking out the door, I did a few quick stretches before setting off at a light jog. However, this light jog of mine ended up having me be a few miles away from my house in no time and I realized that with a face full of embarrassment. It looks like I got too excited and forgot to control my power level. When I finally came to a stop, I was in the seedier side of Concert City. The area commonly known as the slums in light novels. There were homeless people asleep in dark corners of alleys and hookers attempting to get a score. Dumbfounded by the fact that I entered the most dangerous area in the city from a random light jog, I shrugged my shoulders as it didn't matter to me.

However, at that moment I heard a girl scream for help. Face palming, I quickly ran up the side of the building next to me and crouched down on the roof looking down at the scene below. A single girl in a cheer leading uniform was being ganged up on by a group of at least 6 guys of which half were armed with broken beer bottles and crow bars. Sighing in disappointment, I calmly spoke towards the group. "Hey freaks, shouldn't you maybe, I don't know maybe go jerk each other off in that corner? I don't think she's legal boys." One of the guys said, "Huh? Who said that? Show yourself girl, and we will go easy on you and show you a good time!" Sneering at how foolish The guy was, the girl below had long since noticed that I was on the roof above them. Shushing her with a smirk on my face, I dropped off of the roof onto the shoulders of idiot number one and wrapped my legs around his neck did a quick flip and tossed him into the building behind me. Slamming into the wall, and leaving a crack in the stone, the guy gasped in agony as several of his ribs were broken.

This scene pretty much repeated for meatheads 2 through 6 until they were all rendered unconscious or screaming in agony. The girl who was about to be molested, got on her knees and thanked me with tears in her eyes. I smiled at the girl and pat her on the shoulder before telling her to call the cops, but to say a random passing citizen helped her. I asked her not to mention me and she promised. Nodding my head in approval, I would later come to regret not insisting on this girl listening to me. After all, when I got home and found my parents watching the news. A sketch drawing of who was clearly me on the screen was being shown as the police were asking for my whereabouts in the investigation involving a prostitution ring in which I had inadvertantly saved this high school girl from joining. While I stood there with my jaw twitching, my parents looked at me, then at the tv and back again. Feeling my face beginning to turn red, I simply said, "I am going to my room now!", before high tailing it upstairs and deciding that the next time that I have the wise idea to go for a simple walk that I will remember what happened today. I decided to get on Viewtube again and do a livestream.

The livestream was titled, "Ignore The News I Swear It Wasn't Me!". Of course it actually was, and everyone watching my livestream would be an idiot not to realize this. But they all played along with what I said except the few new idiots that joined the broadcast and said that they were going to report my broadcast to the police because I was clearly the girl in the drawing. These idiots were chewed out by everyone in the live chat and their comments were buried in no time. So even should the cops check out my livestream, they would have to search for hours if not days in order to find their comments, and what did those comments prove anyway? That they believe that I am the vigilante? So what? How is that proof? It's pure speculation is what it is. Heh heh heh. Anyway, after blowing off some steam on my stream, I was finally able to calm down and rationalize what actually happened earlier. I fought actual criminals and effortlessly beat them. Maybe I really should become a hero, a vigilante if you will. Maybe, I should even consider joining the police force after going to a police academy huh? It's something to consider anyway. I am not exactly in any kind of rush to find a job, but I don't want to have to depend on my parents for money forever. However I did earn a bunch of money from my livestream over the last three years so there is that after all.

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