Why Am I A Girl?

Chapter 12:A New World, And A Massive Army Builds

It's a new day, and I am already all fired up. A New World launches in ten minutes and I am already laying down in my capsule in the waiting room in game. Watching the countdown is getting me so fired up that its not even funny. Before long it was 3... 2.. 1. Dive in everybody yeah! Hahahahahaha! Laughing psychotically in my mind, I felt myself flying forwards through the ground of the waiting room and looked next to me in the sky as I saw countless thousands of other players rocketing down to the City of Traysmigus in the Kingdom of Leyfeiria. This kingdom is jointly ruled by beastmen, humans, and elves. The other core races such as the dwarves and dragons have their own kingdoms to rule in the east and west respectively, and to the south is the kingdom of the demons, to the north the kingdom of angels. All in all a very broad and diverse world to say the very least. As we all flew towards the ground at an ever increasing speed, I snuck towards multiple people and gave them high fives yelling, "We did it!", this got much laughter and cheers from everyone who I high fived. We are all in high spirits, after all the impossible was made reality! Full dive actually exists now! Yeah!

I heard someone whispering, "Who is that girl and just how in the hell did she get that massive army of players to follow her?" Someone else replied to him saying, "You idiot you are telling me you haven't heard the name Jelia mentioned on the forums for the game before the release date? They were recruiting guild members for Jelia's guild days before the game was even released. She is an internet celebrity that goes by the handle TheRealRaven. You should look her up on Viewtube sometime. The reason I didn't join her guild is because I know that I am just a casual player and I didn't think they'd accept me. I thought it would be a small group of elites, how wrong I was! Oh well, if I want to I can always join in the future." Smiling warmly at the guy, I made him realize that I heard everything he said, which caused his face to blush crimson. Waving at him, he quickly ran away with his buddies after seeing me wave at him. Suddenly an immense number of pinging noises went off before I got a notification telling me that I had over 1,000 friend requests. I clicked accept all and added everyone in what would become my guild. I talked to everyone and told them to all focus on what they wanted to do and that I was going to go explore on my own. I told everyone that if I needed their help I would be sure to message everyone in the group chat set up by Aifa. I was set as the group chats admin. Aifa was set as a second admin. Now let's go explore a little bit shall we? Luckily we start out with starting weapons and armor, as well as starting money, food and potions. Aifa was already collecting donations from everybody towards forming the guild. In no time at all she already had enough to pay to for a guild and she traded me the money. Then she explained to me how to form a guild. It was simple really, all I had to do was say, "Form a guild", and the game would recognize my desire to form a guild. So without further ado I formed the guild, "Jelia's Freedom Army" the naming was at Aifa's request which I accepted, though hesitantly. Once I formed the guild, I invited everyone in my friend's list to the guild and checked in the chat to make sure that I didn't miss anyone. Once I had confirmed that no one was missed, I then set off in a random direction after bidding farewell to everyone. Let's meet up later guys!

Now, before I joined the game, I had my parents promise that they would ping me before 6 minutes passed in the real world. That would tell me that it was time to log out. Now since we know 1 hour equals to 1 year in game time, then 6 minutes would be 1.2 months in game time. That is just absolutely absurd. I can't believe that they actually managed to make this possible as a technology. Just imagine what you can do with schooling with this technology. You could attend high school and middle school in an entire day and graduate from university in another. The possibilities are endless! Now that I am done rambling on about the awesomeness of technology, lets get to exploring shall we?

Equipping my bow and quiver of arrows onto my back and my short sword at my hip, I set off to the west walking into a field. The thing about this game is that there aren't any levels, there are only skill levels and stat increases. The more you train your body a certain way, the more the relevant stat increases, for instance the more you read the higher your intelligence stat becomes over time, and the more you work out the higher your strength stat and so on. The same goes with the skill levels. The more you train with a certain skills or item, the better you become at doing or using it. In other words the more I use my short sword and bow, the more of a legendary badass I will become. And one more thing, the game starts you out with any applicable skills that you have in the real world being accessible in game. In other words, the martial arts and weapons training, my ninjutsu training, and my training area training all apply in this game world! I am really looking forward to seeing how accurately my strength from real life is portrayed in this game world! Let's press onwards, to adventure and to freedom!

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