Why Am I A Girl?

Chapter 11:Training To Be A Ninja, And A New World

Getting up in the morning, I yawned as I heard someone knocking on my bedroom door. It was my mom. She came in after I told her to and she was holding a clipboard for me to sign. Half asleep I signed the clipboard with my new name without hesitating before suddenly jolting wide awake. Clipboard! This means my capsule is here! Jumping out of my bed, I hurriedly took a shower and got dressed before rushing down the stairs. Sure enough, a crew of guys were struggling to get a large number of packages in the door. I walked over and told them that they needed to go up the spiraling staircase behind me. Looking at it, their faces paled before one guy groaned and led the rest slowly up the stairs. Half an hour later everyone was upstairs and they were currently setting up my capsule for me. My parents were curious as they had absolutely no idea what was going on. I explained that the CEO of a new full dive game company was my fan on Viewtube and so they sent me their highest end capsule with their game installed. Also they sent the capsule with 1 years worth of nutrient solution and they will refill my solution every year for life free of charge. Can you believe that? My parents were numb after my explanation, and simply made their way back down the stairs in a daze. It's okay mom and dad, your response is the normal one don't worry.

Feeling my heart pounding in my chest with excitement, I watched as the crew finally finished putting together my capsule and they gave me the explanation on how things worked and how I could set it up. They explained that it was already registered to me and that all I have to do was simply lay down in the capsule and the rest would happen on it's own. Walking over to the capsule I ran my hands along it as I giggled like an evil anime girl. Knowing that I still had at least a day before I planned on designing my character and two days until the game was launched, I pouted as I realized that I couldn't get in my capsule just yet even though it was right in front of me. And so I patiently waited until tomorrow..

Today is the day that I get to get into my capsule and finally design my character for the game A New World! I am so excited that I just can't hide it! I am practically shooting beams out of my eyelids and rainbows out of my mouth. I am jumping up and down in joy outside of my capsule right now as my parents look at me with a worried look on their faces. I explained to my parents that its a gamers romance to want to actually be able to truly be inside of a game that you are playing and feeling the magical or science fiction world play out around you. Of course there will definitely be many different types of game coming out in the future that won't be limited to those two genres such as football or soccer games for instance. Imagine playing as the linebacker for the NFL team of your dreams? Or playing in the World Cup as your favorite soccer team? The sky is the limit now that this technology has been realized in the world. It's only a matter of time before these things exist too. My parents still didn't seem to understand, but that is alright I intend to make them understand in the future when I am able to get them their own capsules. Yusuke buddy, you are a great connection to have my friend! I look forward to doing business with you in the future!

Now that I am done giving an explanation to my parents, it is time to design my character, and by design I simply mean name. I intend to keep my real world appearance in game as I am extremely fond of it. Clicking on the opening button on the side of the capsule, I climbed into the capsule naked and slowly lowered myself into the nutrient fluids. Once I was fully laid down, the capsule began to close and I saw my worried mother's face on the side before the capsule was fully closed. Suddenly the fluid filled up completely and I realized that I could actually breathe inside of the fluid. I felt a powerful humming throughout my body and suddenly everything around me went dark. Next thing I knew I heard a voice in my head checking off things on a list like, blood type, retina scan and genetic code, etc. Finally the capsule finished whatever scan it was doing of my body and spoke to me at last. "Welcome user Raven. Do you wish to enter the character design realm for the game, 'A New World'?" Confirming that yes I do in fact wish to do this, the capsule then said processing, and suddenly a white light flashed in my eyes before I was suddenly inside of a medieval looking office space and a gorgeous looking woman with pointed ears and a golden aura around her body got out of her seat and walked towards me. She looked down at me with a warm smile and said, "Welcome to the character creation realm for A New World. Please choose a character name and your starting race please." Feeling my blood pumping in excitement, I said, "Name Jelia and Race Elf please!". The woman then asked me if I wished to adjust my physical appearance and I told her to use my real world appearance. She tried to convince me otherwise for privacy reasons, but I told her that this was okay because I was famous and a bunch of people recognized my appearance anyway, so it would be nice if I ran into some of my fans in the game. After my confirmation of keeping my appearance, the woman then informed me that character creation was now complete and I have to wait until tomorrow to be able to play the game. Excited and full of joy, I logged out and climbed out of my capsule. Getting up, my parents were waiting for me with a towel and I grabbed it before drying my body off.

Now that I have created my Elf Jelia, I am ready to play A New World tomorrow! I am so excited, if only I had friends to play with me! Wait that's right! I am such an idiot! I need to livestream this and let everyone know my in game name so that they can find me and add me as a friend and we can all go adventure together. Just imagining if even 1,000 of them manage to get a capsule and a game and join me, I would have 1,000 people fighting by my side in another world! This is going to be so awesome! Hurrying up and getting dressed again, I told my parents my plan and my dad chuckled before leading my mom downstairs. Getting onto Viewtube, I immediately opened up a livestream and titled it, "My Character In A New World Is Jelia An Elf, Come Find Me!". Excitedly waiting for everyone to file in, the views started pouring in like crazy and several people began to practically squeal in excitement in the comments section as they mentioned that they managed to get one of the 10,000 limited edition capsules available for the game. Apparently there is a mass released head set for the game with a 70% immersion value to it and many of my fans had one of these. Over 100 of them had managed to get the capsules and I told everyone that I had a capsule too. This brought on a hot discussion between everyone and our friendly CEO Yusuke popped in and mentioned that he is the CEO of the company in question to which I confirmed his identity for the rest of the viewers. Everyone was fire up and ready to play the game tomorrow. So am I, let's do this guys!

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